Chapter 637

Some foreign countries allow private ownership, and some have to be handed over to the territory for ownership. It is better to find out the legal regulations here before you are happy.

Everyone has no objection to Grandpa Chu's words. Although picking up gold and possibly discovering the treasure of a shipwreck will make people feel very excited, but if these things will violate local laws, you have to proceed with caution.

So as not to cause trouble, after all, Su Tianxin brought everyone to live in the Royal Castle, and Su Qiaochu and the men here can be regarded as prominent figures, because if this is on the news of the rule of law, or even on the international news, it will cause trouble Big joke.

Qiao Muqing and Su Yuexin helped collect and collect all the gold bars that Su Tianxin found, and Qiao Muxia picked up the gold grains. After they were all put away, everyone went back together.After walking for a few minutes, I saw the lights outside the castle. At this time, it was completely dark.

When everyone returned to the castle, the butler was already waiting at the door. Su Yuexin briefly explained the situation to the butler as he walked, and asked him how the local law stipulated this situation.Is the gold going to be handed over or does it belong to them?

It was Su Yuexin who was talking in the front all the time, and he only asked the question at the end. The housekeeper didn't interrupt, but his expression was enough to show his surprise.

When it was Su Yuexin's turn to ask questions, he finally had a chance to speak, "Sir, you said that you have found gold, and there is still a lot of it?"

The butler has worked here for 40 years, and he has never heard of such a thing. It is possible to pick up shells, conch, and even pearls while walking on the beach. Starfish and crabs are not uncommon, but it is the first time he has heard of gold. Say.

Su Yuexin knew that this matter was a bit strange, he didn't blame the butler for his reaction, but nodded patiently, and showed him the gold wrapped in the coat he was holding, and then the light in the castle The golden brilliance dazzled the housekeeper for a while, indeed a lot...

Don't talk about gold grains, just talk about gold bars. Everyone estimated that it weighs five kilograms.Su Tianxin roughly calculated, according to the market price in Huaguo, one gram of gold is about four hundred, and five kilograms is 400*5000=2000000.

Take a walk and Su Tian Xin picked up 200 million gold, really surprising and unbelievable.

Although Su Tianxin's luck has been good since before, she often picks up things when she goes out, sometimes it's cash, sometimes it's other valuable things, everyone has become accustomed to it.

But this time we go out together, go to the beach together, everyone has seen gold, but others are at most two small gold grains, she picked up five kilograms of gold, no harm without comparison, the damage value is indeed quite high .

The difference is so big that everyone feels that they are lucky to be able to pick up the gold grains because of Su Tian's heart.

Everyone had just recovered from the shock, and it was the housekeeper's turn to be shocked.Everyone looked at the butler who seemed to be frightened, and instantly felt a lot more balanced. Look, it's not that they are ignorant, but this matter is really unacceptable for a while.

The butler was stunned for half a minute, and finally regained his sanity, "Are these found on the beach outside the castle?"

Only that piece of private beach belongs to the castle and belongs to the royal family.

"Yes, that's right there. We didn't go anywhere else, we just went there for a walk. Just before dark, my sister saw the gold. We also picked up some small gold grains."

After finishing speaking, Su Yuexin asked Qiao Muxia to show the little gold he brought back.

(End of this chapter)

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