Chapter 945
"Did you forget to take me with you?" A resentful voice came from the side.

When they turned their heads, Su Yuexin looked sad, as if she was a poor little girl who had been abandoned, and everyone laughed.

"You're such an old man, do you still need us to take you with you? Just set off wherever you want to go, and you're no longer a child. Are you fighting for favor?" Su Bai laughed at his son.

Su Yuexin ignored her own father, and turned to look at her sister: "Tianxin, do you have the heart to leave your brother like this? You took your parents with you, why didn't you take me?"

Su Tian's face is full of black lines, her brother is a good showman, if he has time to go, can she not let him go?Still need her to take it?

But even though her brother, who is an actor, loves her a lot, she still has to cooperate: "Dear brother, I kindly invite you to accompany me to country Y, would you like to?"

When Su Yuexin heard her sister's invitation, she was satisfied now, she couldn't see her eyes from the smile: "Yes, of course I am willing!"

Su Bai rolled his eyes, what kind of experience is it to have an heir who wants to skip work all day and not work—it is his mood at the moment.

"Yuexin, I remember that you seem to be discussing a project on May [-]st, right? Are you going on a business trip? Are you sure you have time to accompany your sister? You see, you are so busy, so don't go. It's enough for me to go with your mother It's..."

"Dad—" Su Yuexin hurriedly interrupted her unscrupulous father. He is clearly the president of the company. Why do you have the nerve to ask him to work overtime when you spend your whole day on business trips to discuss projects?

Of course, it wouldn't work if he refused to work overtime without a suitable arrangement now. He knew that this would happen a long time ago and had prepared in advance.

He thought he was really a clever ghost.

"Don't say you don't work overtime. These jobs are very important. Whether your sister has enough pocket money, and whether she can rely on you in the future depends on your usual performance."

What Su Bo said was very righteous, but in fact he wanted to squeeze his son to work overtime.

The project was decided to be discussed earlier, if the son doesn't work overtime, is it possible that he, the father, will be the one?
That's definitely impossible. It's such an important event for him to be with his daughter and wife that he can't be absent.

"Dad, of course I know that work is important, but I have already arranged the two tasks you mentioned. Vice President Zhang will be there on the business trip, and he is actually more familiar with it and easy to talk about. As for the project As early as a week ago, I made an appointment with the other party to meet in country Y. By then, I can work there, and work and travel can be balanced."

Su Yuexin had already made arrangements, and nothing could delay him from going abroad with his sister.

What Su Bai didn't understand when he heard his son's words: "Your boy, did you have a premeditated plan?"

This kid must have thought about going abroad with his daughter a long time ago, otherwise, how could he arrange the work so neatly? It's too thief, and he never thought of calling the two of them together.

"No, no, I just happen to be going abroad for a business trip, so it's just a coincidence to accompany Tianxin, isn't it?"

When Su Yuexin said this, her face didn't blush and her heart didn't beat, and she didn't convince her own father to believe his words. Her son knew that he couldn't take even a word of what he said to be true.

"Okay, okay, pack up quickly, I still have a lot of things I haven't brought, and I'm leaving early tomorrow morning, oops, hurry up and help me."

At the critical time, the mother still has to come forward to make the situation harmonious.

Chu Xin packed a lot of things for her daughter, but she didn't pack any of her luggage. She was about to go out suddenly, so she had to go upstairs to pack her luggage. After speaking, she dragged her husband Go upstairs in one piece.

(End of this chapter)

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