Chapter 769

Chu Xin wanted to help her daughter find good mung beans together, but her family and the Qiao family found hundreds of varieties, and asked her to see and smell them with the naked eye. No matter how she saw or smelled them, they were all the same. How could she tell the difference? Which one is good and which one is bad?

Chu Xin was dazzled watching from the sidelines, unable to help at all, the feeling of being anxious but unable to do anything made Su Tian's heart happy.

Su Tian knew that her mother wanted to help, so she thought for a while and said, "Mom, can you help me sort out the color and size for me first, so that I can choose among various specifications as soon as possible?" Yes, it will be faster to compare and try.”

Su Tian knew that her mother couldn't tell which beans were good and which were not, but she would not refuse if her mother wanted to help. If she refused, her mother would definitely feel depressed because she couldn't help her. She tried her best to find I believe it is happier to ask her to help with some things that my mother can do than to let my mother stand aside and see that she can't get in.

Sure enough, after listening to Su Tianxin's arrangement, Chu Xin was very happy: "Sort by color and size, I will do this, Mama Chen, let's help Tianxin divide first and label the bags by the way."

It was rare for Chu Xin to help her. She was so happy that she didn't even take a lunch break and took Chen Ma to help her daughter.

Naturally, Mother Chen had no objection, and she also wanted to help. Miss Tian Xin had to find so many mung beans all by herself to pick which ones to score.It's nothing if she and Madam can do something together.

Just like that, the three of them picked beans all afternoon, Chen's mother stopped to prepare dinner before five o'clock, while Su Tianxin and her mother, Chu Xin, finished work after the Su family's father and son arrived home.

As soon as Su Yuexin entered the door, she saw her mother and younger sister sitting at the kitchen table picking beans, and only after asking did she realize that they were picking mung beans.As soon as I was about to change clothes and wash my hands to help, I was told that it was done and I called it a day.

"If I knew you had such a heavy workload, I would have come back earlier to help. There are hundreds of kinds of beans here, Tianxin, which ones would you choose in the end?"

Su Yuexin was dizzy looking at the piles of mung beans, not to mention picking out her mother and sister all afternoon.He just wanted to help when he realized that there was nothing wrong with him, so he could only touch his nose to ask his sister's progress.

"A dozen or so, I haven't counted them yet."

Su Tianxin compiled the last one and put it aside, and began to tidy up those beans that were temporarily eliminated. These things may still be useful in the future.

"It's a lot of work to pick out a dozen kinds out of hundreds of kinds. But you plan to make mung bean cakes out of a dozen kinds? Why do you love mung bean cakes so much recently? Didn't Mr. Avette leave you a new task? Let you make mung bean cakes?"

Su Yuexin didn't know that Avette called to convey the Queen's praise for Su Tianxin's mung bean cake.

Before her daughter could explain, Chu Xin happily said for her: "Do you know who Evitt suddenly asked your sister to make mung bean cake for?"

This made Su Yuexin suddenly guess where he could guess, "I don't know."

"Let me tell you, it's the queen of country Y. It turned out that the queen of country Y wanted to eat mung bean cakes and felt that the dim sum chef she found in Hua country couldn't make the taste she wanted. That's why Evitt asked your sister to learn how to make mung bean cakes. Queen After tasting the mung bean cake made by our Tiandian, she is full of praise, and I want to invite her to be a guest at the palace of country Y before making mung bean cake."

Chu Xin may not care much about King Y's family, what she cares about is the recognition and praise of her daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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