Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1142 Qin Hao vs Li Yuanba

Chapter 1142 Qin Hao vs. Li Yuanba (final)
Chapter 1140: Qin Hao vs. Li Yuanba (final)
"Is this...not good, it's a trap..."

Li Yuanba's idea had just come into being when Qin Hao suddenly withdrew his strength and pulled Li Yuanba's strength backwards, and then his body suddenly pressed down.

Under inertia, Li Yuanba staggered forward several steps, but Qin Hao took the opportunity to pull his legs out from the mud, then turned around and concentrated his strength on one point, and stabbed at Li Yuanba's waist suddenly.

"An angry dragon pierces the heart."

[Ding dong, Qin Hao's skill 'Critical Strike' is activated, the force instantly increases by 10, and the current force rises to 141. 】

With the blessing of a total of four skills: Halberd God, Zongheng, Angry Hammer, and Critical Strike, Qin Hao's force value surpassed Li Yuanba's, and the attack containing 141 points of force directly hit Li Yuanba.

If Li Yuanba was the former Li Yuanba, he would definitely fall into Qin Hao's schemes, but Li Yuanba who has recovered his intelligence is different after all. He has already discovered Qin Hao's plot in advance, and he can guess how Qin Hao will attack without looking back. The anger in his heart is even greater. I can't hold back anymore.

[Ding dong, Li Yuanba's skill 'Raging Hammer' is activated, strength +2, intelligence -8, current strength has risen to 134, intelligence has dropped to 2. 】

[Ding dong, Li Yuanba's intelligence is lower than 10 points, the effect of 'Rage Hammer' is activated at 3, and the negative skill effects he receives will be reduced by half.

'Zongheng' has been enhanced twice, and its skill strength is much higher than that of 'Rage Hammer', so it is not affected by the effect 3 of 'Rage Hammer'.

The suppressing effect of 'Halberd God' was halved, and Li Yuanba recovered 2 points of force, which has now risen to 136. 】

"Qin Hao, you think beautifully."

After yelling violently, Li Yuanba forcibly stopped his forward inertia, then turned around suddenly and used the sledgehammer to protect his chest, while Qin Hao slammed on the sledgehammer.


Because the power of this blow was concentrated at one point, and Li Yuanba turned around suddenly, it was difficult to fully exert the power on his body, so that when the huge force hit, even Li Yuanba couldn't hold the weapon steadily, and the sledgehammer was hit The impact hit his chest in the opposite direction.


After being severely injured, Li Yuanba sprayed a big mouthful of blood on Qin Hao's face, and then he flew upside down.

Qin Hao originally wanted to take advantage of the victory to chase after him, but he didn't expect that Li Yuanba had also learned badly, and even knew how to use this kind of dirty trick. With his sight blocked, he could only quickly wipe off the blood stains on his face.

But when Qin Hao opened his eyes, he saw that Li Yuanba had already thrown the sledgehammer in his hand, and a sledgehammer was hitting him in the air.

At this time, Qin Hao had just finished the 'critical strike', and his force value had dropped to 131, and he was at his weakest moment. Facing this flying hammer, he had no time to dodge it, so he had to forcibly knock it out of the way.


After Qin Hao yelled violently, he mobilized all his strength and swung the halberd with both hands. The halberd swung a big Zhou Tian directly, and smashed the sledgehammer in the air with all its strength.


When the halberd and hammer collided, the sledgehammer was knocked flying.

Qin Hao only felt that he was hit on a mountain. Under the impact of this huge force, he flew out like a shell and hit a big tree heavily.

Qin Hao stood up with his halberd and pestle, and after stabilizing his figure, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Pfft... Li Yuanba has not only become smarter, but his combat wisdom has also improved."

Qin Hao couldn't help but smiled wryly. Originally, he was planning to slander Li Yuanba, but he did not expect to be slandered by Li Yuanba in the end. Li Yuanba never thought of such a trick before.

Looking at Li Yuanba's side, although his injury is not serious, but with that perverted system, he still has the power to fight again.

Li Yuanba ran to the dead horse that was smashed to death, picked up the sledgehammer that was thrown out at the beginning, and then picked up the sledgehammer that was knocked flying by Qin Hao.

"Qin Hao, you must die today."

Li Yuanba roared with red eyes, then swung his hammers and ran towards Qin Hao.

The bitterness on Qin Hao's face was even worse when he saw this. With the 'Holy King' copying the 'Hammer of Wrath', what he was dealing with was Li Yuanba, who was severely wounded by the combination of seven swords and only used one hammer. , but even this failed to defeat Li Yuanba, on the contrary he was seriously injured by him.

"I didn't expect to be undefeated by Li Yuanba like this. It seems that being undefeated is already my limit..."

Qin Hao was already sure that he alone would not be able to defeat Li Yuanba no matter what. Although Li Yuanba's combat strength had become weaker due to injury, his condition was obviously much worse than Li Yuanba's.

The injuries on his body did not make Qin Hao fearful, but the fighting spirit in his eyes became more vigorous.

"Go all out, today, I'm going to have a good fight."

[Ding dong, Qin Hao's skill 'Holy King' will copy all the effects of 'Rage Hammer', and the activation of 'Rage Hammer' will be copied again by 'Holy King', Qin Hao's force will be +2 again, and the current force will rise to 133.

Qin Hao received 21 points of force blessing from the 'Hammer of Wrath', of which 16 points, at the cost of reducing 4 points of intelligence for each point, a total of 64 points of intelligence were deducted. Qin Hao's basic intelligence was 98, and his current intelligence dropped to 34. 】

His strength increased again, but his intelligence plummeted, which made Qin Hao even more irrational.

I saw Qin Hao stepping out and rushing towards Li Yuanba, dancing wildly with his halberd, and pointing at Li Yuanba's vitals with his moves.

Li Yuanba hit with two hammers in a row, one hammer was stronger than the other, but no matter how fierce his moves were, Qin Hao just didn't take his moves head-on, which gave him an absolute advantage, but he couldn't win by eating and drinking.

Just like that, the two fought back and forth for more than 20 moves, all kinds of moves flying around, Li Maozhen who was watching was dumbfounded.

At first, Li Maozhen thought that Li Yuanba had become weaker, but after careful observation, he realized that he was not weakened at all, and he was clearly stronger than before. At least the former Li Yuanba didn't know how to play tricks in battle.

"In the battle against Dong, Qin Hao seriously injured Houyi. At first I thought Qin Hao was just lucky, but now it seems that Houyi's luck is good."

Li Maozhen couldn't help sighing, after all, Hou Yi was not Li Yuanba's opponent, and if Qin Hao had used this level of combat power, Hou Yi would definitely die, and Lu Bu had no chance to save him.

After another 143 rounds of fighting, Qin Hao's 'Critical Strike' was finally ready to be used, so he decisively activated his skills, and his strength rose to a shocking [-] points.

Li Yuanba's highest force increase was only at the level of 143, but now that he was suppressed by Qin Hao's "Zongheng" and "Halberd God", he could no longer exert 143 points of combat power.

"go to hell."

After Qin Hao yelled, he jumped up and swung his halberd with all his strength, while Li Yuanba crossed his hammers to block.

With a blow of 143 points of force, Li Yuanba was sent flying again, breaking three trees in a row before stopping.

Qin Hao also vomited a small mouthful of blood again due to the shock of this blow, and his injury became more serious.

"Shouldn't you be able to get up now?"

Qin Hao secretly prayed in his heart that Li Yuanba must not stand up again, but the reality turned out to be the opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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