Reborn koi have a lot of luck

Chapter 946 Who else do you want to bring?

Chapter 946 Who else do you want to bring?

Looking at his father who was dragged upstairs to do odd jobs, Su Yuexin finally felt balanced. His luggage had already been packed, and he was very relaxed at the moment.

Su Tianxin looked at this pair of living treasures, father and son, feeling happy and complicated at the same time.

This is the home where she has grown up for nearly 20 years. Although she was a little wary of them during the days when she lost her memory, they really pampered her as always.

I don't know why, I didn't feel anything special before, but suddenly today when the family members agreed to go to country Y together, she suddenly had a premonition in her heart that something would happen.

It's hard to say whether this premonition is good or bad.

As a koi fairy, her premonitions have always been accurate, and every time they are directional, like this time, she has never had a premonition that is good or bad, or even completely unknown whether it is good or bad.

Either the things that are going to happen this time are very big, very complicated, and have many influencing factors, or is it that the decline of her immortal power is already unpredictable?

But she didn't feel it at all. It stands to reason that she should be able to feel the decline of Xianli in other aspects, but now she only has a vague feeling in this premonition and prediction. Could it be true this time? What's going on?
Su Tian was thinking about things seriously, and suddenly saw his brother's enlarged face suddenly approaching.

She quickly withdrew her thoughts: "Brother?"

"Tian Xin, since our family is going to play together, then you don't mind bringing a few more people, right?" Su Yuexin's attitude suddenly became a little cautious.

How many more people do you bring?Su Tian was stunned for a moment, did brother want to take Beibei or his assistant?
"The project that I went to Country Y to discuss was with Mu Qing. Do you mind if I bring him and his company?"

Su Yuexin watched her sister's reaction while talking.

In fact, half of what he said was true, but the other half could be regarded as hiding some of his thoughts.

The relationship between Su Qiao and his family has always been good. Before that, because of Qiao Muqing's refusal of Tian Xin, a lot of things happened, and there was a short period of time in which they were very nervous.

Later, when Qiao Muqing felt guilty about her own affairs and wanted to make amends (actually not), the relationship between the two families eased a lot.

Some time ago, after Qiao Muqing's thoughts on Tianxin were exposed, the father and son of the Su family beat and scolded. It seemed that Qiao Muqing was determined to pursue Tianxin.

Although Su Yuexin was upset, but with years of brotherhood and love for his sister, he finally softened his heart.

Although he didn't particularly want to help Qiao Muqing match up, but he wouldn't too much hinder the opportunity for the two to meet.

This time it was indeed because the project partner of the Su family happened to be familiar with Qiao Muqing, and under Qiao Muqing's help, the Su family and the other party had better cooperation conditions than before. This is Qiao Muqing's sincerity.

Of course, Su Yuexin wouldn't sell out her sister just because of this.

Only brothers know brothers best. Although Qiao Muqing didn't know what kind of madness he had in the past and always looked down on Tian Xin, but his feelings for Tian Xin now can't be faked.

Su Yuexin also thought that if he didn't watch, maybe that kid could secretly find an opportunity to join Tian Xin's side, and he was not as good as staring at him openly every day, so he thought about the reason for this time to talk about work He and Qiao Muqing flew to Country Y to have a "chance encounter" with his sister.

However, this plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Now that the younger sister traveled alone and the whole family became a family, he must have said in advance that Qiao Muqing would also go.

(End of this chapter)

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