Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1112 The benevolent general Murong Ke

Chapter 1112 The benevolent general Murong Ke

Chapter 1110: Benevolent General Murong Ke

I don't know whether Qin Hao was intentional or not. Among the four people who were sent to serve as prefects, the weak Wang Xizhi and Wang Anshi were placed in the relatively safe Bingbei, while Wen Tianxiang and Qu Yuanyuan, who had the best military skills, were placed in a relatively chaotic place. Hetao.

Qu Yuan was able to become the prefect of a county at the beginning, although the main reason was that the Mi family took refuge in him, but his own talent was also very important.

Qu Yuan's five dimensions are the most balanced among the four, his command and intelligence are over 95, even the lowest force is the highest among the four, and his political attribute is [-].

Therefore, for Qu Yuan, who is an all-round talent, it is more than enough to be a good prefect of a county.

And Qu Yuan, who has 85 points of commander attribute, is quite familiar with the important tasks of defending the city, and soon made a series of arrangements for the defense, and personally trained the light and strong defenders to be ready at any time.

When Murong Ke's [-] cavalry stepped into the territory of Yinchuan, they only found a tall and majestic city wall, but no common people were found outside the city, which made it difficult for the Yuan army to supply food and grass from the common people.

"Father, it seems that the information has been leaked. Now that the Jin army is ready, what should we do next?" Murong Shao asked with a frown.

Looking at the small town in front of him, a strange color flashed in Murong Ke's eyes, and he said with a faint smile: "Take this city first, replenish the food and grass, and then go to attack Zhenbei Pass."

As Xi Zhicai guessed, Murong Ke's real purpose was to open the Zhenbei Pass by attacking both inside and outside, so that Temujin's 20 troops outside the pass could enter the pass.

Murong Ke observed the defenders on the city, and found that there were mostly archers on the city wall, but there were only two catapults. Most of the soldiers looked flustered, obviously either recruits or young men.

"It seems that this Yinchuan County Sheriff is also a powerful character. He has made so many arrangements in such a short period of time, but it is a pity that the mantis' arm is in the end."

A look of admiration flashed in Murong Ke's eyes, and he asked left and right: "Who is the prefect of Yinchuan?"

"Reporting to my father, the prefect of Yinchuan, named Mi Yuan, is said to be a descendant of the Mi family in Xuzhou."

"Are you from a rich family? It seems that you won't surrender."

Murong Ke muttered to himself, and then ordered: "Go ahead and shout out, just say that I will invite Mi Yuan prefect to guard the city gate for a while."

The knight quickly went to shout out, while the soldiers on the tower immediately went to report to Qu Yuan.

"The prefect is not well, the Yuan army is coming."

After hearing the news, Qu Yuan, who was directing the strong man to carry the supplies, couldn't help but tremble in his heart. He never thought that Murong Ke would come so soon.

As soon as he received the news of the Yuan army's invasion, Qu Yuan immediately started to make arrangements, but he didn't expect to be a step behind in the end.

The Yuan army has already approached the city, and most of the cities in Yinchuan are not ready yet. This city is empty with county soldiers and strong men. The materials for defending the city are neither ready nor moved. City?
"How did Yuan Meng find this?"

Qu Yuan frowned tightly, and muttered to himself: "Is it a coincidence? Or... Forget it, how long you can stay."

In fact, Qu Yuan knew in his heart that this city was just a small city, not as strong as Yinchuan, the prefecture.

But as the prefect of a county, even if he knew he couldn't keep it, Qu Yuan would not abandon the city and run away.

"Master Taishou, the enemy will invite you to the front of the city for a while."

"Let's go and meet this Yuan general." Qu Yuan said lightly.

Yuan Meng is good at riding and shooting, and there are so many good archers in the army, so of course Qu Yuan would not venture out of the city to meet Murong Ke. If the Yuan army arranged for the eagle archers to shoot him, then Qu Yuan really didn't even have a place to cry. up.

Murong Ke saw that Qu Yuan didn't go out of the city for a while, so he didn't care about it, but rode forward, smiled lightly and cupped his hands and said, "Prefect Mi, it's a pleasure to meet you..."

While Murong Ke was looking at Qu Yuan, Qu Yuan was also observing Murong Ke. He found that this Murong Ke was completely different from the aliens he had seen before.

Whether it's demeanor or etiquette, Murong Ke's gestures reveal this refined air, which gives people a feeling of spring breeze, and is completely free from the arrogance and rudeness of most Yuanmeng people.

After Murong Ke and Qu Yuan exchanged a few polite greetings, they went straight to the point and said: "Prefect Mi, as far as I know, the total population of Yinchuan County is more than [-], and this city has no more than [-] people.

Now that I have led one hundred thousand cavalry, the prefect knows that this city will never be able to stop our army.

Once I break through the city, there will be rivers of blood and the people will be displaced, presumably Mi prefect will not want to see this, right? "

After asking back and threatening Qu Yuan, Murong Ke's eyes flashed strangely, and he said lightly: "Prefect Mi, if you surrender, you will surely keep the people in this city safe..."

Murong Ke hadn't uttered the word '早' before he was interrupted by Qu Yuan with an angry face.

Qu Yuanhe was too lazy to argue with the other party, whether the enemy army was [-] or [-], he directly yelled angrily: "Shameless barbarians, don't insult me, if you want to attack the city, attack it, I will not surrender."

"Knew it……"

Murong Ke sighed in his heart, and then continued: "This city can't stop our army at all, Prefect Mi, you are not afraid of death and are willing to sacrifice your life for righteousness, but have you considered the people in the city?
Once the war broke out, many families separated their wives and children. Why do you force them to die? "

Murong Ke's extremely affirmative tone also made the defenders on the city a little flustered, and Qu Yuan couldn't help but frown slightly after seeing the soldiers' reactions. He didn't expect this Murong Ke to be so sharp. Just shake your own military spirit.

Qu Yuan felt extremely ashamed as a civil servant but failed to be a general, so he debated with Murong Ke again, but found that he still could not argue with Murong Ke.

Murong Ke has an absolute advantage, and no matter how much Qu Yuan argues, he can't reverse this point, so he has no choice but to hastily end the debate.

After defeating Qu Yuan in the verbal battle, Murong Ke also showed a triumphant smile on the corner of his mouth, and said to the left and right: "Get ready to attack the city."

"No." Murong Shao shouted.

The [-] siege army quickly finished their preparations, and after a brief review, Murong Ke immediately drew out the scimitar from his waist, and shouted at the city ahead: "Attack."


[Ding dong, Murong Ke's skill 'Benevolence' is activated.

Benevolent General: A general who is not majestic but approachable, and who specializes in governing the army with benevolence, virtue, kindness and righteousness (Note: different people have different effects).

Effect 1, lead the army against the same clan, commander +1, force +3;

Effect 2, lead the army to deal with foreigners, commander +2, force +4;

Effect 3, when personally leading the army in battle, the overall quality of the whole army is partially improved. 】

(End of this chapter)

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