Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1406 Ally with Song Jiang

Chapter 1406 Ally with Song Jiang
Chapter 1404: Allied with Song Jiang
Afterwards, Li Jing found Tai Shici alone, and after having a friendly talk with him, he also had a deeper understanding of Tai Shici.

"General Taishici, are you willing to serve Duke Qin and the imperial court?" Li Jing asked seriously.

Tai Shici didn't even think about it, and said decisively: "To serve the court, the general will naturally be willing."

Li Jing shook his head when he heard this, and Tai Shici also showed doubts, Li Jingzai said again: "Let's put it another way, General Tai Shici, do you want to serve Duke Qin or the imperial court?"

"Huh? Does that make a difference?"

Tai Shici frowned and said, in his mind, Duke Qin is the court, and the court is also Qin Hao, there is no difference between the two.

"There is a difference." Li Jing said solemnly.

There is not much difference between serving Qin Hao and serving the imperial court, but there is a big difference in essence.

Serving for Qin Hao is allegiance to Qin Hao personally, while serving for the imperial court is allegiance to the great Han. The two are completely different.

Tai Shici also realized the meaning of Li Jing's words. He didn't have much sense of belonging to the big man, otherwise the original history would not have abandoned Liu Yao and voted for Sun Ce. He respected Qin Hao, a battlefield hero, so after a little thought He said decisively: "The final general is willing to work for Qin Hao."

Li Jing couldn't help smiling when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "From now on, everyone will be colleagues."

After completely subduing Tai Shici, with the support of Kong Rong and Tai Shici, Li Jing naturally had no resistance to Beihai's political actions.

While training the army, Li Jing selected the elite and ordered them to replace them with the new equipment he brought over. At the same time, he separated the Beihai cavalry and integrated them into the Huben camp that came with him.

In short, everything in Beihai County and the Beihai Navy is moving in a good direction.

At the same time, Fu Nian, who was ordered to go to Liangshan, also met Song Jiang as he wished, but Liangshan's attitude towards him seemed a little different from what he expected.

"Welcome the messenger."

He said welcome, but what he could use was rows of knives and guns to welcome Fu Nian, the messenger.

Is this a dismount?
This thought flashed through Fu Nian's mind, and at the same time, he also wanted to understand why Song Jiang wanted to show his power to himself. It was nothing more than showing off his momentum first, hoping to gain more benefits in the future alliance.

I thought it was beautiful.

Fu Nian sneered in his heart, if he backed down this time, Beihai's aura would naturally be a little lower than Liangshan's after the two sides formed an alliance, but he wouldn't let Song Jiang do what he wanted.

Fu Nian stepped lightly on the ground with his right foot, and immediately the inner energy in his whole body surged rapidly, weaving into an inner air gauze in an instant, and the grand master's aura was immediately revealed.

"He, he turned out to be, Zong, a master master?"

"how can that be?"


Everyone in Liangshan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. You must know that Lu Junyi is the only master master in the entire Liangshan army. As a result, even the envoys sent by the Qin army are all masters.

Holding high spears and swords, the queue to pave the way looked at Fu Nian in awe, and involuntarily retreated to make way for him, while Fu Nian laughed and strode into the Juyi Hall.

Fu Nian is Qin Hao's rare talent with both civil and military skills. Fu Nian, who was born in Confucianism, has reached the realm of a master in his 30s. He also represented Confucianism in participating in the meeting of hundreds of schools. Naturally, it is impossible for Song Jiang to be defeated by this little trick. to scare.

In the Juyi hall, Song Jiang and the other leaders looked a little embarrassed. They wanted to show off their horses to frustrate the Qin envoy's spirit, but they didn't expect that the envoy sent by the Qin army was actually a master master.

My family knows my own family affairs, and the only master master in Liangshan is Lu Junyi. As a result, Qin Jun randomly photographed any envoy as a master.

Could it be that Qin Jun is so extravagant that even the master can only be an envoy?
This is of course impossible.

Fu Nian was just an exception, and there were only Fu Nian and Pei Ju among the special people like him in the Qin army.

When Song Jiang was thinking about how to deal with the envoy of the master of the Qin army, he saw that Fu Nian had already stepped into the Juyi hall quickly, and then took out the imperial decree and shouted loudly: "The imperial decree is for this, Song Jiang Song Gongming has not come to receive the decree .”

Song Jiang was startled, he only thought that the envoy Li Jingchen came to form an alliance, but he didn't expect that the envoy was carrying an imperial decree, so he immediately ran down from the chief seat, knelt down and said, "Song Jiang is here."

Even Song Jiang, who was the boss, knelt down. Naturally, the other leaders of Liangshan did not dare to stand, and they all knelt down with Song Jiang to receive the order.

"Song Jiang, the prefect of Liangshan, the feudal lords made great contributions to Dong Li, and repelled the rebel Huang Chao several times. Today, he is named Marquis of Liang, prefect of Donglai, and general of Zhendong... hereby."

After listening to Fu Nian's reading, Song Jiang couldn't help showing surprise and excitement.

Since returning to the imperial court in Zhao'an, Song Jiang fought bloody for the imperial court and sacrificed tens of thousands of troops. I don't know how much credit he has made, but so far his official position is only the prefect of Liangshan, and there is also a miscellaneous general.

You know, there is no Liangshan county in Qingzhou, and the so-called Liangshan county was built up by Song Jiang from scratch, and the court never gave Song Jiang anything from the beginning to the end.

It can be seen from this that Han Ting's attitude towards Song Jiang's surrendered generals was very bad.

When Dong Zhuo was in chaos, in order to divide the princes, he even made Song Jiang a prince, but Song Jiang didn't dare to accept it.

As far as anyone who accepted Dong Zhuo's entrustment, so far, except for Huang Chao, no one has come to a good end.

Song Jiang was born as a bandit, and his reputation was not good. If he was accepting Dong Zhuo's canonization, it would be no different from courting death in his opinion, and Yuan Shao would definitely use this as an excuse to annex him.

Therefore, although Song Jiang is a prince, he is the one with the lowest official position among all the princes, and he is also the only prince who has no title along the way.

Now Qin Hao, in order to win over Song Jiang, not only gave him the title of Marquis, but also gave him a Donglai prefect. General Zhendong is a fourth-rank general, which is much higher than the previous miscellaneous generals.

Let's put it this way, although Qin Hao's award to Song Jiang this time did not bring any practical benefits, it did give Song Jiang righteousness, and this is something that everyone in Liangshan desperately desires.

Song Jiang suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said in a trembling voice: "Song Jiang leads the decree." Then he took the imperial decree from Fu Nian.

With this canonization first, the subsequent alliance negotiations between Fu Nian and Song Jiang went extremely smoothly, and Beihai and Liangshan directly reached an alliance relationship.

Under Fu Nian's struggle, Song Jiang even made a promise that if Yuan Shao and Huang Chao invaded at the same time, Liang Shan would stop Yuan Shao's way for Bei Hai for at least a month, and Bei Hai would pay Liang Shan 1000 stones of grain and money. [-] million, [-] sword handles, and [-] sets of armor... as the price for sending troops.

 Some personal matters were delayed today, and I will definitely add more tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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