Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1018 Withered Bones in the Tomb

Chapter 1018 Withered Bones in the Tomb
Chapter 1016: Dead Bones in the Tomb
"Report...Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng each sent [-] troops to help Wang Shichong."

"Report... Baibo thief Guo Tai led an army of [-], and came to help Wang Shichong."

"Report... Yuanmeng Temujin led 20 troops to the south..."

A series of bad news came, and the generals of the Qin army who were originally confident could not help but become a little impetuous.

Some generals of the Qin army really couldn't figure it out. Not long ago, when their lord was still the leader of the coalition forces, those princes almost praised the lord as the savior, but why did they have the illusion that all sides were enemies so quickly?
Different from the restlessness of the generals, Qin Hao didn't react to it. He was neither angry nor annoyed.

These days, Qin Hao received more than one system reminder from Wang Mang to activate his skills, and not long ago, he also received a message from Zhang Ning.

So, of course Qin Hao knew that his opponent on the surface was Wang Shichong, but it was always Wang Mang, the originator of the time traveler, who was doing things secretly.

The reason why Qin Hao didn't care about it, just let Wang Mang like this, and played such a beautiful combination of vertical and horizontal under the eyes of his heir, was naturally because he had absolute confidence in his own strength.

It should be known that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is vulnerable.

With the death of Dong Zhuo and the imminent infighting of the Liang army, Qin Hao's biggest threat is gone, and the rest are just small fish and shrimp.

The 13 army in Qin Hao's hands is an elite that has been carefully trained and armed to the teeth. The lineup of fierce generals and commanders under his command is even more luxurious, without any weaknesses at all.

Even if the enemies on all sides unite, they are still no match for Qin Hao, so why should he panic?
Besides, the forces that Wang Mang can unite are all Qin Hao will be able to clean up sooner or later.

Qin Hao wished that Wang Mang would gather these forces together, and then he would wipe them all out in one go, one by one, and save the trouble of attacking them one by one.

That's why Qin Hao allowed Wang Mang to use it at will, and Wang Mang did not disappoint Qin Hao, and indeed he gathered all his enemies together.

However, Wang Mang still chose to expand the army, knowing that the expansion of the army would reduce the overall combat power of the army, and that the armaments, food and grass were not sufficient.

Qin Hao couldn't help being moved by such a crazy move, but that's all.

The number of Wang Mang's troops seems to be large, but the overall quality is better than that of the Yellow Turban Army. No matter how many such troops come, they will also send Qin Hao summoning points and summoning cards.

Wang Mang jumped up and down to do so many things, and united so many forces, but no matter how he rescued him, how he struggled to death, it was all futile in the end.

Qin Hao doesn't even need to have any reaction, just need to be upright to crush all the arrangements of Wang Mang, and is there anything more desperate than this?
Seeing the latest news, which seemed to be the return of news, Qin Hao smiled.

"It turns out that Temujin is Wang Mang's biggest trump card."

A hint of surprise flashed in Qin Hao's eyes. He guessed that Wang Mang might use Yuan Meng to hold back the Jin army, but he would be willingly used by Wang Mang before Temujin arrived first.

After all, even if Wang Mang's skill "Smart Tongue" lowered his intelligence, Temujin would definitely be able to see through Wang Mang's true intentions, and the only reason why he was willing to be used by Wang Mang was probably to make trouble for himself.

"Even Temujin was convinced. It seems that Wang Mang really made enough preparations to lobby, but it's not enough to win me."

Qin Hao couldn't help flashing a trace of coldness in his eyes, and then said to the counselor: "Military Master, the situation is now completely clear, and the four southern princes have joined forces to rob our army of the fruits of victory. How do you say this battle should be fought?" ?”

After Liu Bowen, Fang Xuanling, Pei Ju and other counselors looked at each other with a smile, Liu Bowen finally stood up and said: "My lord, the one hundred thousand army that Wang Mang cobbled together was extremely poor in terms of cohesion and combat effectiveness, but Wang Mang still It is still expanding the army, this is the way of death, and sooner or later our army will destroy it, so the lord need not worry."

Fang Xuanling said: "My lord, joining the coalition forces of the southern princes is a problem of obsession. It is nothing to worry about. Yuwen Chengdu in Yewang City is the real big problem."

Now, relying on the large number of troops under his command, Wang Mang seemed to be preparing to defend the city, waiting for the Qin army to take the initiative to attack, intending to consume the strength of the Qin army by defending the city.

Defending the city, relying on defending the city to consume the strength of the Qin army, and training the recruits by the way, this can be said to be the most correct strategy for the current Southern Allied Forces, but Liu Bowen and others found the flaw at a glance.

Although there are quite a few counties in the two counties of Ha Nei and Ha Dong, not all of them are fortified cities. If there is no other strategy and they only focus on defending and not attacking, sooner or later the defense loopholes will be exposed.

And after Liu Bowen and other counselors calculated together, they just discovered the flaws in Wang Mang's defense, which could completely force Wang Mang to go out of the city to fight, and once he goes out of the city to fight in the field, he will undoubtedly lose.

Want to consume the strength of the Qin army by defending the city?Impossible, if you don't come out, I won't force you out!
Therefore, even if the Bingnan Allied Army has an army of 10,000+, in the eyes of Liu Bowen and other counselors, it is still just a dry bone in a tomb. On the contrary, the Liang army with fewer troops in Yewang City is more difficult to deal with.

The overall quality of the Liang army is second only to the Qin army among the princes. It is far from being comparable to the impromptu and southern allied forces. In addition, the entire Sizhou has been abandoned, and the small slap is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There are basically no loopholes in defense.

If the Liang army nests in the wild king and doesn't come out, then the Qin army seems to have no other way except to attack this road by force.

"My lord, the alliance with the four southern princes looks united on the surface, but there are many hidden dangers inside.

The supply of food and grass for the 10,000+ army, the division of interests in the East of Hanoi and other issues have caused a lot of filth in the interior, and there is no absolute trust between them. "

Liu Bowen was clearly in his grasp, his eyes were full of wisdom, and he said in a calm manner: "To deal with such an unstable alliance, if the lord presses too hard, it will actually make the interior more united and concentrate all the forces." Unanimously external, so we should take slow measures as the top priority.”


Qin Hao's eyes flashed brightly when he heard the words, and then he asked with a smile, "What's slowing down?"

(End of this chapter)

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