Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 54 You Need Tickets

Chapter 54 You Need Tickets


It's rare to have a good show with you, Young Master Qiao. I really want to record your expression just now.

In the future, when you are in a bad mood, you can look at it and keep it in a good mood. "

This one is also not afraid of death.

Qiao Muqing didn't dare to read the jokes, and planned to read them from time to time.

It's really an entertainment program to relieve boredom.

"Bring it."

Young Master Qiao smiled charmingly and held out his hand.


The man who watched the joke pretended to be stupid, and by the way complained in his heart.

Even Qiao Muqing's smile at this moment should be photographed, so that those who admire him can take a good look.

This guy is a big devil, he looks like a bad villain.

"A ticket.

If you want to see a play, you have to get a ticket.

Otherwise, just roll aside for me. "

The voice of these words was not loud, but the man felt cold when he heard it.

I'm coming……

It is this feeling.

Qiao Muqing is still so cold and scary.

It wasn't a particularly threatening word, but when it came out of his mouth, it made people shudder.

This man's aura is too terrifying.

He's finished watching the play, so don't mess with the big devil.

"I came here on business, not to see you.

How charming is he really?

All right, I'm off to work. "

"Mi Su, why are you walking so fast?

I don't eat people.

Are you here to look for Yuexin? "

Seeing that this guy was about to slip away, Qiao Muqing detained him.

"Yeah, I'm not looking for you.

I'm busy, I have to make money to live. "

Mi Su retreated vigilantly, not knowing what this guy was going to do.

"go together."

Qiao Muqing won't admit it, because he was rejected by the little girl just now, and now he wants to show his presence again.


You know what I do too.

This time, Yuexin is looking for my business personally, and it is not convenient for you to be present. "

Mi Su refused without thinking.

Who knows what this guy is holding back.

Besides, this matter really needs to be discussed with Su Yuexin in private.


Yue Xin looking for you?

I'm really curious when you say that.

Yue Xin and I are also good buddies, as you all know, he will definitely not hide it from me. "

Qiao Muqing was thick-skinned at the moment, knowing that it was a private matter of the Su family and wanted to inquire about it.

It's not at all like his usual cold and domineering president.

Mi Su saw that she couldn't get rid of the dog skin plaster, so let Su Yuexin take care of it later.


"Yue Xin, I have a clue about the clue you want.

Shall we find a place for a drink? "

Mi Su was dragged by Qiao Muqing to Su Yuexin, and she spoke.

Su Yuexin just sent off a few business partners, and she is taking cake for her younger sister.

"Okay. I'll settle my sister down. Let's find a place later."

Su Yuexin also saw Qiao Muqing next to her.

But I didn't want to talk to him.

Originally, Su Yuexin was very angry with Qiao Muqing, and with the company's family being busy during this time, she didn't deliberately contact him.

And Qiao Muqing also knew that Su Yuexin would definitely blame him for this matter. Since the hospital said goodbye that day, the two of them hadn't met or called each other.

It sounds like a cold war.

Knowing that Su Yuexin was angry with him because of his sister, Qiao Muqing was stupid to confront him at this moment.

He originally intended to give Su Yuexin and the Su family some time.

Slowly wait for this matter to pass, and they all calm down.

But for some reason, after being rejected by the little girl of the Su family just now, he came along with him.

Seeing that Su Yuexin didn't want to talk to him now, his mind suddenly cleared up a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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