Chapter 612

It's a pity that Qiao Muqing has done too many stupid things in the past, and Su Yuexin doesn't have the slightest understanding with him on this matter, let alone understand it...

Anyway, in Su Yuexin's eyes, it doesn't matter whether Qiao Muqing came here by chance or deliberately, anyway, he came here for Tianxin.snort!He had already seen through that Qiao Muqing had come here just for her sister's blessing.

A mercenary businessman!

Su Yuexin probably has forgotten that he is also a businessman at this moment.Anyway, he just felt that whether Qiao Muqing recognized his sister or treated her well, it was all for him to achieve his goal of getting lucky with her.

Oh, by the way, by the way, I can please my mother—Ms. Xu Qingxia.This deal is really a good business that can make a profit without losing money. It's a pity that everyone has not discovered the true face of this guy, let alone his purpose.

Su Yuexin now has a feeling of 'everyone is drunk but I am sober', but now he has no direct evidence to expose this kid.What's more, this kid can be regarded as his brother who grew up with him. He has been unlucky for so many years and has affected many people around him. If he doesn't snatch his sister, Su Yuexin actually wants to help him change his luck.

But this person just shows up from time to time.She also looks like she wants to grab his sister from him, which is really annoying to watch.

Contradictions and entanglements filled Su Yuexin's heart, and she wanted to help her brother get rid of bad luck, but also hated whether he appeared to rob his sister. After some inner struggles, reason finally defeated emotion, and Su Yuexin didn't let it go Qiao Muqing's true face.

Once, not three times, give him three more chances, after three times he must find a way to expose this guy, definitely, absolutely not soft-hearted!

Su Yuexin forgave Qiao Muqing for being an eyesore temporarily as if she had made up her mind, glared at him and didn't answer any more, and carried the cake made by her sister into the gate together with the driver.

Suddenly, as if remembering something, he turned around and handed over the two cakes in his left hand.Qiao Muqing took over naturally, and Su Yuexin's face looked a little better.

Su Tian was speechless looking at these two men who suddenly lost their wits when they met, from being noisy and disliking each other (of course, it was mainly her brother who disliked Qiao Muqing) to suddenly and tacitly breaking up and sharing the cake together. I don't understand friendship between men.

A man's heart, a needle under the sea.


They stayed in the orphanage for half a day, and were left with a meal by Su's mother at noon.The ingredients were brought by Qiao Muqing, and with Su's mother's craftsmanship, everyone was very happy to eat this meal.

Su Yuexin occasionally expresses the feeling that Mu Qing is a little bit useless. Today's vegetables are very fresh and delicious, and it should not only be the hand of Su's mother.He asked the guy after dinner where he got such a batch of fresh vegetables.

Before Su Yuexin could ask after the meal, Qiao Muqing took the initiative to ask, "Are the vegetables for lunch at Tianxin delicious today?"

Su Tian nodded, "It's delicious."

Qiao Muqing smiled. It seems that his work was not in vain this time, "These vegetables are a new project of our company. If you think it is delicious, someone will come to your door to deliver the vegetables starting tomorrow. There will be more vegetables in the future. Agricultural and sideline products such as custard and milk are being supplied one after another, but now there are only vegetables. These organic vegetables are also very nutritious and healthy ingredients.”

Su Yuexin didn't expect Qiao's to make this dish?Why is Qiao's, a company that is mostly supported by technology, going to produce agricultural products again?Is this going back to basics?

(End of this chapter)

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