Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 33 I Want to Invest

Chapter 33 I Want to Invest

"Mom and Dad, could it be that you have suspended Miss Su's card and pocket money?

Actually forcing my sister to be self-reliant? "

Su Yuexin stared at her parents with wide eyes in disbelief.

"What nonsense!"

Mother Su slapped her son on the back angrily.

"I don't think it's possible.

Even if you lose me, you won't ignore Tian Xin.

Then why did she suddenly think of investing to make money? "

Su Yuexin hid with a smile and continued to ask.

"Tian thought he had made money.

I also want to use the money I earn to do charity. "

Father Su explained.

"Little girl, you are amazing, brother supports you.

In terms of investment, how much capital do you have? "

Although Su Yuexin was surprised that her sister still had such an idea, she definitely supported her.

"I have 100 million yuan now, half of it will be donated to the orphanage, and there will be 50 yuan left.

Is that enough? "

Su Tianxin used to think that 50 was an astronomical figure, but after going shopping today, she suddenly felt that 50 was not too much.

So a little unsure.

"Enough, what's not enough.

Buy stocks.

The income is high and fast.

I happen to have a friend recommending a few stocks, and you choose to buy some for investment.

If you win, it's yours, if you lose, it's mine. "

To her younger sister, Su Yuexin has always been generous and caring.

With Su Yuexin in her pocket, she is not afraid of her sister's small treasury losing money.

"Okay, but I don't know much about stocks, brother, you have to teach me.

I can't rely on you all the time, I have to learn a bit. "

Although Su Tianxin didn't plan to use stocks as an investment method to make money all the time.

But for her, stocks are indeed the most convenient investment method at present.

If you don't have the energy to start a business, or other suitable investment methods, stocks are quite worry-free and time-saving.

You just have to have a good vision, and you need to have a certain amount of professional knowledge to make it happen.

Before Su Tianxin was reborn, she studied accounting.

I only know a little bit about stocks, so I have to learn from my master now.

"Okay, go to my room now, I'll find you a few books on this subject, and I'll give you a brief introduction to getting started."

Without any hesitation, Su Yuexin directly took her sister upstairs.

"Isn't tomorrow Sunday?

Both of you are here, learn it tomorrow.

Let Tian Xin take a good rest today, she is exhausted after going out for a day. "

Mother Su was afraid that her daughter would be tired, and it was not something urgent.


The next day was Sunday, Su Yuexin didn't go anywhere, and taught her younger sister Tianxin well for most of the day.

Su Tianxin was originally a smart person, but his understanding seems to be better after rebirth.

Maybe it's also because of the light of this body.

He understood what the elder brother said very quickly, and in the afternoon the two of them entered the actual operation stage of stock selection.

"These five stocks are my picks for you.

You can choose both, but the benefits may not be ideal.

You can also choose one or two to buy, so that the return will be high and the risk will be high, but rest assured that with my brother, it will definitely not shrink your small coffers. "

Su Yuexin wanted her sister to do the actual operation by herself.

But the small amount of 50 is for my sister to play with, and he doesn't need to intervene.

"Then why don't I buy a little less with [-] yuan first, and then sum up my experience in case I lose money, so it won't be a waste."

Su Yuexin dared to ask her sister to play with 50 yuan.

But Su Tian couldn't bear it, it was real money after all.

That's enough money to support many children.

Just be careful and take your time.

(End of this chapter)

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