Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 609 Delicious Cake

Chapter 609 Delicious Cake

Su Tian thought in her heart, "It's shameful to be cute", but she still couldn't resist the temptation of being so cute. Forget it, this is an elf who doesn't understand anything and has just mixed into the human world. She really has nothing to do with pets. No matter how big the difference is, just treat it as a pet and care about nothing with him.

Su Tian reluctantly put away her previous depressed mood, and turned her head to ask Little Pearl: "What do you want to eat? Is it cake? Or pudding?"

Anyway, Su Tianxin received a new gift today, and she was very happy, especially when she thought of that particularly powerful Qiankun bag, she felt that she really should make some snacks for the two little guys.

Since we want to make delicious food, we can't give preference to one another, and there is no partiality like a crying child getting milk in her place.Both are her guardian elves, they are treated the same, no difference.

Little Pearl is also an out-and-out snack. Since Su Tian asked sincerely, of course he would not be polite, "I want to eat brownies, as you said last time."

Su Tian nodded heartily, "I'll go down and give you some food in a while."

It's not too late, but it's not too early either.

Although for Su Tianxin to do a few more things is to spend some time going to bed late, but her parents and brother are at home.She didn't sleep all night and tossed about making desserts, and it was hard to explain how many kinds of desserts she made.

So Su Tianxin discussed with the two elves and decided to make banana cakes and brownie cakes.Because they are all cakes, although there are differences in methods, at least the cake embryos are similar.She can save some procedures and time.

When making it, Su Tianxin made a small one for each type of cake for the family members, and then made several large ones.

When I was done, my brother came downstairs just in time, "You don't sleep at night and then make snacks? You really like making these."

Seeing that the time is almost twelve o'clock, my sister's enthusiasm for making dim sum has returned.

Su Yuexin originally thought that her younger sister was too busy with work in the studio to make snacks some time ago, so she must be unfamiliar and less enthusiastic during this time.After the initial excitement has passed, it is easy for people to enter a period of slack.

Unexpectedly, not long after the studio was opened, most of the working sisters over there were delegated power and then read books, studied, and made snacks at home with peace of mind.

Such a self-disciplined and purposeful girl, even if she wasn't her own sister, Su Yuexin would want to praise her.

It seems that my sister has really grown up and doesn't need him to take care of her anymore, but why is she so upset in her heart?

Su Tianxin heard footsteps upstairs just now, and she has lived together for a while, so she knew it was her brother.Just now I was busy loading the cake and didn't bother to look up, now I looked up at her brother with a smile on my face: "Of course, dim sum is something that makes people happy, as I said before. Doing these is the most fulfilling thing." Yes. Brother, do you want to take advantage of the freshly baked cake to eat some?"

The Su family really didn't have the habit of eating supper before, that is, when the two children were going to school, Su's mother, Chu Xin, would prepare some snacks, nuts, and milk to replenish the children's energy when they were studying late at night.Adults seldom eat so late.

Ever since Su Tianxin started to learn how to make dim sum, this habit has been broken.

As long as she makes snacks at night, it goes without saying if everyone is downstairs, they can just share and try.If you have already returned to the room, people will come out of the room to eat something one after another. Basically, my brother comes down first every time.

(End of this chapter)

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