Chapter 608

"That's right, we ate some seafood and wild game along the way. It's not as delicious as Tianxin's dim sum. Sister Tianxin, when will you make dim sum? I'm hungry."

The little mouse complained in a low voice, but it happened to be at a volume that Tian Xin could hear.

Su Tian was puzzled for a moment, wouldn't this little guy intentionally seek hatred?She has been so busy recently that she has no chance to have a big meal at all. Although the food at home has always been good, it is not to the point of eating a seafood meal every now and then.

The little mouse eats seafood and game, which is much better than her food, okay?He even complained!

Su Tian looked sad, "You didn't bring me any delicious food, why should I make you snacks? No!"

snort!If she can't do it, she won't do it. She also wants to eat seafood and game.

The little mouse originally thought that his sister Tianxin would immediately agree, and maybe she would personally cook delicious snacks for them at night, and his mouth was watering thinking about it.But the situation is not right now, why did you lose your temper?

The little mouse cautiously probed, "Do you also want to eat seafood and game? But those are not delicious... No, it's because you eat too much and you don't feel delicious. It's okay at first."

As soon as the little mouse said that it was not good to eat, he raised his eyes and saw the displeased little pearl, and changed his words randomly.

Oh, I forgot that Little Pearl invited him to eat the food. Even if it wasn't so delicious, he shouldn't complain in front of him. Fortunately, he was smart and knew how to save it in time.

When the little mouse said this, the little pearl didn't turn cloudy, on the contrary, his expression was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

Little Pearl: Damn little Pearl, who ate his food and slandered him behind his back, and will not give him any delicious food in the future.Those seafood and game are all real things with aura, which are generally not found at all.If it weren't for his ability, where would the little mouse have a chance to get the favor?

As for this matter, I really can't blame the little mouse for not knowing it all.He has no experience and has never eaten such a good thing, so he naturally doesn't know how precious it is.

Regardless of who often eats the same thing, it doesn't feel delicious, and the little mouse misses the dessert made by Su Tianxin. Compared with the dessert he has been looking forward to for a long time, the game and seafood are naturally inferior. He is telling the truth That's all.

It hurts only when it knows the truth, the little mouse has no idea that he has offended both of them in front of him.

One is that he feels that he has eaten delicious food, and he shows it off without bringing it for himself.

One is that he feels that he doesn't know what is good or bad, and he plans to share something good with him not so sincerely in the future.

As expected, the little mouse is still a child, a silly child who doesn't understand the world...

"Tianxin... Dessert, please, please, I want to eat pudding, mango flavor. I also want to eat cake, strawberry cake..."

The little mouse, who has no intention of offending anyone, actually ordered the snacks with a serious face?

Su Tianxin stared at him with rounded eyes in an instant, with an unbelievable expression on her face.Is this little guy really stupid or fake?

Seeing Su Tianxin's expression, the little mouse recalled it a bit, and lowered his head in embarrassment: "Is it my request? Actually, I just want to eat cake, a small cake is fine, any flavor is fine, I Not picky eaters, really."

The expression is eager to prove that he is telling the truth, his face is red, and his eyes are round, not glaring, but acting cute, like a real pet hamster, acting cute!

(End of this chapter)

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