Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 31 Go, go shopping

Chapter 31 Go, go shopping

On Saturday, the four members of Su's family go shopping and relax together.

In fact, to put it bluntly, there are two fathers and sons of the Su family, and two mothers and daughters who accompany Su Tianxin.

Su Tianxin thought that she had nothing to buy at all.

There are a lot of new clothes and shoes in her cloakroom that haven't been worn, and there are dozens of bags lined up in rows, which she probably won't be able to carry all her life.

Unexpectedly, when she was shopping, Su's mother didn't buy much for herself, she chose it for her.

Buy clothes, shoes, bags, and skin care products as you see them.

Su Tian couldn't stop her heart...

She watched her father sign the bill with a smile, while following her mother to persuade her to let her buy more things, her heart was bleeding...

Although the money is not hers, is it really good to buy it like this?

This money is enough to cover the expenses of the orphanage for a year.

So much money, just for dispensable things like clothes and shoes.

Although she can understand the world of rich people, she can't get used to it for a while.

She knew that the original Su Tianxin was a real rich daughter.

New clothes and shoes every quarter are the most basic.

When those luxury goods come out in new styles, you have to choose a few.

If you like all of them, it is not new to pack them all.

This is not surprising, it is the same in circles of this class.

Understanding is one thing, but adaptation still requires a process.

What kind of person, what kind of life they have.

Su Tianxin came out of the orphanage.

She lived frugally and even a little poorly since she was a child.

It is normal to have some discomfort for a while.

But now that she is the real Miss Su Tianxin of the Su family, it is impossible for her to propose to live a frugal life like the original orphanage.

It's too weird to be realistic.

She will slowly adapt to the life of Su Tianxin, and at the same time, she will not forget her original intention and do her best to help the orphanage and those in need.

The two are not in conflict.

The Su family's money is the wealth accumulated by generations, and they should enjoy the life brought by these wealth.

For this kind of rich and luxurious life, Su Tian didn't have any hatred for wealth in the past, and now he doesn't have any strange mentality.

It's just that going shopping this time reminded Su Tianxin to act on her previous thoughts earlier.

"Dad, Mom, there is something I want to discuss with you."

After shopping for a day, I finally returned to Su's house.

Su Tian felt that there was no need to wait for the opportunity, let's talk now.

"What's up?

Suddenly so serious. "

Mother of Su's heart skipped a beat. Did her daughter think of Qiao Muqing again?

No one mentioned it today.

"Why are you so nervous?

I haven't said that yet. "

After spending a few days together, Su Tianxin immediately guessed what Su's mother was thinking.

"Then tell me."

Mother Su wouldn't be foolish enough to ask her daughter if she thought of Qiao Muqing first.

"Well... Mom and Dad, I sorted out my small treasury a few days ago, and I saw that the amount is not small.

I was lucky to survive this catastrophe.

It may also be in exchange for the good deeds of our Su family ancestors in the past.

Didn't grandma always say in the past that one must accumulate good deeds in order to be rewarded?

I also want to accumulate some kindness for myself and our Su family.

The money is given by my family, I want to discuss it with you.

I want to donate half of my savings to the orphanage. "

After Su Tian said these words with a little anxiety, she carefully watched her parents' reactions.

In the past, Su Tianxin never thought about doing things.

She didn't know how the Su family's parents would react.

"That's it?"

Su's father was stunned for a moment and then asked her.

"That's all.

Can't you?

Want less? "

Su Tian's heart was pounding.

 This afternoon's update is after three o'clock, there will be more updates, three chapters in the afternoon.Surprised or not, is it unexpected?



(End of this chapter)

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