Chapter 521

"Is what you said true?"

After hearing Su Tianxin's explanation, Qiao Muqing couldn't tell whether he was happy or helpless.He finally knew the origin of his "Tang Monk Meat".

Why does he feel that this world is becoming more and more fantasy, and he has elements of fantasy in himself.

"You think I'm joking? Do you?"

"Not like."

"That's it. I have nothing to joke about this kind of thing. Anyway, I've told you everything I know. Believe it or not."

"I believe it. I don't need to believe what others say, but I will definitely believe what you say."

What Qiao Muqing said was very sincere, which made Su Tian feel a little embarrassed.

"Actually, I only talked about my knowledge. Anyway, it was Little Pearl who told me. I can't guarantee whether it is true or not."

"It's okay, even if you make a mistake, you won't be allowed to pay."

The smile on Qiao Muqing's face was a little unclear, but he still had a good temper.

But hearing these words from Su Tianxin made her even more uncomfortable.When did the two of them know each other well enough to joke around like this?It felt like the way she and Bei Bei usually talked.

"President, do you have anything else to ask? If not, you should go back to your room and sleep."

Su Tianxin decided to end the chat early.

"It's really getting late, you should go to bed early."

Qiao Muqing didn't dare to tease the little girl anymore, and hid her thoughts again and again.There is plenty of time, and now that the timing is not right, he still has to be careful not to really annoy the little girl because of a little thought in the illusion before, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"OK, good night."


"Miss, did you really tell that guy that we were seriously injured because we wanted to use our spiritual energy?"

Little Pearl and Little Mouse dragged two big bags of things in, and before they had time to mention what was inside, they anxiously confirmed this matter to Su Tianxin.

"I said it, but he didn't laugh at you, he just thought it was quite novel. After all, he didn't even know that he had the aura that you couldn't ask for."

What Su Tianxin said was the truth, but Little Pearl was still a little depressed when she heard it.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of in the first place. You're just drawn here by instinct, and it's not like you made a big mistake. Don't worry about it. Be natural. You've helped us today, little pearl. We're going back to China tomorrow. Now, do you have any plans after taking you back? I think your injury is almost healed. "

Su Tianxin's original intention was that returning to Huaguo would be regarded as returning to Little Pearl's territory, since the injury has healed, let it go home.After all, they might have gotten into a troublesome demon mage now, and it might be dangerous for Little Pearl to follow her, and it was actually for him to let her go home.

"You want to drive me away?"

Little Pearl was taken aback by her question.Little Pearl reminded the little mouse just now that the little mouse's injury is not healed yet, Su Tianxin and the others are going back to China now, if the little mouse wants to go with them, they have to find a way to please Su Tianxin.

The little mouse thought it was true.It has also hesitated before if this little girl from Hua Country leaves City B of Country F, whether it will stay or go with her.After all, this is its home.

But now a demon mage is targeting their elves, and all his friends who are stronger than him have been eaten. Its injury is still unhealed and it is not an opponent. It will only make itself very dangerous if it stays.

 Thank you "Your fairy acridine!" for rewarding me



(End of this chapter)

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