Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 648 Find the Shipwreck

Chapter 648 Find the Shipwreck

At 07:30, including Su Tianxin, there were exactly [-] people, and they went into the water collectively.

Some people outside the private beach also noticed the big movement here, but they all knew that this place belonged to the royal territory of country Y, so everyone stopped watching the excitement.

They knew that even if they came here, they would not be able to see the excitement, and they might not even be able to enter the area of ​​this beach, because they had already seen the guards stationed outside the beach, and they were still wearing the clothes of the Royal Guards.

They can't even offend the police, let alone the Royal Guard?

Because country D is a territory of country Y, country D originally had a royal guard to ensure the safety of the royal family of country Y.This place is not limited to this old castle where Su Tianxin lives, it is the royal property, at least one-fifth of the land and buildings in the country belong to the royal family of country Y.So this escort team is actually no less than the size of an army.

When Evitt came here in the morning, he sent a small team to guard the beach. After all, there were many more people outside during the day than at night. If the sunken ship is found, there will be a lot of noise, and then the ban will be imposed. I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Although Evitt seems to have a very casual temper on weekdays, he is not so casual when doing things.His own mantra is: Be a man casually and do things with caution.

It is probably because of his casualness that he is not so royal, but because he is cautious and has never caused any major disasters to embarrass the royal family, that's why the Queen favors him.As a model of the royal family, the Queen is afraid that she will never be able to live a casual life once in her life. Seeing that there is such a nephew in her younger generation who dares to think and do things, and has a pleasant temper, she naturally values ​​it more than other younger generations.

Otherwise, the Royal Guard can't be mobilized at will by such a mobilization.


The moment Su Tianxin first got into the water, she felt a little scared, but after being dragged by the little pearl, she suddenly seemed to have found the feeling. Not only was she not afraid anymore, but she also liked diving very much.

It seems that diving and swimming are really like what people often say. The muscles and the brain have reflective memory. As long as you learn it for a lifetime, you will never forget it.

At the beginning, everyone took care of Su Tianxin, fearing that she would not be able to keep up, and the collective speed was relatively slow, but the professional divers took a look at her situation and followed her for about 5 minutes. They felt that she was in good condition and ability, so they gave a gesture to let her go. Everyone speeded up.

In this way, everyone dived down while going far. After about 30 minutes, the detector of the salvage team suddenly responded.It should be a metal substance found in the water.

Everyone stayed where they were for the time being, waiting for the salvage team to provide specific data analysis.

After more than ten minutes, the salvage team roughly calculated that there should be a large ship underwater in front of it based on the analysis of detectors and computer data, and the material may still be made of wood and metal.The specific tonnage and displacement cannot be estimated at the first stage, but no large life forms have been found around the hull, that is, there are no dangerous creatures in the sea such as sharks for the time being, which can be approached.

This conclusion surprised everyone.Everyone guessed that there might be a sunken ship here, but they didn't expect it to be so close.

It took only half an hour to find the target.

But everyone knows that without seeing and finding the wreck, their mission has only just begun.What follows is the main event.

Everyone checked that there was no problem with the equipment and oxygen cylinders, and followed the direction indicated by the detector and dived towards the sunken ship.

(End of this chapter)

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