Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1019 1 Dominate the World Liu Bowen

Chapter 1019 Dominate the world Liu Bowen
Chapter 1017: Liu Bowen Dominates the World
After hearing Qin Hao's question, Liu Bowen subconsciously narrowed his eyes slightly, and all the generals couldn't help shivering when they saw this.

Appeared, when the military master plotted against others, he would always show this sinister expression, and every time the other party was doomed to be in bad luck!
Liu Bowen obviously didn't know that the crowd would complain about him so much, but he said with a smirk: "As long as our army doesn't persecute them too hard, the hidden dangers inside the Confederate Army will break out sooner or later, so you can ignore it for the time being." coalition forces.

Our army can divide the frontline army into two, one part will stick to the current newly acquired land, and the other part will go south to completely expel the Liang army from Sizhou. .

If the conflicts between the southern princes are successfully detonated, the Southern Union Army will be disbanded at that time, and they will definitely kill each other, and they will no longer pose a threat to our army.

Even if it fails to detonate the conflicts among the southern princes, it doesn't matter. Wang Mang's exhausted efforts to remedy it may alleviate his internal conflicts. Once the rift of suspicion occurs, it will not be so easy to recover. At that time, it will naturally be powerless to interfere with our army's expulsion of the Liang army.

As long as the Liang army is completely expelled from Sizhou, our army will be able to concentrate its forces to deal with the Southern Alliance Army. At that time, the Southern Alliance Army will be unable to support it alone, and sooner or later it will be destroyed by our army. "

Liu Bowen talked about his plan unhurriedly, and after he finished speaking, all the generals gasped.

Once Liu Bowen's strategy is implemented, no matter what the final result is, the Qin army will win in the end.

Liu Bowen has already calculated all the possibilities. Even if the other party knows that there is a pit ahead, no matter how they hide, they are destined to fall into another pit. This is simply a blatant conspiracy.

In front of the seemingly powerful Southern Allied Army, Liu Bowen was completely naked. All the weaknesses were seen through at a glance, and they were disintegrated in a few words, and it was the kind that had no room for it. The vision and strategy are simply admirable.

Facing a wise man like Wang Mang, he can count him to death without giving him any chance to resist. The military adviser is simply too good!The generals of the Qin Army thought so in their hearts.

Qin Hao was naturally overjoyed after hearing it. In fact, after being reminded, he already had a plan in his heart, but it was far less comprehensive than Liu Bowen's plan.

Liu Bowen, who ruled the world, really deserved his reputation!
Qin Hao was about to praise Liu Bowen a few words, but Su Dingfang on the side stopped and said: "The military master's plan is really very fast, but now there are only [-] troops on the front line. If we divide the troops into two groups and implement the strategy of defending from the north and attacking from the west, the strength of the troops may be huge." It's a little weak."

Su Dingfang's question also hit the point.

The Qin army in Sizhou had a total of 13 troops. Xue Rengui led [-] troops in Hedong, Bai Qi led [-] troops in Hanoi, and Qin Hao personally led [-] troops to guard Luoyang.

In addition, Xu Huang led [-] troops to garrison Hulao Pass, Guan Sheng and Xun Yu led [-] troops, and [-] prisoners of war from the Liang army, stationed at the Yique Pass site, and were responsible for rebuilding Yique Pass.

Originally, Guan Sheng only had [-] soldiers in his hands, but considering the management of the [-] Liang army prisoners of war, Qin Hao sent another [-] soldiers to Guan Sheng and Xun Yu.

Except for these troops, the spare troops of the Qin army were only [-], and they were still scattered among other counties in Sizhou, so there was no spare troops to send.

Because the coalition forces attacked Luoyang too ruthlessly, and the Liang army destroyed all the defense facilities when they abandoned the city, the Qin army then maintained Luoyang's defense, but obviously the defense power will not recover to its peak in the short term. period.

Luoyang is a very large city. Although the city walls are thick and easy to defend and difficult to attack, at least [-] troops are needed to support its defense capabilities. Therefore, before gaining an absolute advantage, this Luoyang [-] soldiers and horses can never be mobilized.

Although the Qin army has a large number of troops, if they want to give priority to solving the Liang army, they can only let Bai Qi's army divide the troops. Most of them will be led by Bai Qi to Yewang, and the small part will continue to garrison Hanoi.

The [-] Liang army in Yewang City is obviously not easy to deal with. Even Bai Qi needs at least [-] to [-] troops, which means that Hanoi may only have [-] garrison troops.

Can only [-] troops really ensure the defense of Hanoi?It should be noted that if one line of defense is lost, then the whole game will be lost!

Su Dingfang's words also made Qin Hao frowned slightly, and muttered: "The military strength is a bit tight. I thought that 13 troops were enough, but now it seems that it is still not enough!"

"My lord, why don't we expand our army as well. Most of the essence of Sizhou is in our army's hands. If he can expand his army, so can we."

Li Cunxiao stepped forward to speak out, and this statement was also recognized by the generals. After all, as a general, who would not want to expand the army, and the situation of the Qin army is much better than that of Binnan, and the expansion of the army will not have too much burden.

"It's just nonsense, expanding the army is not a child's play."

Qin Hao glared at Li Cunxiao, and said angrily: "Can the expansion of our army be the same as Wang Mang's expansion? How much is the salary of the soldiers in the south? It’s nothing more than ordinary people with weapons, and it’s useless at all.”

Li Cunxiao smiled awkwardly, and retreated a little embarrassed. He only thought of the benefits of expanding the army, but ignored the treatment of Qin soldiers.

The salaries of soldiers of the Qin Army are not only the highest among the princes, but they also receive pensions if they are killed or disabled in battle. The cost of raising one soldier of the Qin Army is enough to raise five soldiers from the South.

After rejecting Li Cunxiao's proposal to follow suit and expand the army, Qin Hao immediately asked Liu Bowen, "I don't know about the problem of military strength. I wonder if the military division has a solution?"

Liu Bowen smiled lightly, shook his feather fan lightly, and said unhurriedly: "My lord, our army still has tens of thousands of ready-made troops, but I don't know if my lord dares to use it at a risk?"

All the generals were confused when they heard it, so the Qin army obviously has no soldiers to transfer, so how can there be tens of thousands of ready-made troops?

Qin Hao's eyes flashed brightly, but then he frowned and asked: "The military division is talking about the reorganization of the Liang army's prisoners of war?"

"That's right, the prisoners of war of the Liang Army who rebuilt Yiqueguan are all the best soldiers. Even if they were captured for so long, their morale was low, but with a little training, their combat power is still higher than that of the Southern Alliance Army. .”

Qin Hao shook his head and said, "But Xiliang men all respect Dong Zhuo, even if they are willing to surrender and be loyal, there is no guarantee that they will not..."

Speaking of this, Qin Hao suddenly realized that Dong Zhuo was already dead.

(End of this chapter)

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