Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 60 Midterm Exam

Chapter 60 Midterm Exam

"Yes, we Tianxin made money for the first time, so we have to celebrate."

Father Su felt that he was too nervous.

If you care more about your daughter in the future, there will be no major problems.Now is the time for the whole family to get together and not think about those messy things.

The family is happy, how nice.


It's another Monday.

The school posted a notice that the midterm exam will be next Monday.

Su Tian felt that the time was very tight, and it was time to get busy and review it.

Although the score of the mid-term exam is not as high as that of the later ones, it is also the first exam for her to take this identity in university after being reborn.

If she wants to get a scholarship, she has to take every exam seriously.

It is of course important for her to find a way to make money now, and this scholarship must be won well.

The scholarship is a double harvest of honor and money.

When she was so unlucky before, although she never won a special scholarship, she never missed a first-class scholarship.

Now she is finally on the move.

She believes that as long as there is dedication, there will be gains.

Although Tsinghua University has a lot of talents, but her current brain is smart enough, not worse than others.

The previous Su Tianxin's entrance score was relatively high.

With the brain of the original body and the hard work of Su Tianxin now, if we do a good job for a week, we should be able to get a relatively high score in the exam.

In the second half of the semester, if she works harder, it is quite possible to get a scholarship at the end of the semester.

So set a goal and work hard!

"There's an exam next week.

Shall I help you make up lessons? "

Su Beibei looked at Su Tianxin staring at the midterm exam notice in a daze.

I misunderstood that Su Tian was afraid of the exam.

Even though it's only been two months since school started.

However, during this period of time, Su Tian was missing a lot of classes, so it was normal to worry about exams.

The freshmen of the whole department, in the college entrance examination scores before enrollment, Jiangsu Beibei is the first.

Su Tianxin is the tenth.

Su Beibei's grades are indeed qualified to give Su Tianxin extra lessons.

Judging from the results of the college entrance examination for admission money, Su Tianxin's grades are not bad, and she also cares about grades.


Oh that's fine.

Thanks. "

Su Tianxin originally wanted to refuse.

Suddenly thinking of her previous plan, she agreed.

Just based on the previous donation to the orphanage and the incident in the video, the two of them are a little more familiar than before.

If they want to get close to Su Beibei to the extent that they live together next semester, the two of them should work harder in terms of their current relationship.

Now counting the supplementary lessons, plus studying together, going to the library and self-study room, after a long time, the relationship will naturally become much closer.

So this is a great opportunity.

"Then after class today, let's start."

Su Beibei finally found an opportunity to help Su Tian with something.

The orphanage accepted Su Tianxin's donation before and caused her trouble.

Su Beibei always looks for opportunities to thank and apologize.

Although with Su Tianxin's situation, as long as she works hard, she can still catch up with the class.

But it's still a small chance, let her show it off.

Su Beibei made up his mind that he must work hard to help Su Tianxin make up for the missed classes and get a good grade.

In the following week, Su Tianxin and Su Beibei were really busy studying together.


time flies.

Another week passed.

The results come out on the third day after the final exam.

Su Tianxin's grades are actually better than Su Beibei's.

It is firmly on the first place on the score list!

"Does this count as a disciple of the church, starving the master to death?

You actually did better than me?

You said it wasn't the teacher who saw you and gave you more points for the sake of your face? "

When Su Beibei saw the report card, his mood was too complicated.

 Thanks to the little angel "Casual Ha" for the reward, thank you...



(End of this chapter)

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