Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 944 Invitation before departure

Chapter 944 Invitation before departure

It was his father who said this, Chu Xin was a little dumbfounded for a moment.But think about it when she and Su Bai fell in love, her father was very opposed at first, and then she figured it out overnight. At that time, she still thought that her father was the best in the world and understood her father the most.

Presumably it was also at that time that the father thought that his daughter was growing up, and she no longer needed him everywhere as she did when she was a child.I'm afraid these words are sent out of emotion.

It's kind of sad to think about it...

Yes, she was a not so obedient daughter back then, but now her daughter is much better than she was before.Although their parents don't seem to be as needed as when the daughter was young, the daughter still respects them.

Even the relationship that was so persistent and didn't want to give up was after considering their feelings, and seemed to hide those feelings in their hearts.

Compared to Chu Xin herself, it seems that her daughter has wronged herself more than she did before.

"Oh... Forget it, I'm not an obedient daughter myself. Thinking back, when I was just an adult, I felt that I was omnipotent. I didn't want my family to take care of everything, and I wanted to do everything by myself.

At that time, he was young and frivolous.I think that I am independent when I become an adult, but it is so simple.

Now that my daughter has grown up, I'm afraid it's the same as my original idea, and she also wants to prove that she can handle many things by herself.Although it's a bit sad that I can't express it, I should be happy. This child has grown up, so I should be happy, right? "

After Chu Xin finished speaking, she looked at her husband, as if she was looking for a sense of approval, but she suddenly smiled again.

"Do you think I'm more like a child than my daughter now?" Chu Xin said helplessly as she looked at the doting in her husband's eyes.

In fact, she didn't need her husband to answer this question at all, and the two looked at each other and smiled again.

After the two talked about this topic, they both seemed to have a clear understanding of the fact that their daughter had grown up.

Acquaintance is acquaintance, but when you should worry about it, it is still what it used to be, and it is still what it is now. After all, although a child has grown up, he is still a child.

Parents have no way to completely let go of some things in life.

It will be May Day soon, and my daughter is about to go on a long trip, so Chu Xin is still busy preparing a lot of food and clothing for her daughter. Finally, Su Tian looked at the piles and piles as if she was about to move. After thinking about it, I might as well just pack it up with my parents and take it away.

"Mom and Dad, you helped me bring so many things, why don't you go with me directly, and we can travel together after seeing the Queen, what do you think?"

Su Tianxin extended an invitation.

Chu Xin actually thought about going with her daughter before, but she didn't dare to ask her daughter, because she was afraid that her daughter would not want to go out with her parents when she grew up, and she would not feel so free. Unexpectedly, her daughter suddenly proposed at this time and invited them to go together. Suddenly felt a little surprised.

"Tianxin, do you mean that we can go together too? Will it not cause you any trouble?" Although Chu Xin was a little surprised, she still wanted to confirm.

Su Tianxin saw her mother's cautious attitude, sighed in her heart, and said seriously: "Of course, you are our parents, how can you cause trouble for me? I didn't intend to invite you to go together because I was afraid of you It’s boring to go, after all, I don’t know the arrangements when I get there, but I believe that Dad will definitely take good care of you, so let’s go together, Mom and Dad.”

(End of this chapter)

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