Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 72 Dim Sum Will Make Me Happy

Chapter 72 Dim Sum Will Make Me Happy

"Mom, I want to learn how to make dim sum.

Not only do I like to eat snacks, but I also like the joy and happiness that delicious snacks can bring to people.

Money, shopping, travel can all bring a feeling of happiness and happiness.

Dim sum is ok too in my opinion.

When I was young, when I was unhappy, Mom, you would always buy me a piece of strawberry cake, so I wouldn’t cry?

Although I know that when people grow up, many things cannot be solved by a piece of strawberry cake.

However, whenever I am unhappy, I will still want to eat a piece of strawberry cake, at least I will not feel so sad.

This simple pleasure is what I want right now. "

Su Tianxin saw that everyone was listening seriously, and felt very happy.

Instead of being treated like a child, she was treated equally as a real adult.

That way, she might actually be able to convince them.

"Although it sounds capricious, please let me try and do what I want, okay?

It is not something that a daughter of the Su family must learn, not for anyone, but for myself.

Also, I guarantee that I will not delay my studies, nor will it affect my other jobs in the future.

I just want to turn making snacks into a small hobby, and I will not distinguish between priorities.

Although I don't dislike the talents of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting from elementary school, I don't really like them either.

I have learned those things seriously, now you should let me choose by myself, right?

It was my father who said that as a daughter of the Su family, I have the right to be willful.

Just let me be selfish. "

The explanation explains that if you act like a baby, you will be willful.

Anyway, what Dad said, she has the right to be willful.

Besides, this is not a bad thing, as long as the family members understand that she is not joking, they will definitely agree.

"This kid.

Snacks can be associated with happiness.

It's better to just say that you are a 'snack guy', dim sum hooks you.

But I remember that you really liked snacks when you were young.

When your grandma was still alive, she said that every time she watched you eat dim sum, she was happy just looking at it.

Unexpectedly, grandma actually knows her daughter better than a mother like me.

Since it is something you like, you have spent a long time trying to convince us with so many reasons.

Mom couldn't bear to object.

Forget it, do it if you want to do it, and learn it if you want to learn it.

This is not anything capricious.

Mom is just afraid that you are too tired.

For the things you like, I think you are willing even if you are tired, that's fine, I don't care.

Let your brother take care of the matter of finding a teacher. "

Su's mother felt that her daughter had really grown up during this time, and she didn't look like she was messing around.The bunch I just said is quite similar to that.

Let her do it.

If the daughter can really learn how to make dim sum, she, as a mother, can get a little bit of credit along the way.

A daughter is like a mother.

Chu Xinke is also a lover of dim sum.

Western-style, Chinese-style, sweet and salty, you can choose whatever you like.

It's a pity that she wants to keep her figure, but she is afraid of getting fat and dare not eat too much.

In the future, I wonder if my daughter will be able to make snacks that are both delicious and not easy to get fat.

That was perfect.

Su Tianxin probably never imagined that her mother not only agreed to her learning how to make dim sum.

I'm still arranging tasks for her in my heart.

Although the dim sum that Chu Xin wanted was not easy to make, it was a good idea.

Later, when Chu Xin really brought it up to her daughter, Su Tianxin had no choice but to praise her mother for having ideas and being very smart.

However, these are all later stories.

 Today is still the fifth watch.

  Regular readers know that my mother is ill, and I have been in Beijing for nearly three months in treatment. All I have come into contact with are terminal cancer patients, and I have a lot of feelings.During this period, my mother, my family and I have experienced a lot. My mother has been in poor health recently. After I opened the new book, I spent less time caring for and accompanying her than before.But she likes my writing stories, always praises me for my hard work, and encourages me to write better stories one day.This book is very meaningful to me, I will work hard to write this book well, and I hope the little angels have a good time reading it.We all have to work hard to live and try not to leave any regrets.



(End of this chapter)

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