Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1141 Qin Hao vs Li Yuanba

Chapter 1141 Qin Hao vs Li Yuanba
Chapter 1139: Qin Hao vs. Li Yuanba
Qin Hao finally understood what it was like to fight against Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba's power is too domineering. If the person fighting him is not strong, when you attack him with all your strength, he doesn't even need to fight back. He just needs to block it, and the shock alone is enough to seriously injure the opponent .

Through years of training, Qin Hao's strength has now improved, but he is still not comparable to Li Yuanba. Just the blow just now almost split Qin Hao's tiger's mouth open, and he almost let go of his weapon.

The real horror of Li Yuanba is not only his domineering divine power, but also his almost endless physical strength.

Just as Qin Hao suppressed the surge of Qi and blood in his chest, and just dispelled the numbness of his arms, Li Yuanba stalked up like a mad dog.

"Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao both used their skills to win against Li Yuanba, so I can't go head-to-head. Only by using moves to fight with them can I continue to fight."

With this in mind, Qin Hao decisively changed his strategy. Facing Li Yuanba who was close at hand, he saw that the air around him surged rapidly, and then the halberd in his hand danced wildly, forming more than a dozen halberd shadows in an instant, attacking Li Yuanba overwhelmingly. .

[Ding Dong, Qin Hao's skill 'Holy King' effect 1 activates, if the opponent is a descendant of Yanhuang, he can randomly copy one of the opponent's skills, and bless all its effects to himself, the stronger the possibility of copying the skill lower. 】

After receiving the reminder, Qin Hao was overjoyed, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally hoped for the 'Holy King'.

Next, if he copied 'Broken Hardness', he would still be able to persist for more than a dozen rounds, and if he copied 'Hammer of Fury', then this battle might really be fought.

With this in mind, Qin Hao kept praying in his heart: Copy the 'Hammer of Rage', copy the 'Hammer of Rage'...

After Qin Hao activated the "Mandate of Heaven", although he could avoid the crisis of life and death, Qin Hao didn't know what form the "Mandate of Heaven" would take. But now the "Holy King" gave Qin Hao a chance to feel proud.

Since Qin Hao was born, he seemed to be going smoothly and victorious in all battles, but he still encountered many crises, such as being forced by Xiang Yu several times to survive and flee in embarrassment.

Xiang Yu alone is enough to push Qin Hao to a desperate situation. Qin Hao doesn't want a second Xiang Yu to appear, and he can't bear to be chased away by Li Yuanba again like before, so even if he knows he can't beat Li Yuanba, at last At least you can't lose.

[Ding dong, Qin Hao's skill 'Holy King' effect 1 activates, copy Li Yuanba's skill 'Raging Hammer', power +5+10, current power rises to 126. 】

"It's done."

Seeing this, Qin Hao was overjoyed. The force that had dropped after the 'Critical Strike' effect disappeared just now was made up for by the duplicated 'Rage Hammer', and this also gave him the capital to fight Li Yuanba again.

The effect of the 'Hammer of Wrath' is not weak, Qin Hao only felt that the strength in his body seemed inexhaustible, and he was ready to open the whole process of internal energy and release it to fight Li Yuanba.

"The Overlord's Thirteen Stances, eighteen picks with one hand."

After Qin Hao roared again, the speed of dancing the halberd was a little faster, and eighteen shadows of halberds formed in midair.

[Ding dong, Qin Hao broke the bottleneck, permanently +1 force, the current base force is 103, and the current force has risen to 127. 】

Li Yuanba, who rushed over quickly, couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this move.

Eighteen picks with one hand.

He is very familiar with this move, every time he fights Xiang Yu, Xiang Yu will use this move, and it is this move that made him suffer so much.

Eighteen picks with one hand has almost become Xiang Yu's signature move. There are many people in the world who know this move, but the most perfect Eighteen Halberd Shadows has only appeared in the hands of Xiang Yu alone.

Li Yuanba never imagined that the moves that once shined brilliantly in Xiang Yu's hands would be perfectly reproduced in Qin Hao's hands now. Judging from their power, they are only slightly inferior to Xiang Yu's.

Although Li Yuanba has faced this trick many times, he still has no way to break it. After all, his sledgehammer can't reach that speed no matter how much he dances, and switching from defense to offense is the best way to deal with it.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Yuanba's figure froze suddenly. Facing the countless shadows of halberds, his sledgehammer was just like a tortoise shell, just holding on to the vital points.

"Hate the sky 36 styles, glaring at King Kong."

Li Yuanba roared angrily. Although he was on the defensive, his strength was even more domineering.


The Overlord's Halberd and the Drumming Weng Golden Hammer collided one after another, no less than dozens of times in an instant, and a large number of sparks were generated from the friction between the weapons, which were as gorgeous as fire trees and silver flowers.

There was a lot of commotion here, and it also attracted the attention of everyone on the other side, and Li Maozhen was completely dumbfounded.

"My God, how could Qin Hao fight Li Yuanba like this? Am I dreaming?"

No one here knows Li Yuanba better than Li Maozhen. This cousin is the one who really stands at the pinnacle of generals, but now even Qin Hao can't win quickly?
Could it be that after his brain improved, he thought too much, which caused his strength to decline instead?Li Maozhen couldn't help but think so.

Originally it was Li Yuanba who came to attack, but was caught by Qin Hao's one-handed [-] picks, and Li Yuanba took the initiative to defend instead.

With Qin Hao's current attack power, no matter how powerful his moves were, it would be difficult to break through Li Yuanba's defense, so Qin Hao was waiting for an opportunity, and if Li Yuanba took the initiative to counterattack, he would have a slight chance of winning.


After another collision, Li Yuanba felt that Qin Hao's strength was a little weaker, thinking that Qin Hao was about to reach his limit, and immediately began to fight back decisively with all his strength.

Li Yuanba's fighting style has always been only offensive, but now he is forced to defend by Qin Hao, a 'weak chicken'. This naturally makes Li Yuanba furious, but he still has the last trace of reason.

[Ding dong, Li Yuanba's skill 'Raging Hammer' is activated, strength +4, intelligence -16, current strength has risen to 132, intelligence has dropped to 10. 】

"Qin Hao, you have been able to fight me for so long, but you can only stop here."

Li Yuanba knocked Qin Hao back with a backhand hammer, and then slammed Qin Hao from the air with a sudden jump, but Qin Hao still couldn't avoid it, so he had to raise his halberd to block.

[Ding dong, Qin Hao's skill 'Holy King' will copy all the effects of 'Rage Hammer', and 'Rage Hammer' will be activated again, so 'Holy King' will be copied again, Qin Hao's force will be +4 again, and the current force will rise to 131. 】


With one hammer, Qin Hao's legs fell directly into the soil, and blood was spilled from the corner of his mouth, but his eyes showed excitement, which made Li Yuanba very puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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