Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 75 Why is my brother crying poor?

Chapter 75 Why is my brother crying poor?

"You brat.

Are you short of money?

What are you going to buy for Tian Xin? "

Originally, he didn't let him pay the money himself, so stingy.

In the eyes of the whole emotional family, probably only his sister is the most important.

The son's generosity will only be towards his sister.

But he is not usually a personality who cries for poverty, so he must be really short of money.

"I plan to buy a house for Tian Xin in Tsing Da University.

The small white building in their school is nice.

It is close, and there is no need to take elevators around every day, so it is safe and worry-free. "

Next semester, my sister will still move back to live near the school.

It turned out that although the apartment was not bad, the thought of being trapped in Qiao Muqing's elevator made me feel uncomfortable.

Simply find a house in Qingda.

Although Xiaobailou is a bit old, it has a good location.

It is close, and the professors of the school live nearby, so there are not so many disputes, and the environment is good.

"Isn't there no one selling Xiaobailou?"

When Xiaobailou was enrolled in Su Tianxin, the Su family saw it right.

However, no seller has been found.

That's why I settled for the next best thing, and bought an apartment for Su Tianxin in the community opposite Qingda University.

"With the help of Misu, none of this is a problem.

That kid is very concerned about Tian Xin's affairs recently, but don't worry, I'm watching. "

In Su Yuexin's eyes, this rice millet is a weasel giving a New Year greeting to a chicken, so he has no good intentions.

That kid has fallen in love with Tian since the last banquet.I'm not afraid of him doing something out of the ordinary.

On the one hand, this kid has known him for so many years, and he knows that this kid is only interested in profit, but he will not step on the bottom line.

On the other hand, as for the grievances and grievances between him and Qiao Muqing, if you guess casually, you can know that this kid is eyeing his sister, maybe it is because of that kid Qiao Muqing.

If you really have to choose one of Qiao Muqing and Mi Su.

Su Yuexin is now more willing to choose Mi Su to be close to her sister.

At least this guy's own sister doesn't like it, and won't like it.

Even if it is hard to get up, it will not be cheap.

So, he deserves a warning.

I don't care about the others for the time being.

As for how he knew his sister wouldn't like this guy?

That can only be said to be intuition.

He understands his sister, among other things, Mi Su's face of mercenary and money-loving, his own sister doesn't like it.

Just looking at Qiao Muqing, you can tell what his sister looks like.

Although I really don't want to admit it, Qiao Muqing is indeed the best guy in the circle around me.

Although Migu is not bad, it is not the same type.

Unless, the millet turns sex.

Is it possible?


Then there is nothing to worry about.

"The house is bought, remember to thank your friend."

Su Bai didn't think too much about it.

Even if that Mi Su had thoughts about his daughter, he didn't have to worry if he had a son around.

The daughter looks good, she was fine when she was a child, but it is quite worrying when she grows up.

But there was a son who looked at his daughter, that kind of fluffy boy who didn't wink, and he didn't need Su Bai, the father, to solve it.

Over time, the Su family became a tacit understanding.

Children's affairs, let the children solve it in their own way.

When the matter is too big, or the children get into trouble and cannot handle it, the adults in the family will come forward again.

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like the posture developed by the second generation ancestor.

Fortunately, none of the Su family's children are lawless and have a bad outlook.

So to this day, the Su family's parents have never had a chance to make a move.

 Thank you dear little angels for your messages, I will work hard, I love you, it is really heartwarming~



(End of this chapter)

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