Chapter 56

"Mom, I seem to be quite courageous before?"

Seeing that her parents were cautious, Su Tian decided to bring up this topic on her own initiative.


Mother Su didn't react for a while.

"Qiao Muqing's physique, I couldn't think about it so much, so I worked hard to get it up."

Su Tian talked heartlessly about her past self.

Anyway, only she knows, that's not what she did, that's why she can say so heartlessly, haha.

"That child Mu Qing is quite special.

You really don't like him now? "

Mother Su still has to confirm.

"I don't like it anymore.

Probably in the past I just looked at him through a filter, thinking he was good in everything.

Now that the filter is gone, he is just an ordinary person in my eyes.

He is still a poor person who is always in trouble and hurts the people around him.

Now, at most, I feel a little sympathy for him.

Oh, by the way, there are people around him who may be implicated in the future. "

Su Tianxin said what she said sincerely, without any adulteration.

"Then let the past pass.

In the future, I still have to politely call him Brother Muqing.

Also, try not to sympathize with him in front of your aunt Xu. "

Mother Su felt relieved a lot, and teased her daughter.

"Yes, madam!"


The Su family finally turned from cloudy to sunny.

But Qiao's mother, looking at her son who walked out with a blank face on the other side, and looking at Su Tianxin with a sweet smile, still felt uncomfortable.

What a little girl.

Alas...the Qiao family is unlucky!


"The matter you asked me to investigate has finally come to fruition.

It was one of your clan uncles who harmed you.

That is, your father's clan brother, named Su Ming, opened a small company.

Behind this person, I think it has a relationship with the Fang family.

However, specifically, I can't get any evidence now, I just found some indirect clues.

The person who came forward to have contact with Su Ming was a small employee in Fang's company.

He knew a business manager in Su Ming's company.

Su Ming's company almost went bankrupt a few months ago.

It's a lot of twists and turns, this Su Ming is from this business manager, and from a liar 'Master' who was introduced.

Liars are naturally hired by people.

The person invited was the small employee of the Fang family, and he said that he wanted to cheat Su Ming for money.

The liar told Su Ming that it was your old Su family who robbed their ancestral tomb of the geomantic treasure.

It is because of this treasure land of geomantic omen that your Su family made their home and now have it.

If Su Ming wants not to go bankrupt and still make a lot of money, he just needs to kill your family members.

Then move the ancestors of their family to another place, and you can exchange luck with your family and make a lot of money.

No matter what age, you still use such ridiculous reasons to deceive people.

Su Ming wasn't that stupid at first.

But that liar used tricks to make Su Ming's company a lot of money within three months.

Having made a lot of money with real money, Su Ming felt that it might be true, and that liar was a master.

In this way, Su Ming believed in him and fell into the trap instantly.

In fact, I found out that the two projects that Su Ming's company made money had the shadow of Fang's family.

It is precisely because there is the shadow of Fang's family behind this, and the hooker who approached Su Ming by the scammer is also from Fang's company.

My intuition concluded that the Fang family had something to do with this matter.

But you also know what the origin of the Fang family is, it's not that clean.

I was afraid that if I dug deeper, they would find me, so I didn't search further.

So now there is no direct clue at all, everything is my inference. "

Mi Su's analytical ability is very strong. When he said that there is a problem with the Fang family, he definitely did not make random guesses.

 Thanks to the little angels "Wallet Fish 555" and "Eine" for the reward, thank you~



(End of this chapter)

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