Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 647 Qiao Muqing has made a contribution

Chapter 647 Qiao Muqing has made a contribution

"Basically, we don't need to go down to look for the sunken ship. We will go down to have a look with peace of mind. She has learned diving for so long, and has never had a chance to see the particularly beautiful seabed. If she is not allowed to go this time, in case she has been thinking about it Now, wouldn’t it be more dangerous to go diving secretly in the future without telling us where to go?”

Qiao Muqing took the two mothers a little further away and persuaded him a few more words. He didn't dare to say these words in front of Su Tianxin. No matter whether she thought about it or not, it didn't feel good for him to expose it face to face. .

In the past half a year, Tianxin has grown up and become sensible all of a sudden, making everyone ignore that she is still a child, and almost forget what she was like when she was stubborn and willful.

As soon as Qiao Muqing reminded her, the two mothers thought about it, not to mention that Tianxin really might not let her go into the sea today, and change her to come back secretly while everyone is paying attention.Rather than letting Tian Xin take risks secretly like that, it is indeed safer to just agree to her today and follow the big team and a large number of professional divers.

Sure enough, there is no convincing power without comparison. Qiao Muqing finally persuaded the two mothers, and made sure to take good care of Tianxin when she was underwater. Finally, she helped Tianxin realize her wish.

Convincing the two mothers basically wins everyone down, and anyone who has an opinion has to hold back. This has always been the norm of their two families.Although Grandpa Chu is an elder, isn't Chu Xin also his daughter? Su Tian has begged Grandpa for a long time, and Grandpa has long been soft-hearted and wanted to agree, but he dared not vote for it because his daughter disagreed. Even his daughter agreed, so he happily agreed to his granddaughter's request.

At this time, everyone had no objection, and Su Yuexin was a little annoyed.

If he had known that the two mothers were so easy to persuade, he would have helped intercede for his younger sister, and Qiao Muqing would have made a contribution in vain, alas!My sister was the first to ask him for help. Why did he lose the chain at a critical moment and fail to help my sister.

In fact, he didn't know that he didn't help his sister in time this time because he cared about it, and he loved her so much. His position was the same as that of his mother. Subjectively, he didn't want to let Tian Xin into trouble.And he couldn't bear to refuse his sister's request for help, so he hesitated and let Qiao Muqing run to the front to finish the matter.

Su Yuexin was annoyed by this matter, but Su Tianxin didn't care. She also knew that it wasn't that her brother didn't help her, but he was just worried about her safety just like her mother.

If possible, she didn't want her family to worry about it, she insisted on going into the water willfully, but she heard from Little Pearl that the spirit root grass is really a once in a thousand year treasure, if I miss this time, I don't know if I can see it next time Well, the lifespan of a mortal is really short.She really didn't have such a long life to wait for the next time.

With Little Pearl by her side, she will go and return safely.When the time comes, I will find a way to make up for everyone who has been worrying about her.

After Su Tian thanked Qiao Muqing, she ran to find Mr. Avette, and asked him to arrange to follow her into the water.

After all, Avette is a man, so he let go of the students, and when he heard that Su Tianxin had learned professional diving before, he didn't realize that there was any problem, so he directly arranged two people to follow her.

Everything is ready, everyone wears and checks their equipment, and sets out to the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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