Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 636 Picking up gold on the beach

Chapter 636 Picking up gold on the beach

Xu Qingxia didn't dare to disturb others, fearing that she might be mistaken, she yelled and was ashamed like her younger son just now, as if she had never seen the world.

She looked and looked carefully, rubbing her eyes...

Still couldn't hold back, "Ah, I saw gold!"

Finally yelled out.

Qiao Muxia, who had just been complained by his mother, felt that he had a chance to laugh at his mother, "Mom, it's not completely dark yet, why are you starting to get dizzy? Gold and sand are very different. You don't think sand is gold, do you? Talk about me, hahaha..."

Qiao Muxia was slapped by his mother before he finished laughing, and the laughter stopped abruptly... Does this mean that extreme joy begets sorrow?Forget about his family status at home, he is the last and his *mother is the queen at the top of the food chain.

The queen can complain about him, but he can't laugh at the queen.He got carried away for a while...

Su Tianxin had already been reminded by Little Pearl beforehand, knowing what was going on, she hurried forward to take a look, didn't she? "It's really gold. Aunt Xu, you are so lucky that you managed to find gold."

"I found it too, it turned out to be a huge piece."

Chu Xin also shouted.

Immediately afterwards, Grandpa Chu, Su Qiao's father, and brothers all found gold, except Su Tianxin and Qiao Muxia...

Qiao Muxia was still comforting himself, anyway, he wasn't the only one who didn't find the gold, and Tianxin was there, and then Su Tianxin shouted: "I found several pieces, not so many... so many... "

Su Tian shouted excitedly, even worse than Xu Qingxia just now.

Everyone quickly came over, before the sky was really completely dark, those dozens of pieces of gold appeared in front of everyone!

Everyone discovered gold just now, but it was all small gold particles.Who picked up such a big gold?It's as if someone moved it here on purpose.

Qiao Muqing subconsciously glanced at Su Tianxin, then at the two elves she brought.He guessed it was the elf who made it up again?

But is there going to be too much noise this time?What reason are they going to use to get around?Did he have to help think of the reason in advance?

Grandpa Chu picked up a piece and took a picture with the flashlight of his mobile phone. There was actually a mark on it, which was the mark of the unified standard of gold.The old man couldn't tell when it was marked, so he asked Su Yuexin to search on the Internet. If he didn't check it, he wouldn't know, but after checking it, there really was such a gold mark!

Su Yuexin was surprised and read out while comparing: "On the Internet, it is said that this is a kind of gold circulating in European countries in the [-]th century. I also found out that a merchant ship sank near this sea area at the end of the [-]th century. Should the gold be Are they all from the sunken ship?"

Going out for a walk, almost everyone sees gold, and it may be the treasure of a sunken ship. This is too... lucky, right?

Grandpa Chu saw that the sky was getting dark, "Pick up these first, and go back and ask the housekeeper's local government about the ownership of the treasures from the sunken ship. Let's understand the law first and don't cause trouble."

Although the old man also thinks this is quite amusing, the laws vary from place to place.In the case of Huaguo, if the value of the picked-up items is not high, it may not be a big problem to privately collect them, but if the value is high, it must be handed over to the state.

(End of this chapter)

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