Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1405 Unfathomable Gold Platform

Chapter 1405 Unfathomable Gold Platform

Chapter 1403: Unfathomable Gold Terrace

Although Tai Shici was born as a military commander, he had a thorough mind. He naturally knew that Ran Min's big arena and fighting in the army was actually to win the hearts of the army as soon as possible, and this was also beneficial for the new prefect to take charge of the army.

Therefore, Tai Shici was not prepared to compete on stage at the beginning, but Qin Ming became a little flustered after his winning streak, and said some things that looked down on Beihai, which aroused the indignation of Beihai's generals.

If there are no masters in the Beihai Navy, then naturally it will be done at this time, but the key is that there are masters in the Beihai Navy.

The generals of Beihai who were angered by Qin Ming naturally approached Tai Shici, the number one general of Beihai, and wanted him to seek justice and rectify the name of Beihai.

Tai Shici and the Beihai Commandant and all the Beihai school lieutenants are his subordinates. If so many people invite him to go out together, if he is indifferent, no matter whether he is really afraid of war or not, he will probably have great prestige in the army in the future. fall.

But if they really compete on stage, winning will destroy the plan of the new prefect.

Thinking of this, Tai Shici couldn't help being caught in a dilemma, whether to go or not, or not to go.

In the end Tai Shici still decided to fight, but in order not to destroy the plan of the new prefect, he decided to hide his strength and fight Qin Ming to a draw.

Tai Shici's calculations were good, but he couldn't stand Qin Ming who was already drifting, and he was indeed a little arrogant, and his words didn't go through his brain at all, which made Tai Shici angry.

At first, Tai Shici didn't believe the words of his subordinates. He had a good impression of the senior officials of the Qin army, so he naturally thought that they were deliberately embellishing himself to fight.

It can be seen that after seeing Qin Ming, Tai Shici realized that he was wrong. This person was really too arrogant. Relying on his background as a child of the Qin family and his own super strength, he didn't take himself or even the entire Beihai Navy seriously.

Tai Shici would not get angry easily, but what Qin Ming humiliated was the entire Beihai Navy. Although most of what he said was true, as the number one general in Beihai, he still couldn't mind it, so he suppressed his anger and went to fight with Qin Ming. Tomorrow.

Since it was a competition in the arena, and they were all their own people, neither side used weapons and fought with bare hands.

Tai Shici is handsome, strong but well-proportioned, with the attitude of a Confucian general.

Qin Ming is a typical Kansai man, with a strong figure, tall and mighty.

Such two people, standing in the same arena, are simply not of the same magnitude.

However, the final result shocked everyone. Tai Shici had been beating Qin Ming almost the entire time. If Tai Shici hadn't intentionally stepped Qin Ming down, Qin Ming wouldn't have been able to hold out for thirty rounds.

Qin Ming was defeated, and it was a crushing defeat, which also made Qin Huaiyu and Lin Chong feel very difficult, but after thinking of the order given by Ran Min, they still bit the bullet and went to fight Tai Shici.

The three generals Qin Ming, Qin Huaiyu, and Lin Chong were all defeated by Tai Shici one after another. This greatly boosted the morale of all the generals in Beihai.

Regarding this, although Tai Shici secretly thought that something was wrong, he didn't say much. After all, he had already shown mercy, but it was true that he disturbed the new prefect's plan, so he thought that if there was another challenge from General Qin, he would use his physical strength to challenge him. Not supporting the grounds and 'losing' to the other party.

Although Tai Shici defeated the three generals one after another, but because the two sides fought hand-to-hand and did not use weapons, and they were all point-to-point, the consumption was actually not great, and they could still exert their peak combat power.

Tai Shici wanted to deliberately lose to Jin Tai, but after fighting Jin Tai, he realized that Jin Tai's strength was far from comparable to the previous three, even if the three were tied together, they might not be opponents.

Seeing that Lie Xin was overjoyed, Tai Shici couldn't care less, so he used all his strength to fight Jintai, but the more he fought, the more frightened he became.

Jin Tai's strength was simply unfathomable, even though Tai Shici had tried his best, Jin Tai still seemed to have reservations.

After a hundred rounds, Jin Tai hit a heavy punch, but Tai Shici didn't block it, and was directly blasted off the ring.

Tai Shici, who was blown away, fell with a somersault, and after landing, he took several steps backwards to relieve the impact.


After seeing this scene, everyone present took a deep breath.

Tai Shici suppressed the shock in his heart, clasped his fists at Jin Tai and said, "Dare to ask your name, brother Tai?"

Jin Tai smiled slightly, clasped his fists and responded, "I'm going down to Jin Tai."

"Golden platform?"

Tai Shici frowned slightly, he thought the person in front of him was Gao Chong, but he didn't expect it was someone he had never heard of.

Qin Jun is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.Tai Shici couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Through the confrontation just now, Tai Shici still didn't understand that the two were competing on the surface, but in fact it was Jin Tai who was feeding him, otherwise he would never have been able to fight Jin Tai for a hundred rounds.

Jin Tai is deliberately giving him a step up!

At this thought, Tai Shici's face was full of admiration, he clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "Brother Jin has both cultivated both internally and externally, and both of them have reached the perfect level, Tai Shici is convinced."

Among the opponents that Tai Shici has encountered since his debut, Xiang Yu is undoubtedly the strongest.

Except for Xiang Yu, the back row according to strength is: Xia Luqi, Hou Yi, Zhu Tianpeng, Wang Yanzhang, Sha Juan...

But even Xia Luqi couldn't completely crush him, but Jin Tai did it.

Based on this, Jin Tai surpassed all other opponents in Tai Shici's heart and became a master second only to Xiang Yu.

"General Taishi is over-reputed. He is good at punching and kicking. If it is compared with weapons, the general's strength is on par with me."

What Jin Tai said was true, his talent in boxing and kicking was different from ordinary people, if it was compared with weapons, although he could still win against Tai Shici, he still had to waste a lot of effort.

How could Tai Shici believe what Jin Tai said, it was only Jin Tai's humble words.

"Brother Jin is too modest..."

Jintai intended to give Taishi Ci a step up, so it was extremely 'difficult' to defeat him after a hundred rounds of fighting. Before adding Taishici, he fought three generals in a row, so Taishici was also defeated.

After this battle, the generals of the Beihai Navy regained their face, Jintai also took advantage of this, and the incident can be said to have come to a successful conclusion.

Seeing Jin Tai chatting and laughing with Tai Shici, Li Jing couldn't help thinking of what the lord Qin Hao had said about Jin Tai before leaving for Qingzhou.

"Golden Terrace will definitely be the biggest surprise of your trip." Qin Hao said with a mysterious face.

Recalling the expression of the lord at the beginning, Li Jing couldn't help showing a look of surprise, this surprise is really big enough.

Li Jing was worried at first that Ran Min alone would not be able to fight against the heroes of Qingzhou. After all, Huang Chao and Yuan Shao also had many strong generals under them.

Now with the addition of the unfathomable Jintai, Li Jing's confidence in keeping Beihai will be even greater.

 The second update, thanks to Moro Moto for the two rewards, yes, the 13 chapters owed by the reward plus more have not yet been paid, and the result is that I owe 2 more chapters, and now I owe 15 more chapters. Pain and pleasure coexist.Thank you for your support. The weather has turned cold recently. This weekend, Liuxiang went home to pick up her clothes. After a long journey, and there are some trivial things at home, so there will be no changes this weekend. When I go back, I will slowly update Qian Changed chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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