Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1111 Six Lang Yang Yanzhao

Chapter 1111 Liu Lang Yang Yanzhao

Chapter 1109: Liulang Yang Yanzhao

Qin Wen didn't notice Xi Zhicai's strangeness, and continued to order: "In this battle, Yang Ye will be the main general, Wang Meng and Wen Tianxiang will be the deputy generals, and Xi Zhicai will be the military adviser. They will lead a total of [-] elite troops. Ask to drag the Yuanmeng army to Yinchuan County.

As long as it can be delayed for a month, another 20 reinforcements will arrive at Hetao, and under the encirclement of 7 troops, the [-] yuan Mongolian cavalry will definitely be wiped out. "

Regarding Murong Ke's invasion of Hetao, Qin Hao was very worried, but he didn't expect that the Jin army was not thinking about retreating the enemy, but annihilating the invading land, and they already had a careful plan.

Qin Hao still underestimated the power possessed by the Jin army. Although Qin Wen’s subordinates only had local talents from the Three Kingdoms, they might not be inferior to those summoned by Qin Hao in terms of ability, but they were definitely not inferior to any group when united. .

Zhenbei Pass.

After Yang Ye received Qin Wen's letter from Feige, he summoned all the generals overnight to discuss the military situation.

"Tiemuzhen and Yang Jian colluded, Murong Ke led [-] cavalry, detoured Liangzhou and was about to attack Hetao, my lord ordered me to lead [-] troops, and go to Yinchuan to sit in town..."

Yang Ye made a long story short, but the amount of information was so large that the generals couldn't help but gasp, and the hall was full of discussions for a while.

After a long time, Yang Dalang stood up and said: "Father, there are only [-] troops at the Zhenbei Pass, and you took away [-]. With only [-] troops, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist Temujin's [-] troops outside the pass."

This time Temujin personally had an army of 20. He concentrated his troops in front of Yanmen Pass for a while, and then divided [-] troops to Zhenbei Pass for a while, but he only deterred and did not attack the city.

Therefore, before figuring out Temujin's true purpose and whether he would attack the city, the Jin army did not dare to make any changes, and could only concentrate its forces on the two northern passes.

If there are 6 defenders in the pass with sufficient strength, Yuanmeng will not come to attack the city if it cannot be broken, but if [-] troops are transferred from the pass at once, if there are so many defenders suddenly lost, it will be difficult to protect Temujin. There will be no forced siege.

Of course Yang Ye also knew about this problem, and immediately explained: "Zhenbei Pass was built on the back of Yinshan Mountain, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, even if there are only [-] troops, as long as the guards do not make mistakes, it is enough to defend for two months.

As for who will be the guard after this general leaves..."

As he said that, Yang Ye began to glance at the generals in the hall, and all the generals couldn't help being overjoyed when they heard the words. They all raised their heads and chests to get Yang Ye's attention, but Yang Ye's eyes finally fell on his sixth son, Liulang Yang Yanzhao body.

"Lao Liu, after leading the army for my father and leaving, Zhenbei Pass will be handed over to you."

All the generals couldn't help showing disappointment when they heard the words, and although Yang Dalang and other brothers were also a little disappointed, they still congratulated the younger brother together.

"This time guarding the gate is very important."

As he said that, Yang Ye showed a serious expression, and said in a deep voice: "Lao Liu, if you can't defend Zhenbei Pass, you don't have to go home again."

Being chosen by his father as the guard, Yang Liulang was ecstatic at first, but he was terrified when he heard this, and then he shouted firmly: "Don't worry, the governor, Yang Yanzhao is willing to issue a military order. If you can't defend the Zhenbei Pass, you must Extinct from the world."

Yang Ye couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words. He didn't want to force his son, but the responsibility was too heavy and he couldn't bear half a point, so he had to force his potential.

Yang Ye reused his son as a general, and it was not entirely out of selfishness. Although there were quite a few generals and lieutenants under his command, none of them could shoulder the heavy responsibility of guarding the gate. Relatively speaking, he was the son he personally taught. The most reliable.

Among Yang Ye's many sons, including Shilang Yang Zaixingyuan outside Jingzhou, most of them are more than brave but not witty.

But among them, Liu Lang was the only one who was the most stable and general, so Yang Ye chose him to shoulder the important task of defending the city.

"Dalang, Erlang, Shiro, Goro, Qilang, you all lead the army with the governor."


"Yang Yanzhao, where is Qin Yu?"

The two stood up together and shouted: "The end is here."

"Yang Yanzhao is the chief general, and Qin Yu is the deputy general. Together, you guard the Zhenbei Pass without any mistakes."


Due to the urgency of the situation, Yang Ye summoned the army to prepare for departure that night, and led the army to Yinchuan early the next morning.

At the head of Zhenbei Pass, Yang Liulang wore the dragon scale armor his father gave him, and watched his father lead the army away with great reluctance.

Yang Liulang is not a sentimental person, but for some reason, he always has a bad premonition in his heart at this moment, as if his father and brothers will never see each other again after leaving.


Qin Yu patted Yang Liulang from behind, but Yang Liulang was taken aback.

"what happened?"

Qin Yu showed doubts on his face, and asked: "It's hard to become a guard, but why do you still have a bitter face?"

"Have it?"

Yang Liulang was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Maybe I think too much!"

When Yang Liulang turned his head to look at the army again, he saw that the sun was rising, the marching team was getting longer and longer, and the shadow was getting longer and longer.

At the same time that Yang Ye led the army to Yinchuan, Murong Ke arrived in Shuofang County, and Wang Meng, who had been appointed by Qin Wen, was rushing to Yanmen Pass at the fastest speed, but he encountered [-] troops marching on the way. Yanmen Jin Army.

Wang Meng knew that the old lord Qin Wen would appoint his deputy general for this battle, which must be the result of the lord Qin Hao's secret efforts, but from the side, he also said that the crisis had reached such a point that even he, a civil servant, had to lead the army.

After assembling the army, Wang Meng led the army to the front, looking in the direction of Yinchuan, he couldn't help but muttered to himself: "Murong Ke? What kind of ability do you have that the lord pays so much attention to you?"

In order to deal with Murong Ke's 7 yuan Mongolian iron cavalry that went deep into the hinterland, the Jin army paid unprecedented attention this time. There are [-] equipped troops who are being recruited.

This was an unprecedented move for the Jin army.

Yinchuan County, located at the southernmost tip of Hetao, has a total of ten newly-built county towns. Among them, apart from Yinchuan, which is the most powerful city, there are two medium-sized cities, and the other seven cities are just small cities.

When the prefect Mi Yuan (Qu Yuan) received the news that Yuanmeng was about to invade, he quickly moved all the people outside the city into the city without leaving any chance for the allies to supply food and grass.

In addition, Qu Yuan also selected the light and strong from the people in the city, and took out the military equipment sealed in the warehouse, armed and trained the people to prepare for the defense.

(End of this chapter)

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