Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1136 The character design has collapsed

Chapter 1136 The character design has collapsed
Chapter 1134: The human design collapsed
After getting out of the carriage, Qin Hao looked at Gai Nie with some displeasure, and asked with a displeased face, "What's the matter?"

Gai Nie didn't know that he had ruined the Lord's good deeds. Although he felt a little strange about the Lord's attitude, he didn't care too much. Instead, he reported the truth: "My Lord, the road to Chaoge is all given by Wang Mang's people. It's sealed."

The Qin army only occupied four counties in Hanoi, but in order to win the previous Chaoge battle, Su Dingfang strategically gave up three counties, so that now the Qin army actually occupies one Chaoge county in Hanoi.

Now that Qin Hao wanted to return to Luoyang, he would definitely go through Chaoge, and Wang Mang blocked the road to Chaoge, so if Qin Hao couldn't go to Chaoge, he couldn't return to Luoyang.

Of course, the road Qin Hao took was not the main road, but the secret path that guided Qiao Feng and Guo Jing to escape, but now even such a secret path has been blocked, which shows that Wang Mang must have learned something, so he will Make such a big move.

"What did Wang Mang know? Did he know that I came in person to deal with me? Or to save Zhao Min and maintain the cooperation with Yuan Meng? Or both?"

Qin Hao's brain was running fast, and soon he thought of several possibilities, but because there were too few clues, it was impossible to determine which one it was.

"No matter which one it is, the most important thing now is to return to Luoyang."

After thinking up to this point, Qin Hao immediately asked Gai Nie, "Can I make a detour?"

"It is possible to detour to the east of the river, and then return to Luoyang from the southeast of the river, but if you make a detour to the east of the river, I'm afraid it will take half a month longer."

Qin Hao immediately gave up the plan to detour. After all, the war between the two divisions is so tense now that every minute and every second cannot be delayed, and if he really walks half a month longer, the day lily will probably be cold by then.

"Or let's just forcefully kill them."

Hearing what Qin Hao said, Gai Nie thought for a while, pointed to another carriage where Zhao Min was being held, and said, "There are no less than a thousand soldiers blocking the road ahead. Although the seven of us can forcefully break through, But it is difficult to take care of the two mistresses."

Qin Hao nodded involuntarily. The seven of them are all masters. It is not difficult to break through the thousand-man formation together, but it is not easy to protect Xiaolongnv and Zhao Min. Min is likely to backlash at any time.

and many more……

Qin Hao looked at Gai Nie in surprise, he seemed to have heard something extraordinary just now, and thought: What the hell are the two mistresses?Which eye of yours sees the two mistresses here?At most, there is only Xiaolongnv, and Zhao Min is just a prisoner...

At this time, an idea appeared in Qin Hao's mind, that is, Gai Nie thought that he wanted to take Zhao Min, so he captured her alive and brought her back to Luoyang. This is simply outrageous.

Gai Nie, Gai Nie, why do you have such gossip thoughts, I am sorry for your cold personality, it seems that you are too idle to make you think wildly, I will find more things for you when you return to Luoyang .

Qin Hao thought secretly in his heart.

Ge Nie didn't know that in the heart of the lord, his personality had collapsed. Seeing that he was thinking about something with a gloomy face, Ge Nie suddenly felt a little cold for no reason, and thought: Someone must suffer again.

Gai Nie probably never imagined that the person who suffered the disaster was himself.

"It's too time-consuming to detour, and it's not good to force a breakthrough, how about..."

A gleam flashed in Qin Hao's eyes, and he said with a smile: "Immediately fly a pigeon to send a letter to Su Dingfang of Chaoge, asking him to send Qianqi to meet Benhou."

The greatest advantage of being a master is that if there is any problem that cannot be solved, it is enough to order his subordinates to solve it. If the subordinates cannot solve it, it is naturally a problem of the subordinate's ability, and it has absolutely nothing to do with him.

Although Qin Hao is temporarily trapped here and unable to escape, he has [-] troops in Chaoge, as well as Su Lie, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and other powerful generals.

Chaoge is less than forty miles away from Qin Hao's location, and the carrier pigeon can fly there in less than an hour, while the cavalry can reach it in two hours at most if they drive at full speed.

Under the attack of the Qin army's thousand horsemen, it is impossible for more than a thousand soldiers to stop it, and after receiving Qin Hao, they immediately ran away, and Wang Mang had no time to dispatch the army to encircle and suppress.

Therefore, instead of letting Qin Hao detour, or exhausting himself to kill him, it is better to let Su Lie from Chaoge come to meet him. It is easy, convenient, and comfortable. It serves multiple purposes.

Gai Nie is not a stupid person, he saw the benefits of doing this at a glance, and immediately said: "This subordinate will do it now."

Using Qin Jun's unique digital code, Gai Nie quickly wrote several codes that only Qin Jun could crack, and then released all the pigeons in his hand to prevent a single pigeon from being intercepted.

After the spread of the carrier pigeon messaging system, the princes saw pigeons as carrier pigeons, so they also came up with various interception methods to prevent spies from passing information to the enemy, and this also made it impossible for flying pigeons to send letters. It's safe.

Therefore, just to be on the safe side, Ge Nie released all ten pigeons in his hand, and seven of them flew back to Chaoge, while the other three were shot down by Wang Mang's men.

"General, look quickly, it's Qin Jun's carrier pigeon."

The captain looked up and saw that there were indeed three carrier pigeons flying towards him, and quickly shouted: "Archer, quickly shoot these pigeons down for me."

Three hundred archers quickly assembled at the intersection, and following the general's order, three hundred feathered arrows flew out but missed a carrier pigeon.

"Hmph, what a bunch of trash, it seems that I still have to do it myself."

At this time, a white-haired middle-aged man in a red robe walked over with an arrogant face, and he was a rare master who walked in the rivers and lakes, the golden-faced fire god Jinrenfeng.

After picking up three small stones from the ground, Jin Renfeng waved his hand towards the sky, and the sound of '咻咻' sounded, followed by three pigeons falling down in response.

Jin Renfeng took out the slips of paper tied to the carrier pigeon. The content on the three slips of paper was the same, but they were all written in words he couldn't understand, and he couldn't get any useful information at all.

Jin Renfeng handed the note to the soldier, then looked at the direction of the carrier pigeon, sneered and said: "Quickly tell Mr. Wang Mang that the mouse is finally coming out."

Wang Mang used Qin Hao's extermination of Buddhism as an excuse, and the real purpose of convening the martial arts conference was naturally to recruit the heroes of the rivers and lakes for his own use.

Wang Mang also knew that with his current status, it would be difficult to recruit those disciples from famous schools, but it was still possible to recruit those masters from evil ways and scattered people, and Jin Renfeng was the strongest master Wang Mang recruited this time. .

(End of this chapter)

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