Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 745 The praise of mung bean cake

Chapter 745 The praise of mung bean cake

Su Tian felt that the new mung beans selected this morning tasted really good, and he probably couldn't find better ones for a while.First hand in a homework to the teacher, and then find a good mung bean to try if it can have a better taste.

Su Tian used up all those mung beans in one go, and tossed and tossed until after ten o'clock in the morning to finish.A full twenty boxes came out, but not a single penny.

I gave five boxes to Aunt Xu of the Qiao family, one was what Aunt Xu should have given, and the mung beans were found by Qiao Muqing, and one or two boxes of Su Tianxin was not easy to give away, so I divided them into five boxes. It's a lot, but it's probably just enough to eat at Qiao's house.

Because the family had eaten it in the morning, and she could make good beans whenever she found them, she didn't keep them for the family.

Su Tianxin took another five boxes and handed them to her brother, asking him to help him send the fastest air freight to Teacher Aiweite today, which is considered as homework handed in first.

The other ten boxes, Su Tianxin left one box for Su Hai and Richard each, the orphanage directly divided five boxes because there were too many children, and the studio divided two boxes, leaving one box for Qiming who gave her to make mung bean cakes before. Master Qi, looking at it this way, twenty boxes seems to be a lot, but it is actually not enough.

Originally busy early in the morning and on weekends, and had to go to the auction at night, the Su family might as well not let Su Tianxin go to work in the studio and rest at home for half a day.

As a result, Su Tianxin made an appointment with Richard to sign a contract today, so she had to go, otherwise the progress of next week's activities would be delayed.There was no other way for Su Yuexin to send her sister away.

Fortunately, the signing of the contract was settled very quickly. Everyone ate Su Tianxin's new mung bean cake, which was unanimously highly praised. Even Su Hai and Richard felt that it was indeed better than the one they ate yesterday.

Now Su Tian felt relieved.She did her best with her homework this time. Although it may not be the best, it can be regarded as the best mung bean cake she can make at this stage.I hope the teacher can see her sincerity even if she is not so satisfied with the mung bean cake she made.


After working in the studio, Su Yuexin took Su Tianxin home.After lunch, the whole family finally got together to chat and rest and spent another most lively weekend before school started. Su Tianxin should move next weekend, and school will start next week.

After dinner, the four members of the Su family set off to participate in the auction. Today's auction items are all antiques salvaged from the shipwreck treasure that Su Tianxin found before. They will definitely not participate in the auction today, but they still have to go to see the excitement .

The shipwreck treasure was originally a good gimmick, and it was a good publicity point for the auction publicity, but in line with the principle of making a fortune in a low-key manner, Su Tianxin discussed with his family, and it is better not to mention that these antiques were salvaged from a sunken ship. Come up, otherwise someone might come to the door later.

If interested people know that this is a treasure salvaged from a sunken ship, they will naturally think too much. They think that the Su family can put up so many good things for auction, so maybe there are many good treasures hidden in the family.Both Su Bai and Grandpa Chu are collectors of antiques, can they save some good things for themselves and sell them?Without money, it is impossible to think about it.

People's hearts are unpredictable, you must not have the intention to harm others, and you still have to be defensive.

Simply don't worry about the trouble and safety of this crop at all.

The Su family's thoughts are so consistent, Qiao Muqing will not insist on using this as a publicity point. He has many copywriters under his command, so I'm not afraid that everyone will not know that there is something good this time.

Therefore, the theme of the auction this time is set as a cultural journey of the Ming Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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