Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1182 Strategic Retreat

Chapter 1182 Strategic Retreat
Chapter 1180: Strategic Retreat
Wang Mang knew very well that once Yang Lin was defeated, the Bingnan Allied Army would be isolated and would be doomed sooner or later. Although he wanted to save Yang Lin, he was powerless.

Just when Wang Mang thought he was completely in a dilemma, a letter from Chen Qingzhi who was far away in Hedong gave him the confidence to persevere again.

In the confrontation with Xue Rengui, although Chen Qingzhi fell into a disadvantage many times, he was not crushed like Wang Mang, and the casualties of the army under his command were not too great. Therefore, against the backdrop of Wang Mang, Chen Qingzhi seemed extremely rare.

As Chen Qingzhi was the only general who had not suffered a big loss in the confrontation with the Qin army, his advice to Wang Mang had to be taken seriously.

Chen Qingzhi stated in the letter that the annihilation of Yang Lin's entire army was a foregone conclusion. Even if Yang Guang captured Hangu Pass, he would not be able to save him. Besides, he did not think that Yang Lin could capture Hangu Pass. there.

Since the fall of Hangu Pass, Yang Lin has become a turtle in the urn. The end of the annihilation of the whole army has long been doomed, and it is only a matter of time.

Therefore, instead of thinking about saving the doomed Liang army, it is better to think about how to get out of the chaos in Sizhou.

Although the Southern Alliance Army has more troops than the Qin Army, its combat power is far inferior to that of the Qin Army, and this can be seen from the 12 Merger Nanliang Army being suppressed and beaten by the [-] Qin Army.

Without the Liang army to keep it in check, the Qin army could use up to [-] troops, not to mention that there were nearly [-] Bingzhou wolf cavalry among them. This force was definitely not something that the Bingnan coalition army could resist.

Although there were few cavalry in the Qin army, when Qin Jian joined the alliance of princes, he brought [-] Bingzhou wolves to the south, and this cavalry became Qin Hao's trump card.

After experiencing the battle against Dong, the wolf cavalry also suffered great casualties, but they still had nearly [-] combatable cavalry. In addition, Qin Hao replenished from the prisoners of the Liang army, which also made the Qin army have more The number of cavalry recovered to [-].

After Yuwen Chengdu has reorganized the [-] Liang army, there will be another [-] Xiliang cavalry in the [-] reorganized army. By then, the Qin army will have [-] cavalry in Sizhou.

However, for the Southern Alliance Army, whether the Qin Army has [-] cavalry or [-], the difference is not very small, because whether it is [-] or [-], they have nothing to do.

The Confederate Army also had cavalry, but the number was too small, and their combat power was not strong. They were no match for the Qin army at all. If they went out of the city to fight, they would undoubtedly lose.

The land of Hanoi and Hedong is also a flat terrain. For Bingzhou wolf cavalry and Xiliang cavalry, it is almost like a back garden. They always come and go when they want.

Although the Confederate Alliance Army can use the city wall to defend, it is meaningless to just sit and wait for death. After all, the Confederate Alliance Army does not have enough food and grass, and once the food reserves are exhausted, they will face the same ending as Yang Lin.

For the current Bingnan coalition forces, there is no chance of winning against the Qin army on the Heluo Plain. It is better to preserve their vitality, withdraw from Sizhou, and return to Bingnan.

Bingzhou is mountainous, and most of the terrain is dangerous. The Bingnan Allied Forces can only continue to fight against the Qin Army if they occupy a favorable location.

Chen Qingzhi's words are clear to Wang Mang, but he is only the general after all, not the lord, and it's not like he can give up if he just gives up.

However, Wang Mang was determined to retreat in the end, and what made Wang Mang determined was another point mentioned in Chen Qingzhi's letter, that is, it is not easy for the Confederate Army to withdraw from Sizhou now.

If the Bingnan coalition forces want to withdraw from Sizhou, they must withdraw before the Qin army can deal with the Liang army. Otherwise, if the Qin army cavalry is not restrained by the Liang army, once they drive straight to the Yellow River and cut off their retreat, they will not be able to retreat at that time. The Confederate Army really couldn't leave even if they wanted to.

With this in mind, Wang Mang had already made a decision in his heart. No matter how difficult the resistance to withdrawing from Sizhou was, he must withdraw. If he stayed in Sizhou, he would die sooner or later, and if he returned to Bingnan, he still had a chance.

The princes of Bingnan still have tens of thousands of troops in Bingnan, and together with the 12 troops in Sizhou, the Bingnan coalition forces rely on their huge force superiority and dangerous terrain to defend, so they may not be able to block the Qin army's attack.

What's more, even if Hanoi and Hedong were abandoned, the losses of the Confederate Army would not be too great.

When entering Sizhou, the Southern Alliance Army had only 12 troops, but when they returned, it became [-].

Even if the [-] Chen Zhang mercenaries and the [-] Bai Bo mercenaries were removed, there would still be [-] troops left, [-] more than before.

The mercenaries of Chen Zhang and Bai Bo also suffered heavy casualties in the confrontation with the Qin army, but the first thing Wang Mang did after expanding his army again was to make up for their losses. Alliances do not collapse.

Although Wang Mang decided to withdraw from Sizhou, he would not just take advantage of Qin Hao for nothing. There are millions of people in Hedong and Hanoi, and he decided to leave Qin Hao a mess.

That's right, after searching the family, Wang Mang extended his claws to ordinary people.

Before withdrawing the troops, Wang Mang ordered the confiscation of all the rations of the people under his rule on the grounds that the war was approaching, and then distributed them uniformly.

The people were naturally unwilling to hand over the food, but under the threat of the army's swords and guns, they dared not refuse to hand it over. A small number of people chose to resist out of dissatisfaction, and the result was naturally died under the suppression of the army.

For a while, the people of the two counties cried and howled, and countless people cursed Wang Mang.

After Wang Mang successfully confiscated the grain, he took all the grain and grass to retreat, but Wang Mang did not do it, and left the people with three days of rations.

In fact, Wang Mang could not leave any food, but in this case, a large number of people will starve to death, and it will also completely ruin his reputation.

If Wang Mang really didn't want to take advantage of Qin Hao, he could implement a scorched-earth strategy and kill all the people in Hanoi and Hedong, so Qin Hao wouldn't be able to take advantage of it at all.

But Wang Mang's heart is still not cruel enough after all, and the fact of massacring the city is too conscienceless, Wang Mang can't do it, and he doesn't want to do it.

But confiscating the surplus food in the hands of the people and letting millions of people in Hedong and Hanoi consume the food and grass of the Qin army, Wang Mang still didn't have much burden in his heart.

There are so many soldiers in the Southern Union, and if they retreat together, the Qin army will not be able to stop them even if they want to.

Su Lie and Xue Rengui didn't have many troops in their hands, and they were also afraid that this was a trap to lure them out of the city, so they didn't go to stop them at first, and it was too late to stop them after they reacted.

After leaving the devastated Hanoi County, Wang Mang took all the troops under his command and rushed all the way to the south bank of the Yellow River, where the ships for the north crossing had been prepared in advance.

On the south bank of the Yellow River, in front of Mou Ferry.

Wang Mang looked at the soldiers who kept carrying supplies and the boats that went back and forth on both sides of the Yellow River, and he couldn't help sighing softly: "This is just a strategic retreat, and I will come back."

 Thanks to Bai Xiaosheng for the leader who gave the reward, there is no way to repay the fragrance, I can only increase the update efforts to express my gratitude, and I will do my best to add more updates in the second half of the month!

(End of this chapter)

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