Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 59 She is no longer alone

Chapter 59 She's Not Alone Anymore

"My daughter is amazing.

Made money in such a short time.

I want to eat cherries, just buy me that. "

Mother Su spoke first.

Su Tianxin originally planned to invite everyone to eat a French meal that the whole family loves, but who knew that her mother only said to eat cherries.

"I want lychees."

"I want Coke."

Su's father and elder brother understood Su's mother's spirit and hurried to follow.

"that's it?

I earned more than 2 yuan, so don't save me too much.

I can still afford a meal. "

Su Tian was a little bit dumbfounded.

This is easier to coax than the younger brothers and sisters in the orphanage. A little fruit and drink can solve the problem.

“We are very happy if we have a mind.

Keep your money for yourself, let us know if it's not enough.

The daughter of the Su family doesn't have to be careful.

Mom still thinks that your original appearance of doing whatever you want makes us feel more at ease. "

Mother Su touched the top of her daughter's hair, as if she had returned to her daughter's childhood.

My daughter was so cute when she was a child.

But as a mother, Chu Xin felt that it would be okay for the Su family's daughter to be a bit more self-willed, so as not to wrong herself.

"Mom, you're so kind."

It was the first time someone said such words to Su Tianxin.

She used to feel that she was not self-willed at all.

No relatives, no family, no one to shelter her from the wind and rain.

You have to rely on yourself for everything, and you have to bear the consequences of everything alone.

Now there is such a person, or it can be said to be a family.

they told her.

She, Su Tian, ​​is someone who loves and loves her.

Not alone anymore.

Someone stood behind her to solve her troubles, not to mention that she caused troubles.

So happy!


Father Su quickly brushed off his sense of presence.

"It's okay, dad, and brother.

Anyway, if I get into trouble in the future, you are just used to it.

Don't scold me. "

There were tears in Su Tian's eyes, and he quickly turned his gaze to other places, not looking at them.

"My daughter, I am glad to be used to it.

But Tian Xin, what kind of trouble are you planning to cause by inoculating us first?

We should also be mentally prepared. "

Father Su suddenly had a bad feeling.

He talked too much, and he was a little guilty.

The daughter's character since she was a child is not that kind of real arrogance and domineering.

When it is most impossible to reason, it is at best that he willfully insists on being with Qiao Muqing.

It's really impossible to do anything harmful.

Because the child is kind, she is not that kind of person.

But it's one thing to know, it's another thing not to know.

Who told him to lie too much about what he said just now, if his daughter really got into a catastrophe because of his words, it would be harming her daughter.

"I have not decided yet.

I'll tell you when I think of what trouble I'm going to cause, okay? "

Su Tian was taken aback by his father's question.

"Okay, okay.

Father Su also realized that this topic was a bit embarrassing for the child.

"Haha, don't worry, Dad.

I'm a child of the Su family, our family has never been a troublemaker.

My brother is not, and neither will I. "

Su Tianxin saw that her father was a little nervous, so she didn't want to scare her.

"That's good.

My daughter is the most knowledgeable, well-behaved and sensible.

Small tempers can be used, but you still have to be willful within the legal and moral bottom line. "

Su Bai thinks it is better to establish the correct three views for her daughter.

Don't make big mistakes in the future just to make your daughter happy for a while.

"I see, our daughter, what are you worried about.

Long winded.

Let's go shopping and have a big meal.

Your dad pays the bill. "

Mother Su patted her daughter and got up.

(End of this chapter)

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