Chapter 34 I am here

"I didn't realize that my sister is so good at housekeeping now?

OK, come as you say. "

Su Yuexin absolutely supported her sister's decision.

Besides, he is not the kind of prodigal who doesn't treat money as money just because his family has a big business.

Since my sister said so, he has no reason to object.

"Brother, you are so kind."

Su Tianxin likes her brother so much.

“Choose now. Stop hating me.”

Su Yuexin said so, but he was happy in his heart.

My sister was also very clingy to him when she was a child, and liked him very much.

Later, when he grew up, it seemed that he no longer had the status he had before.

Especially after my younger sister fell in love with that kid Qiao Muqing, she disliked him as an older brother to get in the way.

Finally, I heard my sister say that he is fine again like when I was a child.

Does that mean that his elder brother has a place in Tian Xin's heart again?'s beautiful in my heart.

"Just these two.

One share buys [-].That's it. "

Su Yuexin's beautiful kung fu, her younger sister Tianxin has already chosen it.

"It's fixed, I'll help you enter the warehouse directly after the market opens tomorrow."

Su Yuexin believed in her younger sister's vision, and let Tianxin make her own decision without even looking.

"it is good.

Finally took the first step.

If I make money, treat my brother to a big meal. "

Su Tian was full of confidence, she felt that she had chosen well.

It has been a few days since she was reborn, and she is no longer the time when she was unlucky in everything she did.

She feels much luckier now than before.

The company performance and prospects of those two stocks are good.

The stocks she chooses with a semi-professional eye now, if there is no accident, at least she will not lose money.

"Okay, I'll wait."

Su Yuexin, who had great confidence in her sister, didn't pay much attention to it after helping her buy the two stocks the next day.

Unexpectedly, I was still shocked soon after.


The next day is Monday, and Su Tian's long-awaited vacation is over.

Finally went back to school.

Before rebirth, Su Tianxin's goal in the college entrance examination was Qing University.

As a result, during the college entrance examination, because the Chinese paper was mistaken by a large amount of ink, the score was dropped by a lot of points, and I was not admitted to Tsinghua University.

Now I finally have the opportunity to study in this long-awaited school.

It was not the first time she went to Qing University.

When Su Beibei was admitted to Qing University, Su Tianxin took the opportunity of sending her to report and came here once.

"What's wrong? Don't want to go to school or is it uncomfortable?"

Su Yuexin looked at his younger sister sitting next to him, who seemed to be in a daze, half concerned and half joking.

The news about Tianxin swallowing the medicine was blocked at home, and no one in the school should know about it.

So my sister shouldn't be worried about being laughed at when she goes back to school.

He couldn't tell whether his sister was in a good mood or not.

"I'm thinking, how overwhelmed was I before, wasting time not studying hard, and liking someone who doesn't like me?"

Su Tianxin's words are true.

She really thought so in her heart just now.

Before she was reborn, she regretted not being admitted to this university because of her unlucky physique.

But her current predecessor is obviously so smart and excellent.

Why not cherish it and do stupid things?

Is love really bigger than the sky?

But for a person who doesn't care about himself at all, who doesn't like himself, such wishful love is really not worth it.

Su Tianxin, who was an orphan since she was a child, has always understood that only when she respects herself and loves herself, can she be cherished by others.

(End of this chapter)

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