Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1183 1 Commanding State

Chapter 1183 Unify Sizhou

Chapter 1181: Unifying Sizhou


A soldier rushed over in a panic and reported: "General, Qin General Huo Bing led [-] cavalry to raid Zhe County. Suddenly, our army was unprepared, and within half a day the Qin army broke through the city. "


Wang Mang couldn't help but lose color when he heard the words.

Zhixian County stores the grain and grass consumed by 13 troops for a month, which is equivalent to half of the total grain and grass of the Confederate Army.

So much food and grass were taken away by the Qin army, which was a huge loss for the Southern Allied Forces who were already short of food.

While Wang Mang felt distressed secretly, he was also very grateful. Fortunately, the food and grass collected from the people in advance, otherwise, even if he returned to Bingnan smoothly, he still wouldn't last long.

"How did Qin Jun know that Zhi County has food? And who is this Huo Bing?"

Wang Mang couldn't help but fall into deep thought when several questions hit him, but he couldn't figure out the twists and turns.

The first is the problem of food and grass.

Apart from Wang Mang himself, the only people who knew where the grain was stored were Yang Jian and Li Shimin.

After all, it was the food aid sent by the Liang Army, so no matter where Wang Mang hid, the two people who were in charge of the Liang Army's intelligence system could definitely figure out where the food was hidden.

However, neither Yang Jian nor Li Shimin could reveal the news to Qin Hao. They wished that they could fight Qin Hao to the detriment of both, and it was absolutely impossible to stab them in the back at this time.

Then there is the question of Qin Jun's selection.

Being able to use the cavalry to attack so fiercely, and to break through Zhi County with the cavalry within half a day, it is enough to show that this person is good at using the cavalry, and such a person is absolutely impossible to be an unknown person, but Huo Bing, a famous general in the history of China Are you a famous cavalry general?
People like Bai Qi, Liu Xiu, and Liu Ji have different names in this life, but at least they can be distinguished through homophonic characters, but Wang Mang has no influence on the name Huo Bing.

Is it because I am ignorant?

After thinking hard to no avail, Wang Mang could only think so. After all, what he is proficient in is only the history of the Western Han Dynasty. It is normal for him not to know those famous generals in other time periods.

Wang Mang didn't know Huo Bing's name, so he didn't think that Huo Bing was Huo Qubing. After many years, he knew this, and he realized that he had lost this battle.

Many years later, Bai Qi, Su Lie, Xue Rengui, and Huo Qubing have all become the pillars of the Qin army, and the only battle worthy of these four at the same time is facing Wang Mang.

In addition, Jiang Song, Gao Chong, Ran Min, Yuwen Chengdu and other four super generals appeared in this battle, as well as many famous Qin army generals such as Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and Pei Yuanqing.

Wang Mang himself didn't know whether to feel honored or sad about this.

Back on topic.

Seeing that the Qin general who captured Zhi County was not a famous general like Bai Qi, most of Wang Mang's fears disappeared, and he even had a plan to take back Zhi County.

"Zhe County is not willing to leave here. If we concentrate our forces on a counterattack, we may not be able to take back the food and grass..."

Before Wang Mang could finish his sentence, another soldier came to report, saying: "Report, Bai Qi and Su Lie gathered their troops and attacked our army in two directions."

Wang Mang couldn't help showing a dignified look. After the two soldiers joined forces, the force would be no less than 12. This force is enough to push the [-] coalition army across the board. I can't go anymore.

"In addition, after Yuwen Chengdu surrendered to the Qin army, he also recruited [-] Liang troops for the Qin army, and now he is leading [-] Liang troops to kill Hedong."

"What, Yuwen Chengdu has surrendered to Qin?"

Wang Mang showed disbelief, and said in his heart: Yuwen Chengdu, Yuwen Chengdu, as a loyal and courageous general of Tianbao, shouldn't you swear to die and not surrender, how can you surrender to Qin Hao?
Yuwen Chengdu surrendered to Qin Hao, adding another [-] troops to the Qin army, which made the Southern Alliance Army lose its advantage in strength.

After learning this, Wang Mang was even more eager to return to Bingnan. Today's Sizhou is too dangerous, and he really doesn't want to stay here any longer.

"Order the whole army to cross the river and retreat immediately." Wang Mang shouted.


Not long after Qin Hao's army set out, they received the news that Wang Mang was wantonly confiscating food from the people, and Qin Hao's first reaction was that Wang Mang might run away, so he decisively sent a flying pigeon letter ordering Su Lie and Xue Rengui to pursue immediately.

After Su Dingfang and Xue Rengui received the letter, their faces turned extremely bad for a moment. They fought against an opponent several times stronger than the enemy with their weak troops, so they must be extremely careful in all aspects to prevent them from falling into the enemy's schemes and losing their troops. .

Both Wang Mang and Chen Qingzhi used similar methods before, trying to lure them out of the city to fight to the death, so this time they naturally thought it was a repeat of the old trick, but they didn't expect it to be true this time. Confused their foreshadowing ah.

Both Su Dingfang and Xue Rengui sent troops decisively, but it was too late.

When Su Dingfang arrived at the ferry of the Yellow River, the last batch of enemy troops had all boarded the boat, and the Qin army had no boats to cross the river, so they could only watch the enemy troops disappear on the river.

Although Xue Rengui did not catch up with Chen Qingzhi, after defeating Chen Qingzhi's troops, he saved Mengjin Pass and Xiaopingjin Pass, the northern gates of Sizhou, in time.

So far, among the eight passes in Luoyang, except for Xuanyuan Pass, which was detained by Yuan Shu and refused to return, seven passes have fallen into the hands of the Qin army. With the addition of Hangu Pass in the west, Sizhou's defense system has become even stronger. improved.

With the withdrawal of the allied forces of the Southern Princes and the withdrawal of Sizhou, the 10,000+ Qin army occupied Hanoi and Hedong counties in just a few days, completely unifying the four counties of Sizhou.

It is a great thing to unify Sizhou, but Qin Hao is not happy at all, because there is still a mess to be solved.

"My lord, Wang Mang was really too ruthless this time. He directly ransacked the rations of the people of the Liang army, but left a million hungry people for us."

Liu Bowen's eyes were full of anger, and he said angrily: "He wants to rely on the people in Hanoi and Hedong to consume our army's food and grass, so as to slow down our army's marching speed."

Qin Hao couldn't help rubbing his temples with a headache. Of course he knew that this was Wang Mang's plan, but it was a conspiracy, and he had to step on it even though he knew it was a trap.

Millions of people in the two counties saw Qin Jun coming, just like seeing the savior. This is the best time to win the hearts of the people.

But once food is provided for disaster relief, the Qin army may fall into a situation of food shortage, let alone fight the Yellow River to wipe out the four southern princes.

"Food still needs to be paid out, how about..."

After a little thought, Qin Hao said: "The people are provided with food rations on a daily basis, but they are limited to two meals a day, porridge in the morning and lunch at noon, and in the evening... just bear with it for now, anyway, you won't die of starvation if you miss a meal. "

(End of this chapter)

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