Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 57 Don't Ask My Sister

Chapter 57 Don't Ask My Sister

"The person who gave the gardener money and took away the gardener's daughter is indeed the one Su Ming paid for.

This clue was obtained from the police, the evidence is very reliable, Su Ming can't run away. "

This is all the information that Mi Gu has found so far.

"It's actually the Fang family.

It seems that this matter is not simple.

Let the Su family handle the rest by ourselves.Thanks a lot. "

According to Su Yuexin's request, Mi Su told him what he had found these days.

Su Yuexin took out a check for 30 yuan from his pocket as he spoke, which was the other half of Mi Su's labor fee.

20 has already been paid.

Although I found something a few days ago, but this time I really found something important.

Mi Su felt that the check from the Su family was right.

"Thank you, I will give you a discount if you have work in the future.

You don't know that my small office receives cases all day long, either arresting rape or arresting mistresses, it's so boring to death.

Why don't you continue to investigate Fang's house.

We can't go deep into this case, the clues are too limited, let's try from other places.

Although the Fang family is an old fox, this time they pushed Su Ming to take the blame.

But Fang Rong, the daughter of the Fang family, and her mother are so stupid, maybe they can find something else.

Would you like to hire me with money, and I'll sacrifice a bit, and go to Fangrong to play a trick on a pretty man and get some clues?

I'll give you a [-]% discount, it's a good deal. "

Mi Su smiled while holding the check.

"you sure?"

Su Yuexin stared at Mi Su with a smile, as if she was weighing the feasibility of this idea.

"No, brother, I was just joking."

Mi Su said it casually, but Su Yuexin really thought about it.

Mi Su also knew what kind of character that Fang Rong of the Fang family was.

In order to make a sum of money, sacrifice himself and speak well of that kind of woman, Mi Su can't do it.

Money can be earned or not.

Ask yourself that this money is still not earned, forget it, don't dig a hole for yourself.

"Drink, drink.

I have a treat today. "

Mi Su hurriedly took Su Yuexin to drink, making him forget the nonsense he said just now.

"So generous today?"

"Isn't this rich?

By the way, your sister is quite popular now, isn't she?

There's been a lot of news about her lately.

Is there something wrong with your sister and Qiao Muqing? "

Mi Su was actually very interested in knowing the reason for the performance of the young girl of the Su family today.

Su Tianxin likes Qiao Muqing, and Mi Su also vaguely knows about it.

But with Su Tianxin's attitude towards Qiao Muqing today, something must have happened between the two of them.

It was still Qiao Muqing's fault.

Mi Su is too interested in the gossip that can make Qiao Muqing so aggrieved.

It's because Qiao Muqing's complexion is so good today that he couldn't help his curiosity.

"Is my sister's gossip casually listened to?

Be honest, don't ask questions. "

Su Yuexin misunderstood what Mi Su meant.

"Okay, okay. If you don't tell me, I'll check it myself.

Did that kid Qiao Muqing offend your sister? "

Mi Su made up his mind.

According to his ability, this news is too trivial.

On their own!

"No sneaky checks are allowed.

If you let me know that you spy on my sister, you know. "

Su Tian's heart is the reverse scale of Su Yuexin, the sister-in-law madman, this Mi Su knows it very well.

The less people know about Tian Xin being hospitalized, the better.

Even Mi Su, he didn't want to know.

After all, this is related to Tian Xin's self-esteem.

They have no way to go back to the past to help Tianxin delete this memory, they can only never let it be mentioned again.

The more Su Yuexin reacted, the more curious Mi Su became...

(End of this chapter)

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