Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 76 The Pastry Chef of Noble Family

Chapter 76 The Pastry Chef of Noble Family

"I'll report to the company account together."

Su Yuexin nodded without being polite.

"How about we move to Tsinghua University next semester to live with your sister?

It always felt unsafe to leave her outside alone. "

Su Bai didn't have this kind of thought before, and he was frightened by Su Tianxin's suicide some time ago.

"you sure?

Will Tian Xin agree? "

Although Su Yuexin was a little worried about her sister.

But even if I thought about it with my toes, I knew that my sister would not agree.


Forget it, there are still a few months anyway.

How about we find a reason to persuade Tianxin not to move out and live by herself.

Even if I live in a small white building, I don't feel at ease with the nanny and guards.

It's better to pick up and drop off every day to feel more at ease. "

Even if Su Bai said this, he was a little bit emboldened.

However, this plan should be better than directly living in Tsinghua University with the whole family, and there seems to be some hope for accompanying students.

"As long as you are happy."

The obvious answer, Su Yuexin didn't want to comment.

"I'm happy, if Tian Xin is happy, I'm happy!

How's your contact with Avette? "

Su Bai was a little annoyed that his son looked like he had nothing to do with it.

Then ask about finding a pastry master for my daughter, so as to stimulate my son.

"Master Avette has already agreed to pay, saying that he is giving Tian Xin a chance for an interview.

As long as you pass the interview, you can take Tianxin for a week and do some simple teaching. "

With Avette's status, even if he has a good relationship with the Su family, it is very difficult to get this interview opportunity.

After all, if it is just to be an excellent and world-renowned pastry chef, whether it is money or other means.

It is not impossible to force him to teach.

But what makes Avette not an ordinary pastry chef, he is also a real nobleman with assets worth tens of billions of euros—Master Marquis.

This marquis is not only rich in assets, but also has a family background that is not easy to underestimate. He has a close relationship with the current royal family of country Y.

His ability to become a pastry chef really caused a lot of discussion in his country at that time.

As a member of the royal family, but also a marquis.

Every word and deed has attracted the attention of the outside world.

As a hobby, just play quietly at home by yourself.

If it is brought out and known by the masses, it will not be affirmed by anyone except ridiculed and accused.

However, Avette is a master who has been used to doing whatever he wants since he was a child.

At that time, his aunt and grandmother were still the queen of the royal family of country y.

Avette conquered the stomach of the queen, and even the stomachs of the entire royal family and nobles, with his dim sum.

In the end, Avette bought everyone off with his delicious snacks.

Let the queen and the nobles stand on his side, no amount of discussion will lose its original meaning.

Later, more and more people tasted the snacks made by the Marquis.

Without exception, they all closed their big mouths that used to utter disapproval.

Until later, Master Avette became famous all over the world.

Occasionally, people will forget his original identity, and only remember that he is a pastry master who can make the most delicious desserts in the world with both hands.

Such a pastry chef with status, background, money and self-will, who once only accepted one apprentice. Does that mean that he can be hired as soon as he can?

Obviously not.

Looking at it this way, it is definitely very lucky to be able to give Su Tianxin an interview opportunity.

"Where did you go?"

Su Bai was also curious about how his son did it.

 Thanks to "150216203529689", "Sugar Shengzi", "Tea Drama", "Shuangzhi Sadness" and the little angels for their rewards, thank you~ I love you~



(End of this chapter)

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