Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1223 Detective Di Renjie

Chapter 1223 Detective Di Renjie

Chapter 1221: Detective Di Renjie

Seeing what Di Renjie said, Jia Xu didn't even say anything, but Xun Yu asked hurriedly, "But what?"

After Di Renjie took a deep breath, he said in a deep voice, "This subordinate has discovered two extremely important things."

Jia Xu, Xun Yu, and Han Fei couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words. They all sensed from Di Renjie's tone that what he said next was certainly not ordinary.

"Di Renjie, what did you find?" Jia Xu asked seriously
Reminiscence flashed in Di Renjie's eyes, and he said unhurriedly: "This time, my subordinate was unable to persuade Yuan Shu to persuade Yuan Shu, but at the time of parting, he discovered Yuan Shu's mastermind, Yan Xiang, and the Yuzhou Army. General Lian Po (Lian Po) objected to Yuan Shu sending troops to attack our army at this time, and Lian Po was unwilling to lead the army even by self-mutilation."


Jia Xu and the others all looked shocked, but Han Fei said: "Yan Xiang and Lian Po, who are the ones Yuan Shu relies on the most, are even opposed to sending troops?"

"That's not the point. The point is that Yuan Shu still chose to attack our army when both Yan Xiang and Lian Po (Lian Po) opposed it, and even Lian Po committed suicide?"

Xun Yu showed a dignified look, and said in a deep voice, "This proves that someone else is advising Yuan Shu, and this person Yuan Shu trusts him very much."

Jia Xu also nodded, looked at Di Renjie expectantly, and asked, "Di Renjie, I heard that you are very good at investigating cases, and you are even called a "superior detective" by the people of Nanyang. I wonder if you have ever found out the real identity of this person?"

"My lord has given you too much praise, it's because the people of Nanyang love it too much."

Di Renjie didn't answer directly, but continued: "After I found out that someone was planning for Yuan Shu behind the scenes, I immediately launched an investigation on this person, and soon found out that someone had verbally fought against hundreds of officials at the Yuzhou court meeting because of sending troops to Sizhou. All the officials were speechless, and the arguing Lian drew his sword angrily."

"In this way, all the officials in Yuzhou have seen this person, so it should not be difficult to find out the identity of this person." Xun Yu said.

Di Renjie shook his head and said, "Yuan Shu seemed to deliberately conceal this person's identity, so he was allowed to enter the arena wearing a bamboo hat, so no one saw his true face. Afterwards, this person was secretly arranged by Yuan Shu, and never There has never been an aboveboard appearance."

Everyone couldn't help showing serious expressions. Since Yuan Shu protected this person's identity so much, it seems that this person must be the one who bewitched Yuan Shu to send troops.

"Yuan Shu's protection of this person is extremely strict, and there are almost no traces to be found, but as long as this person is still alive and still in Yuzhou, there will always be some clues."

A gleam flashed in Di Renjie's eyes, and he said: "The humble official stayed in Yuzhou for a few days on purpose to persuade Yuan Shu more. hiding place.

But that house was protected by Yuan Shu with heavy troops, no one was allowed to approach, otherwise he would be arrested immediately.

Li Yuanfang, who protected Beizhi and went on a mission together, was capable of sneaking in, but Yuan Shu's actions in Yuzhou had already alarmed Yuan Shu. As a result, even the mission was forcibly expelled from Yuzhou. "

Hearing what Di Renjie said at this time, everyone couldn't help showing disappointment. To be reasonable, it's a pity that the real identity of that person was not found out, but Di Renjie can't be blamed anymore.

"That's fine. Judging from Yuan Shu's protection of that person, if you really find out the identity of that person, even if you are an envoy, Yuan Shu probably won't let you come back alive." Jia Xu sighed softly.

"No, Beizhi already knew the identity of that person, and he came back alive." Di Renjie said with a smile.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and Xun Yu took the lead to ask, "Didn't you and the mission be expelled from the country?"

"Yuan Shu did drive us all out of Yuzhou, but the clues he found before leaving Yuzhou are enough to determine the identity of that person."

Di Renjie said confidently, and he took out a painting from his arms, spread it out and said: "At this time, Beizhi found it outside the house and drew it. At first, I thought it was a pothole left by some heavy object, but carefully After observation, it was found that it was actually a person's footprints.

The day before Xiaozhi found the house, there was a heavy rain in Yuzhou, which softened the soil. In addition, this person was a practicing family and his foot was extremely stable, so he left such deep footprints. "

Everyone was surprised when they saw the picture. Xun Yu pointed to the picture and said, "You said the footprints at this time? The traces and outlines are indeed similar, but how can a person have such a big foot? I'm afraid it's not a giant. "

"No, it's possible for someone to have such a large footprint."

Han Fei showed a dignified look, and Jia Xu also showed a look of surprise when he heard it, and said, "You mean the 'little giant' Juwuba?"

"That's right, it is Ju Wuba, he may not be the only little giant in this world, but the only person who may appear in Yuzhou at this time without any sense of abruptness is Ju Wuba who was expelled from Bingzhou by the lord. "Di Renjie said with a determined face.

"So, the person behind the scenes who encouraged Yuan Shu to send troops is actually..."

"That's right, it was Wang Mang. Ju Wu Ba was only protecting him, so his footprints were left around the house. The reason why Wang Mang's footprints were not left is because he thought Wang Mang's martial arts were not high enough, and his footwork was not enough. Steady, so the footprints were washed away by the rain."

After hearing Di Renjie's analysis, everyone couldn't help being enlightened, and couldn't help admiring Di Renjie's investigation skills.

No one expected that Di Renjie would target Ju Wu Ba with just one footprint, and even use Ju Wu Ba to find out Wang Mang.

There are definitely many eloquent eloquent people in this world who are able to argue with all the officials in Yuzhou. The person who is most right with Qin Jun is only Wang Mang.

"Wait, Di Renjie, you just said that there are two big discoveries, and the person behind them is Wang Mang. This is just the first one, what about the second one?" Jia Xu asked.

Di Renjie smiled and said: "Actually, it is not the point to find out that the person behind it is Wang Mang. The real point is the second discovery of the humble job. If this discovery works well, it may be possible to retreat without a single soldier. More than [-] Yuzhou troops."

Hearing what Di Renjie said, Jia Xu and the others couldn't help showing serious expressions. Jia Xu said, "Tell me first?"

"When I was investigating Wang Mang, I accidentally discovered that Zhao Kuangyin, a general under Yuan Shu's command, has a very good reputation among the people of Yuzhou, and is even more popular than Yuan Shu. Out of curiosity, I took the time to investigate Zhao Kuangyin..."

 As soon as it was updated, it was delayed by something yesterday, so I made it up today
(End of this chapter)

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