Chapter 73

"Brother, can you find a way to let Master Evitt teach me how to make pastry?

It would be best if you can formally apprentice.

If not, I also want to study with the master for a period of time.

If I can invite such a powerful master to be my pastry teacher, then my Chinese dim sum teacher in the future should not be too ordinary.

Brother, then please leave it to you. "

With her mother's approval, Su Tian raised her request with confidence.

Although this request may sound like nonsense.

With such high demands, it was like embarrassing her brother.

"That's right.

Talk to your brother if you need it.

Not to mention finding a master who can make dim sum for you, even if he is picking stars from the sky for you, brother will do his best.

As for the final result, brother still dare not give you any guarantee. "

Su Yuexin felt that although the younger sister entrusted him with things, although it was not as difficult as picking the stars, it was not so easy.

Although this Master Avette has some friendship with Su Shi.

But Master Ren was only a direct disciple, and he died in an accident.

It may also hurt my heart, because I haven't accepted another apprentice for so many years.

Such a world-renowned pastry master has a very special status. Even if he has a good relationship with the Su family, he may not be able to meet this request.

In addition, my sister also wants to learn Chinese dim sum.

If this master is not much worse than Master Avette, it is even more embarrassing for him.

There are many schools of Chinese dim sum, and it is so easy to find one who is as powerful and famous as Master Everett.

This West Point, at least there is a master Avette, where can we work hard.

As for the Chinese dim sum master, he has no clue at all.

Su Yuexin was used to being strong in front of her sister, so she had to accept such a difficult job with a forced face and a smile.

"Then thank you brother.

Although it is a bit difficult, but brother, I am optimistic about you, come on! "

Su Tian smiled wickedly.

Whose business is this?

The younger sister is so straightforward that she is in the current period and throws away the shopkeeper?

My younger sister has to be supported even when she is kneeling.

No matter how big the difficulty is, he has to overcome it, who made him a madman who loves his sister?

Father Su patted his son on the shoulder this time, a little sympathetic to the son who had been assigned such a difficult task by the two women in the family.

Fortunately, he never spoke.

Otherwise, this matter might have fallen on him.

It's not that he doesn't want to help his daughter.

In fact, this matter is not small.

Well, son, dad is optimistic about you, so please do your best.

After receiving the encouragement from her father's love, Su Yuexin didn't feel any better, but even more melancholy...

In fact, Su Tian didn't want to embarrass her brother that much, she just raised a wish.

When I was young, no one had hope.

It doesn't have to be done.

But it would be even better if he could really worship under a famous teacher.

After all, Master Evitt was of noble origin.


"Dad, Su Ming has been officially detained.

We are finally safe. "

Su Ming who killed the Su family behind his back was finally caught.

Although the police had found Su Ming's head before, but because some direct evidence was insufficient, they just took Su Ming back to assist in the investigation.

Thanks to the joint efforts of the Su family and the police, the arrest and detention was officially approved this time.

"The police are very efficient.

Later you allocate a special fund to donate some money to the police station and set up a special fund.

On the one hand, I would like to thank the police for their help this time.

On the other hand, it also helps them solve their financial problems.

With the rapid development of modern science and technology, the police can better train talents and introduce new technologies when they have funds, so as to catch those criminals faster.

We survived being killed this time, and we can be regarded as thanking them. "

Su Bai confessed to his son.

(End of this chapter)

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