Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 770 A Rare Praise

Chapter 770 A Rare Praise

Su Yuexin didn't expect such a big event, her sister didn't tell him just now.

"I was the last to know the news?" Su Yuexin instantly put on a sad expression, as if her sister didn't tell him everything about her brother now.

"No, no, you are not the last one, your father is the last one." Chu Xin pointed to her husband who went upstairs to change clothes and laughed.

It is said that many times people's happiness is based on comparison.When her mother said this, Su Yuexin felt that this was really the case.

He came in with his father, and his father just came over to take a look and everyone was busy going upstairs to change their clothes, so Su Yuexin already knew the news, but he didn't.With such a comparison, Su Yuexin instantly felt balanced haha.

Dad changed his clothes and went downstairs, feeling that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. Before he asked what was wrong, Su Yuexin quickly shared the news he had just received with his father. As the last one in the whole family who knew the news, Su Bai was autistic Two seconds, he was so miserable, why was he the last one to know that his daughter was praised by the queen?

Su Bai is more concerned about the Queen of Country Y than his wife and children.After all, he is the only one in the family who has seen the queen in person.

Although it is not very exciting to be praised by the queen of country Y as a Chinese, Su Bai knows very well that if Avitt treats food with love and excellence, then the queen is harsh.

The queen herself is a very self-controlled person.As the person in charge of the royal family of a country, she seldom shows her special hobbies. Whether it is food, clothing, or even all kinds of things, she almost always does not reveal her true preferences and interests. intention.

Later, after the queen reached middle age, there was such an odd-numbered nephew as Avette, and it was discovered that the queen was not the same to everyone, but she was very different to Avette.She is very tolerant of Avette than other members of the royal family, even more tolerant than her own children.

Everyone thinks this is a signal that she may not hide all her thoughts like in the past. After all, Avette, a nephew who is not in tune with the views of the royal family, can be pampered by the queen. Does it mean that the queen is actually Do you also appreciate this kind of rebellion in your heart?

As a result, no one expected that, except for Evitt, the queen hadn't changed at all in terms of people and matters or her former appearance.

Until now, few people in the world know what kind of people, what kind of food, and jewelry the queen really likes.She almost never leaves room for the imagination to guess.

According to Su Bo's knowledge, the Queen can directly praise the delicious mung bean cake made by his daughter Tianxin, no matter it is said publicly, or just mentioning it to Avette in private is enough to surprise him.

Especially for a mung bean cake, the queen actually agreed to let Su Tianxin enter the palace to make it once, tsk tsk, it's amazing.What my daughter did was incredible.

However, it seemed that although the family members felt very happy, they didn't realize what was behind this matter, and Su Bai didn't explain it.Perhaps in the future, his daughter will have a wider space for development than he thought. Let the child experience and explore many things by himself, there is no need to explain it so clearly.

This matter is led by Avette, even if he arrives in country Y, he will definitely take care of Tianxin, and Su Bai is even less worried about this aspect.

(End of this chapter)

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