Chapter 1143 Heaven and Man

Chapter 1141: Heaven and Man

Soon, Li Yuanba ran out from the smoke and dust, and although his momentum was a little weaker, he still had the strength to fight again.

"Damn, this is too perverted. Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao can defeat such a monster. They are simply perverted perverts."

Although there were a lot of complaints on his mouth, Qin Hao's body was still extremely honest, but when he took a step, his brain felt dizzy, and he almost fell down without standing still, and the pain and weakness in his body The feeling is also stronger than ever.

"It can't be done, the body has reached its limit, and if you continue to fight, you will definitely lose."

For generals, skills are king, but basic force is also the foundation to support skills. Only the stronger the foundation, the stronger the general's strength will be.

Qin Hao's basic strength is only 103, and facing Li Yuanba, who has a basic strength of 110, the gap between them cannot be made up by skills.

Even if Qin Hao copied the 'Hammer of Wrath' with the help of the bug-like duplication effect of 'Holy King', and increased his strength to 143 points abruptly, his background was still too shallow after all, and he couldn't support his ability to increase his combat power. Give full play to the strength.

Although Li Yuanba only exerted 136 points of force now, his physical strength is real and not mixed with any moisture.

Therefore, even if Qin Hao can gain the upper hand for a while, he is doomed not to be able to win the final victory.

At this thought, Qin Hao's mouth revealed a trace of bitterness, and he sighed in his heart: "Activate 'Destiny'!"

[Okay, Qin Hao's skill 'Destiny (Ultimate Enhancement)' effect 2 is activated. When the host encounters a life-or-death crisis, 'Heaven' will bring 'good luck' to the host. This effect can only be activated three times a year...]

After the ultimate strengthening of "Destiny", the "Permanent Passive" of the previous effect 2 has disappeared, and this also means that Qin Hao can actively trigger the absolute life-saving effect of "Destiny" if conditions permit.

Facing Li Yuanba who is making a comeback, Qin Hao has no power to fight again at this time, but the absolute life-saving effect of "Mandate of Heaven" has been activated. Although Qin Hao doesn't know how it will appear, since his life can definitely be saved , then of course you must not be cowardly in the face of Li Yuanba.

Qin Hao endured the injuries on his body, picked up the Overlord Halberd with all his strength, and rushed towards Li Yuanba with a roar.

From the point of view of momentum alone, Qin is no worse than Li Yuanba, but in fact he is already an embroidered pillow, and he can't bear Li Yuanba's hammer at all.

The distance between the two was getting closer, and Qin Hao couldn't help beating his heart, thinking to himself: "What's the situation, why hasn't the effect of 'Mandate of Heaven' come on? Whether it's a sky thunder or a meteorite, just come here. Let’s get rid of this evildoer first.”

Just when the two were about to collide again, a woman in yellow suddenly stood between them and shouted, "Yuanba stop."

A familiar voice sounded next to his ears, which made Li Yuanba wake up instantly. It seemed that the person was his sister Li Xiuning. Although he quickly withdrew his strength, because he hadn't held back before, he suddenly couldn't hold back at all.

"Sister, run away, I can't stop..."

Before he finished speaking, the sledgehammer in Li Yuanba's hand smashed towards Li Xiuning's head.

Li Xiuning also realized that she was playing off, she was frightened and turned pale, and closed her eyes in despair.

At the very moment, a halberd came through the air, directly hit the sledgehammer, and changed Li Yuanba's hammering path, but the wind of the hammer picked up Li Xiuning's hair, and she narrowly escaped the blow. doomed.

Qin Hao didn't expect that Li Xiuning would appear suddenly. It seems that the way of "Destiny" to absolutely save his life this time is not to attract the thunder and meteorite, but to invite Li Xiuning to save him. put himself in danger.

Regardless of whether Li Xiuning is his savior or not, based on the relationship between the two, Qin Hao would not just sit and watch her die, and die in the hands of his younger brother, so he exhausted his last strength to save her. she.

Seeing that his sister was not hurt, Li Yuanba couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. Then he realized that it was his enemy Qin Hao who had saved his sister's life under his own hammer, and he felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

"Qin Hao, don't think that I thank you for saving my sister. I still want to kill you to avenge my adoptive father and father."

After speaking, Li Yuanba walked towards Qin Hao again, but Li Xiuning stood in front of Qin Hao.

Seeing this, Li Yuanba showed disbelief, and asked with a puzzled expression: "Sister, why are you doing this? Qin Hao is our father-killing enemy."

"Yes, that's right."

Li Xiuning looked at Li Yuanba firmly, and said in a deep voice, "I also want to avenge my father, but Qin Hao can't die yet."

Li Xiuning didn't tell Li Yuanba the truth, after all, the current Li Yuanba is no longer the former Li Yuanba, and he understands all the truths that should be understood.

Li Yuanba couldn't help being silent after hearing what his sister said. He knew that Qin Hao and his second brother were teaming up to deal with Yang Jian, but he didn't think that if he killed Qin Hao, his second brother would lose to Yang Jian.

But when he saw that his sister was desperately trying to keep Qin Hao, this also made Li Yuanba realize that his thinking was too simple. Qin Hao's effect on his second brother was much greater than he thought, and even Qin Hao's life and death were already related to Li Yuanba. The future honor and disgrace of the family is at stake.

At this point, Li Yuanba struggled with tears from the corners of his eyes, and said with a painful face: "But sister, Yuanba is not reconciled."

Killing his father and enemy is in sight, but he just can't take revenge. Li Yuanba's aggrieved heart can be imagined.

"There will always be opportunities for revenge."

Li Xiuning stepped forward to wipe away Li Yuanba's tears, and said softly: "Let's go back to Chang'an first, get rid of the murderer who really killed Dong Gong, and then find Qin Hao to avenge his father in the future."

Li Yuanba's body couldn't help shaking when he heard this, the amount of information in this sentence of my sister is a bit big.

Recalling Yang Jian's various abnormal behaviors before and after his adoptive father Dong Zhuo's death, Li Yuanba felt as if he had caught something, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

Li Yuanba realized that there must be something wrong with it, and immediately nodded and said, "Okay, sister, I'll go back with you."

Li Xiuning also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that, and at this time Li Maozhen also came to Li Xiuning's side, but Li Xiuning reprimanded mercilessly: "Maozhen, do you know that you almost ruined something big?"

When Li Xiuning became fierce, Li Maozhen was still afraid, and immediately said timidly: "Cousin, I know I was wrong."

"Go back and punish you."

The three Li family siblings communicated on their own, and ignored Qin Hao who was embarrassed. Qin Hao wanted to intervene several times, but retracted when he got to his lips. Just when he made up his mind to say something to Li Xiuning When did Li Xiuning take Li Yuanba and Li Maozhen and leave without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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