Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1224 Force Against Zhao Kuangyin

Chapter 1224 Force Against Zhao Kuangyin
Chapter 1222: Forcing Zhao Kuangyin to Rebel
"This investigation really found a big problem."

As soon as Zhao Kuangyin was mentioned, the corners of Di Renjie's mouth turned up immediately, and he said with a sneer: "Zhao Kuangyin's behavior is almost harsh, he is not greedy for money, not lustful, not in love with power, and does not like drinking, just like a The gesture of a saint, and almost everyone praises him."

"What does this mean?" Han Fei asked in surprise.

Hearing Di Renjie's comment, Han Fei still felt a little admiration in his heart. After all, he had a lot of troubles, but he couldn't be as desireless as Zhao Kuangyin.

"No, there's a big problem here."

Jia Xu sneered and said, "Even a sage can't be without desires, but he, Zhao Kuangyin, is neither greedy for money nor lustful nor in love with power. This only proves that he has bigger plans."

"Zhao Kuangyin's status in the Yuzhou Army is higher than that of Yan Xiang and Lian Po. He is already under one man and over ten thousand people. If he wants to be higher, there is only..."

Xun Yu said calmly, after everyone looked at each other, although they didn't say much, everyone understood the meaning.

it is more than words.

"This Zhao Kuangyin must have great ambitions, that's why he packaged himself so nearly perfectly.

The humble official originally wanted to find out evidence of his conspiracy, but before he could do so, he was kicked out of Yuzhou by Yuan Shu, but just knowing that Zhao Kuangyin was ambitious was enough. "

Speaking of this, Di Renjie's eyes flashed brightly, and he said with a sneer: "No matter how Zhao Kuangyin conceals his ambition, as long as his ambition really exists, he must have committed some acts of infidelity.

No matter how Zhao Kuangyin conceals it, there will definitely be traces to follow, and as long as our army follows this point, it may not be impossible to find evidence, so that the Yuzhou army can kill each other, and the danger of Sizhou will be resolved by itself. "

After Di Renjie finished speaking, the scene was silent. After a while, Jia Xu, Xun Yu, and Han Feichang applauded at the same time.


"It's amazing, it's really amazing, it's worthy of being called 'Detective Di Renjie'." Xun Yu praised with a smile.

From one footprint, it can be deduced that Wang Mang is hiding behind Ju Wu Ba;

From the praise of the people in Yuzhou, we can infer Zhao Kuangyin's ambition not to be content with this.

Based on these two points, Di Renjie deserves the word "superior detective".

"Master Di, in terms of investigation, Han Fei is far behind you." Han Fei said sincerely.

Among the many civil servants under Qin Hao's command, only Han Fei was from the Legalist family. Like Di Renjie, both of them had a criminal law background. Of course, Di Renjie was also a disciple of the legalist collateral branch.

In terms of law, Di Renjie is definitely not as good as Han Fei, who is a master of legalism, but Di Renjie's ability to handle cases must also convince Han Fei. Anyway, Han Fei is still not up to Di Renjie's level.

"It's really scary for young people."

Jia Xu stepped forward and patted Di Renjie on the shoulder, and smiled appreciatively: "Di Renjie, although you failed to complete the mission this trip, the effect of these two discoveries is ten times greater than persuading Yuan Shu to retreat."

It is not without reason that Jia Xu would say this.

The first is Wang Mang's identity.

Why did Yuan Shu conceal Wang Mang's identity?
Wasn't it because Wang Mang had an inextricable relationship with other races in the previous division war.

If the people of the world knew at this time that the person who encouraged Yuan Shu to attack Sizhou was Wang Mang's tiger, I am afraid that even Yuan Shu would be accused of colluding with other races and plotting crimes.

Yuan Shu chose to attack the Qin army at this time, and he was doomed to lose part of his reputation and be insulted by the world, but he didn't want to be accused of colluding with other races, so he deliberately concealed Wang Mang's identity.

If Qin Jun reveals this point at this time, it will undoubtedly hit Yuan Shu's prestige to the greatest extent, and even shake the morale of the Yuzhou Army to a certain extent.

The second is Zhao Kuangyin's ambition, and this point has the greatest strategic significance.

Although Zhao Kuangyin is Yuan Shu's subordinate on the surface, he has his own territory, and the title is also conferred by the court, not his lord Yuan Shu.

Therefore, although Zhao Kuangyin and Lian Po are both Yuan Shu's subordinates, Zhao Kuangyin is different from Lian Po in nature.

Everything about Lian Po came from Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shu took it back whenever he wanted, while Zhao Kuangyin and the Zhao family he belonged to were small forces that depended on Yuan Shu to survive, and could continue to survive without Yuan Shu.

The reason why Zhao Kuangyin never left Yuan Shu was because he hadn't gotten the most benefits yet, so Zhao Kuangyin pretended to pack himself.

Di Renjie discovered the ambition hidden under Zhao Kuangyin's loyal minister's appearance. This is nothing. After all, there are too many ambitious people in this world, but the important thing is that Zhao Kuangyin is the main general of the Yuzhou Army this time.

Such a general who is good at fighting and ambitious, who is loved by the army and the people, and who is still leading the army, which monarch can rest assured?

Yuan Shu was a suspicious person, if he knew that Zhao Kuangyin had been pretending, even if there was no evidence of Zhao Kuangyin's infidelity, he would definitely take the initiative to investigate.

As long as Zhao Kuangyin did some things, no matter how perfect the pretense was, they would definitely leave traces. Even if he couldn't do it, it would be enough to deepen Yuan Shu's suspicion and deprive Zhao Kuangyin of his military power.

For Zhao Kuangyin, who is already ambitious, military power is his greatest protection. Although giving up military power can temporarily remove suspicion, it is also tantamount to handing over life and death to others. Yuan Shu will decide what to do at that time, but Zhao Kuangyin is not Someone who will stand still.

Therefore, as long as Yuan Shu doubted Zhao Kuangyin and had a little intention of taking back his military power, it was time for Zhao Kuangyin to rebel against Yuan Shu.

Zhao Kuangyin is one of the most capable generals of the Yuzhou Army. With him personally leading the army, even if the Qin Army occupies the strong city and has sufficient troops, this battle will still not be easy.

However, if Zhao Kuangyin's ambitions were exposed to alienate the relationship between the Yuzhou monarchs and generals, so as to provoke the Yuzhou army to fight internally, a battle of 10,000+ people would be invisible, which is definitely more difficult for the Qin army. There is still meaning in playing a hearty big victory.

"Lord Jia, if you want to separate Yuan Shu and Zhao Kuangyin, you must find evidence of Zhao Kuangyin's infidelity, but from my point of view, Zhao Kuangyin is a man of integrity, and it may not be easy to find evidence of his infidelity." Di Renjie said with a serious face. Seriously.

"It's okay, the old man never needs any evidence to do things."

Jia Xu waved his hand nonchalantly, then sneered, "If Yuan Shu doesn't take back Zhao Kuangyin's military power, then this old man will force him to take it back; if Zhao Kuangyin refuses to rebel, then this old man will force him to rebel."

 Second update, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket...

(End of this chapter)

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