Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 55 Who Are You Friends?

Chapter 55 Who Are You Friends?

But the little girl from the Su family was watching, it seemed a bit inappropriate for Qiao Muqing to just make excuses and slip away.

"Me too."

It's a big deal to have a drink and fight to settle the matter.

It's not a problem to stay so stiff.



Su Yuexin and Mi Su refused at the same time.

"This is a private matter of my family, it is not convenient for you to listen.

Mi Su, wait for me, I will ask my parents to take my sister home first, and then we will leave. "

Su Yuexin didn't give any extra explanations, and told her to take her sister to find her parents.

"Tsk tsk, good brothers turn against each other, this is a good scene.

But as far as your donkey temper is concerned, Su Yuexin can bear it.

Finally, you have lost your last friend. "

Mi Su couldn't hold back, gloating all over his face.

"Isn't there still you?"

Qiao Muqing was not angry, and raised his chin inexplicably and nodded towards Mi Su.

"I'm not your friend.

It's scary.

Is it scarier than a horror movie to be your friend? "

Mi Su watched Su Yuexin approaching, and quickly stood aside.

After thinking about it, it was not enough, so he simply raised his legs and walked towards Su Yuexin.

Qiao Muqing stood where he was, showing no signs of happiness or anger.



With two sounds in succession, a waiter fell beside Qiao Muqing with a tray.

Several glasses of wine and drinks on the plate were smashed all over the floor, and glass shards were scattered at Qiao Muqing's feet.

"Excuse me sir, are you all right?"

The waiter quickly stood up, ignoring the injury to his hand, and quickly apologized to Qiao Muqing.

The guests of this banquet are either rich or noble.

It was hard for the waiter to get such a high-priced banquet job, but it couldn't be ruined by this mistake.

If the other party doesn't forgive him, let alone tonight's work was for nothing, it is possible that he will never receive such a job again.


Qiao Muqing has seen such scenes a lot.

It's no surprise already.

He was not angry either, he took a step back, walked around the mess on the ground and walked outside the banquet hall.

Those whispering voices behind him, no need to guess, must be talking about him again...

"Young Master Qiao's physique is too terrifying.

Those who stood beside him would always encounter such weird misfortune.

When the waiter passed by just now, I saw clearly.

Obviously walked well, but fell in front of Young Master Qiao.

It hurts me to look at it.What a pity.

I'm afraid it was a waste of work overnight, such a big mistake. "

I don't know whether it is more sympathy for the waiter or gloating more in these words.

Su Tianxin followed her parents and was about to go home first. When she happened to pass by, she heard someone talking about Qiao Muqing.

When the old Su Tianxin heard such arguments, he would always approach the person who said such things to reason with him, to vent his anger on Qiao Muqing.

But today she acted like she didn't hear it.

The Su family's parents knew it well.

Their Tianxin really didn't care as much about Qiao Muqing as before.

"Shh... didn't you see the people from the Su family coming?

Stop it, stop it. "

Seeing Su Tianxin and her parents approaching, those commenting quickly shut up.

Everyone knew that the Su Qiao family had a good relationship, and it was no secret that the daughter of the Su family liked Qiao Muqing.

These few people talking about Qiao Muqing dared to say this without any scruples because they saw the people from the Qiao family talking to the people from the Wang family at the other end of the banquet hall.

I didn't expect the Su family to hear it.

Several people hurriedly pretended to be talking about other topics as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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