Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 613 For Whom?

Chapter 613 For Whom?

The combination of high technology and vegetable growing and agricultural and sideline products is really not compatible.Su Yuexin was stunned for a moment and didn't react.

Su Tian was also a little surprised, "You said it was grown by your company?"

Qiao Muqing smiled: "That's right. The vegetables grown in the experimental field developed by our company. Of course, the vegetable growers are relatively experienced vegetable farmers, so there is no need for scientific research talents."

Su Tian became even more curious: "Experimental field? What kind of experimental field? An experimental field that can grow delicious vegetables?"

Qiao Muqing: "Yes, that's pretty much the same meaning. Many of the vegetables we eat now are due to the use of pesticides and fertilizers to increase the yield, but the taste and nutrition are missing a lot, but part of the reason is the soil quality. Our test field is According to the research on soil quality improvement, delicious vegetables can be grown. Of course, pesticides and chemical fertilizers must not be used. However, the improved soil quality is also effective in increasing production.”

Su Tianxin always thought that Qiao's company would not pay attention to agriculture, an industry with small returns and high investment, but he didn't expect that even mature products had come out.

Suddenly it occurred to her that she often heard Aunt Xu complaining, "Now the vegetables are too unpalatable. Even if they claim to be pollution-free, pesticide-free and free of phone bills, they are not as delicious as the vegetables in the past."

Did Qiao Muqing start this project because of Aunt Xu's complaint?It's really rare to see a man who loves his family like this.

As for the man who dotes on his wife, there is one in both his family and the Qiao family.But this family loves her so much, oh, yes, her brother Su Yuexin is also responsive to her requests.

Such a comparison between the Su Qiao family is really similar.No wonder the two families have always had a good relationship. The previous generation, the previous generation, and even their current generation are all very close.

In order to prove what she had in mind, Su Tianxin asked, "Is it because Aunt Xu always complains that the vegetables you buy are not tasty, so you thought of setting up a test field? Then we can be considered lucky with Aunt Xu. "

Qiao Muqing's eyes lit up at once. The little girl is really smart, and she immediately knew why he suddenly set up an agricultural experiment field, but he was even more happy because he heard her say, "Following Aunt Xu has a good taste." ’, it seems that he is right, the little girl likes these vegetables even more than he imagined.

To be honest, this experimental field really originated from my mother's nagging.But recently he began to pay attention to and keep a close eye on this project because of Tian Xin.

He has been in contact with Tian Xin a lot recently, and he found that although the little girl has a good habit of not being picky about food, she still prefers those foods with good taste.

Especially after going to country F this time, he faintly felt that Tianxin's sense of taste might be much more sensitive than that of ordinary people.

After he came back, he asked the experimental field base to speed up and produce results quickly. Fortunately, this project has been going on for a long time, and finally the first batch of mature fresh vegetables arrived by air a year ago.

Seeing Tianxin like it so much, Qiao Muqing was very happy.

Looking at this special girl in front of him, Qiao Muqing was deeply moved.It's not easy to please her.

She refused to give the house, and I dare not say that I gave the gems, but I can only give her delicious vegetables generously to make her happy, um, and helping her studio to find projects before was considered a successful gesture , but these are not enough, far from enough.

To really impress her, Qiao Muqing had to continue to work hard and do what she liked.

(End of this chapter)

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