Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1137 Seven Swords VS Li Yuanba

Chapter 1137 Seven Swords VS Li Yuanba

Chapter 1135: Seven Swords VS Li Yuanba

As soon as Wang Mang received Jin Renfeng's message, he didn't waste time trying to crack Qin Hao's message. Instead, he contacted Li Maozhen as quickly as possible.

Of course Wang Mang could understand the numbers in Feige's biography, but he didn't know which codebook these numbers corresponded to.

Literary works in this era are rare, and works that can serve as codebooks are nothing more than a dozen such as "Historical Records" and "Spring and Autumn".

But trying to decipher Qin Jun's code from these dozens of books is definitely not something that can be done in a short while, so it is better to focus on chasing and killing Qin Hao.

Seeing that Li Maozhen came with that person, Wang Mang immediately showed an extremely bright smile, and said, "It's up to you whether you can get rid of Qin Hao this time. I have already found out the approximate location of Qin Hao."

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Li Maozhen nodded seriously, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, as long as your information is true, Qin Hao will definitely die this time."

After saying that, Li Maozhen turned around and left with the people around her, leaving Wang Mang alone in place, but his eyes were shining brightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Qin Hao is a person with unlucky luck, and there are six peerless swordsmen by his side. Even if there is that person, there is no guarantee that Qin Hao will be eliminated 100%. To be on the safe side, I must do my best this time."

With this in mind, Wang Mang decided to send out all the masters under him, including Helian Ba, the master of the Sea Shark Palace, Yu Tian, ​​the leader of the Supreme Alliance, Cheng Kun, the leader of the Hunyuan Thunderbolt, Hong Antong, the leader of the Dragon Sect, and Zhao Min who still wanted to rescue Zhao Min. Murong Dragon City.

Except for Murong Longcheng, Wang Mang paid a huge price to recruit other martial arts masters in this martial arts conference.

After this battle, there may be very few of these people left, but as long as Qin Hao can be eliminated, then all of this will be worth it.

After arranging everything, Wang Mang looked at the east with a sneer, and said to himself, "Qin Hao, I have carefully prepared a feast for you, I believe you will like it."

On the other side, Qin Hao and others also found that the number of troops at the intersection had increased to 3000 in a short time, and then pairs of troops were going out, and they were checking one by one in their direction, and they would soon find the place where they were. location.

"My lord, what should we do now?" Wei Zhuang asked with a serious face.

Qin Hao, who was in the hidden secret order, glanced at the army not far away, and said in a deep voice: "Retreat first, and you must not be surrounded by the army."

A group of people abandoned the carriage, replaced it with horses, and quickly withdrew to the other side.

Because Xiao Longnu was unwell, Qin Hao rode with her, while Zhao Min reluctantly rode with Gai Nie, and his hands were tied and his mouth was gagged.

Not long after Qin Hao and the others left, the carriage abandoned by them was discovered by Murong Longcheng.

"The wheel marks are still new, which proves that they haven't traveled far, but there are no obvious horseshoe marks around them. It seems that they are deliberately covering up their tracks..."

Murong Longcheng thought that he could take this opportunity to rescue the princess Zhao Min, but he didn't want the clues he had finally found to be broken again.

Looking at the team that was slowly searching, Murong Longcheng couldn't help but frown, when will they be able to find it at this speed.

When the search was deadlocked, Murong Longcheng found a few long hairs in the grass, walked a few steps forward and found a few more, he couldn't help thinking:
"Princess Min'er has been smart since she was a child. Even if she is captured, she will never wait to die. This must be the clue she gave me to rescue me."

After thinking up to this point, Murong Longcheng immediately said: "Everyone come with me."

A strange look flashed in Li Maozhen's eyes, and after a glance with Jin Renfeng, they both chose to listen to Murong Longcheng, who made Murong Longcheng the most experienced here.

Under the leadership of Murong Longcheng, the crowd quickly chased in one direction, but Murong Longcheng still felt that the speed was too slow, so the group left the large army and went to chase with only a few cavalry.

After Qin Hao and the others fled for half an hour, seeing that the enemy's army was far away, they found a hidden place to stop and rest. They didn't dare to go too far from the intersection, for fear of missing the incoming army.

Qin Hao and the others stopped to rest for less than 10 minutes when they suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes not far away, and the sound was obviously coming in their direction.

Qin Hao glared fiercely at Zhao Min with eyes like swords, while Zhao Min looked blank, then shook his head innocently, and waved his trapped hands to indicate that he was innocent. That is to say, she can't speak now, otherwise she will definitely continue to explain to Qin Hao.

Seeing this, Qin Hao sneered in his heart, thinking: You woman's heart is completely dark, I really believe you are a ghost.

"Hmph, I'll take care of you when I calm down."

Qin Hao snorted coldly, and then said to Gai Nie: "Take care of her, don't let her use any small tricks."


Seeing this, Qin Hao nodded, and said, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, keep withdrawing."

The group retreated again, but on the way they found a group of people blocking the way, and a group of cavalry appeared behind them, led by the number one master of Yuanmeng, Murong Longcheng.

Obviously being surrounded, Qin Hao not only did not have any fear, but stared at Murong Longcheng coldly, threatening: "Murong Longcheng, you dare to appear in front of me, it seems that the lesson I taught you last time It's not enough!"


Murong Longcheng snorted coldly, and said lightly: "Qin Hao, stop bluffing here, do you really think you can still get away?"

Qin Hao looked around at the people around, and at the same time used the ability to detect each other.

The only masters in the opponent's lineup are: half-step master Murong Longcheng, late-stage master Jin Renfeng, early-stage master Guan Yutian, half-step master He Lianba, super-class Hong Antong and Cheng Kun.

As for the others, they were just ordinary cavalry, not even elites.

With this lineup alone, Qin Hao didn't need to use the 'Mandate of Heaven' to kill them all with the Seven Swords. After all, they have seven masters on their side, and they can also use the Seven Swords.

Knowing the difference in strength between the enemy and us, Qin Hao was naturally satisfied, and immediately sneered: "There are many people who want to kill me in this world, and I'm afraid you are not qualified enough."

Zhao Min, who was behind Qin Hao, couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard this, and secretly complained in his heart: You are so crazy when you are surrounded, I really thought you were Qin Hao!

Zhao Min didn't know Qin Hao's real identity, she still thought that this traitor just had the same name as Qin Hao, but Murong Longcheng learned from Wang Mang that this Qin Hao was Qin Hou, and immediately said with a smile: "I don't have the qualifications , but he is not necessarily."

As he said that, he saw two figures slowly walking out from the woods. Qin Hao couldn't help frowning slightly when he saw this, but his face changed drastically after seeing the people coming.

The visitors were all old acquaintances of Qin Hao, one was Li Maozhen, and the other was... Li Yuanba.

Qin Hao didn't bother to think about why Li Yuanba came here, and didn't even give Li Maozhen and Li Yuanba a chance to speak, so he pulled out the Tianwen Sword decisively, and the sword was instantly covered by a purple air current.

Under the understanding, Gai Nie and the other six swords all understood Qin Hao's intentions, knowing that the lord wanted to catch Li Yuanba by surprise, and immediately followed and pulled out the swords around his waist.

Seven-color sword light soared into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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