Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 743: My Sister Controls My Brother's Joys

Chapter 743: My Sister Controls My Brother's Joys

Su Yuexin's words were more tactful. He didn't directly ask his younger sister Qiao Muqing why he was in a hurry to deliver these things early in the morning, but directly said that he didn't know what these things were for, but he was afraid that Mama Chen would mess up his sister casually. Can't find it, he's been waiting here.

Although Su Tianxin didn't hear so many twists and turns in her brother's words, she explained to her brother habitually: "Although the mung bean cake I made yesterday tastes good, I always feel that something is missing. The studio tried and discussed with everyone, and a girl who grew mung beans before told me that my mung bean cake was delicious, but the mung beans didn’t seem as delicious as the ones she grew at home when she was a child. There’s always something missing.”

Su Yuexin suddenly thought of Fuzhi: "It's the lack of pollution-free raw materials, right? Let me tell you, how can you ask Mu Qing to help you find these things."

Su Yuexin understood what was going on, so she didn't worry about it anymore.When Qiao Muqing sent those vegetables to his home before, Su Yuexin also remembered that he said that their experimental field would expand the range of planting varieties. Maybe my sister thought of Qiao Muqing's own words because of the need for raw materials, so he just said, how come? If you need help, you don't go to your brother first, but to that kid Qiao Muqing.

It's just such a small matter, why can't the kid explain it directly, and he has to stay here depressed all the time, thinking about it and making various guesses.

Su Yuexin had forgotten his temper in the morning, and he didn't think that Qiao Muqing didn't explain because he didn't bother to explain why he didn't understand.

I gave away a bunch of things, and Su Yuexin was very curious about whether she could use them, "Tianxin, why don't you see if there are any that can be used, if not, brother will help you find them today, anyway, it's not Mu Qing's company. It is estimated that it was found by the farmers in the surrounding suburbs or the farmers in the nearby provinces and cities, so it may not be suitable for the experimental field."

Su Tian nodded heartily: "I'll pick and choose first to see if there is something that can be used. This is not something that can be obtained in a hurry. Brother, you can also help me find out. I didn't find it because I was late last night. Yours, isn't it too late to say today?" Su Tianxin didn't have too much hope for the ingredients she found in such a short period of time, but there should be better ones than the ones she bought at home, right?

Today's agricultural products, not to mention pesticides and fertilizers, but water, air and soil quality are not as good as before. Even if they are claimed to be pollution-free organic crops, they are not as good as what Su Hai said 30 to [-] years ago.First find a reluctant substitute and then slowly think of a way.

Su Yuexin nodded, completely dispelling the gloom in the morning.

He just said that his elder brother should be more important than Qiao Muqing in Tianxin's heart. Even if there is something that needs help, it is impossible for the younger sister to only think of him, Qiao Muqing.It turned out that my sister didn't tell him about it because she was afraid of disturbing his rest, so she loved him more than my sister.

As a 24-year-old brother, Su Yuexin, who is controlled by his younger sister, became happy just after hearing a few words from his younger sister. I don't know whether to say that he has a good temper, or is he too unprincipled in front of his younger sister?

Su Tianxin didn't realize that her brother was in a mood at all, just now he just thought that his brother might still be sleepy and not in a good mood.Looking at my brother's energy now, I guess he's tired, right?

Su Tianxin: "Brother, you are not sleepy now, help me to look at these things together."

Su Yuexin: ...My sister's mind reading skills need to be improved.

(End of this chapter)

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