Chapter 520

Su Tianxin is not gloating, but every time she mentions this "Tang Monk Meat", she just wants to laugh.Anyway, Qiao Muqing had already heard it when she talked to Little Pearl last time, so she mentioned this word even more brazenly.

"I haven't asked you yet, why do you say I'm 'Tang Monk Meat'?"

Others said this word would make Qiao Muqing a little embarrassed, but Qiao Muqing felt a little xiu*chi when he said it himself, which was weird.But it would be weird not to ask.

"Well, have you read "X Travel Notes"? You should understand what this means. Anyway, you are actually similar to Tang Seng in that. You are a man that many demons and ghosts are vying for. Haha..."

Su Tianxin couldn't help laughing when she said this.

"I'm not a monster!"

"Neither do I!"

Su Tian said it happily and forgot that there were two little fellows beside her, especially Little Pearl who was most afraid of her mentioning monsters.

"I didn't mention you, don't eavesdrop on us, you two go out and play by yourself."

Some words are a bit inconvenient for these two little guys to say, so they should be spent.

"Miss sister, do you want us anymore? Why did you drive us out? We didn't eavesdrop because you spoke too loudly. If we have good hearing, we accidentally overheard it. We really didn't eavesdrop."

Little Pearl actually has a guilty conscience, although she promised Su Tianxin that she would not eavesdrop on her inner thoughts again, but she never thought of letting go of this opportunity to eavesdrop on her heart.What's more, it also wanted to hear if Su Tianxin would tell Qiao Muqing about his previous injury and embarrassment, and he didn't really want to go out.

"Stop eavesdropping. I have something to tell Brother Mu Qing. You go out for a while. It's inconvenient to have you around."

Su Tian guessed what little pearl meant, but he sent the little guy away without showing any sympathy.

"That... that embarrassing thing... can you stop talking..."

Before leaving, Little Pearl still wanted to struggle.

"Little Pearl, is there anything embarrassing about you? Can you tell me, and quietly say that I won't tell others."

The little mouse didn't feel ashamed at all that it was injured because it wanted to grab Qiao Muqing's aura, so it was very hearty and wanted to share its secret with little pearl.

"No, I don't have one, go out quickly."

Little Pearl was speechless looking at this blank guy, so she dragged the little mouse away together.

"It seems that there are many things that I don't know?"

Ever since Qiao Muqing and Tian Xin used telepathy to see the two elves at night, they have been able to see them and hear what they said.So the interaction between Su Tianxin and the elf just now was completely open in front of him.

Tianxin and the elves were so open and generous in front of him, so naturally Qiao Muqing didn't hide and asked what should be asked.

"Not too much. Anyway, everyone can't sleep well tonight. If we talk a little later, maybe we can have a good sleep until dawn. If you have any questions, just ask, I will know everything. .”

"Then can I hear how you and Little Pearl met?"

Qiao Muqing was really blunt, and asked the key points straight to the point.

"Okay, anyway, I didn't intend to hide it from you. When we set off from Huaguo a few days ago..."

In this way, Su Tianxin recounted the story of the little pearl and the little mouse being injured by Qiao Muqing and being rescued by her, and then the two little guys stayed by her side.

(End of this chapter)

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