Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1412 Chang'e and the Canopy

Chapter 1412 Chang'e and the Canopy

Chapter 1410: Chang'e and the Canopy

The coup initiated by Zhu Wensu came and went quickly, but it did not end because of Zhu Wen's death. This was just the beginning.

There are too many people who followed Zhu Wen to launch a coup, accounting for almost one-third of Qi's military and political affairs.

Before, Huang Chao only instigated some people who controlled the military power, and most of the rebels were still in an uncontrolled state.

Even Zhu Wen is dead now, but the rebellions in various places have not ended. Out of fear of Huang Chaoqiu's settlement, eight counties directly rebelled.

Of course, Huang Chao had to clean up this part of the residue.

As for whether to clean up the rebellion all at once?

Naturally, Huang Chao couldn't do that.

Even Wang Yanzhang and many other famous generals are in the ranks of rebellion. If all rebellions are really cleaned up, it will be tantamount to cutting off limbs for Qi Guo.

Therefore, for this rebellion, Huang Chao's attitude was very tolerant. Except for Zhu Wen, the leader of the bandit, the others were just appropriate punishments.

Even Zhu Wen's two sons, Zhu Youwen and Zhu Youzhen, Huang Chao generously pardoned their crimes, just to appease the hearts of some traitors.

Under Huang Chao's gentle counter-insurgency methods, the trauma caused by Zhu Wen's coup d'état to the entire Qi State was also minimized.

"Don't blame your eldest brother, he is also for your own good. If your brothers hate you again, then you all hate me alone."

Looking at the Zhu family brothers who were bundled into rice dumplings, Huang Chao said softly, "Come here, let them all go."

After Zhu Youwen and Zhu Youzhen looked at each other, Zhu Youwen said angrily: "Huang Chao, don't think we will thank you. You are still our father-killing enemy. If I have the chance, I will definitely avenge my father."

"You will never have this chance again."

The faces of the Zhu brothers changed drastically, thinking that Huang Chao regretted wanting to kill them, but Huang Chao said, "Because I'm going to die."

After saying that, Huang Chao turned and left, while the brothers of the Zhu family were all slumped on the ground.

If it was true what Huang Chao said, wouldn't they have no chance of revenge?
As for revenge against Huang Chao's successor, neither of the two brothers thought about it. After all, Zhu Tianpeng was their uncle, and he was not involved in this matter.

At this point, the eyes of the two brothers could not help but be filled with confusion.

The internal clean-up of the rebellion in Qi State and the arrest of the secret agents of the Qin Army are in full swing.

With all the masters of the Xuanming Sect mobilized, they destroyed [-]% of Qi's stronghold in one go, dealing an extremely fatal blow to Jin Yiwei.

Under the pursuit of many masters of the Xuanming Sect, the black-clothed brocade guard who had a one-way contact with Zhu Wen escaped into Zhu Tianpeng's mansion without any way to hide.

"Greetings to Mrs. Meng Po and Mrs. Zhong Kui."

Shi Yao twisted her slender waist and walked very gracefully, while Zhong Xiaokui walked behind her.

Shi Yao is obviously a pretty chivalrous woman, but everyone in Xuan Ming Sect took advantage of him as Po Meng, which shows how far her disguise technique has reached.

"Where are people?" Shi Yao asked you.

"Qi Meng Po, after chasing here, she lost her trace."

Shi Yao glanced at the plaque and found that it was Zhu Tianpeng's mansion, she couldn't help frowning: "Are you sure?"


"Go, go in and search."

Saying that, Shi Yao took the lead to break in, but was stopped by Zhong Xiaokui.

"Wait, this is the mansion of General Zhu Tianpeng, and he is the chosen successor of King Qi. It's not good to break into his mansion without the order of King Qi?" Zhong Xiaokui said in a deep voice.

"It is precisely because General Tianpeng is the successor of King Qi, so we have to search for that person and return the general's innocence. After King Qi's order is handed down, that person has long since disappeared."

"It's… okay."

Huang Chao treats Zhu Tianpeng very well. His mansion occupies a huge area and has nearly a hundred servants and guards.

The Xuanming Sect wanted to search without the approval, but the housekeeper of Zhu's house naturally refused to let them in, and naturally they quarreled and almost fought.

"All stop."

A voice like a silver bell came, and everyone looked at the voice, only to see a woman like a fairy walking slowly on lotus steps.


The guards and servants of the Zhu residence gathered around the woman, as if they were dominated by her.

The woman walked up to Shi Yao, and said softly: "Chang'e, my slave, is the righteous sister of General Zhu Tianpeng. Now my elder brother is away in battle, and everything in Zhu's residence is in charge of the little girl. May I ask you, my lords?" Why did you force your way into the mansion?"

After Shi Yao and Zhong Xiaokui looked at each other, Shi Yao replied: "Miss Qi, I'm chasing the secret agents of the Qin army, but after chasing after Zhu's mansion, I lost track, so I want to search the mansion."

"What? If that's the case, please arrest him as soon as possible, so as to return my brother's innocence."

"Thank you, miss, who understands righteousness, and searched for me. Remember, don't damage the valuables in Zhu's residence."

An hour later, the search team returned one after another, but found nothing.

Seeing this, Shi Yao and Zhong Xiaokui had no choice but to say to Chang'e with apologetic expressions: "I'm sorry for disturbing your residence, Miss. Next time I will investigate clearly and conduct a routine search."

After saying that, Shi Yao and Zhong Xiaokui led the crowd away, looking at the backs of the crowd, Chang'e's eyes flashed a cold light.

Chang'e, Zhu Tianpeng's righteous sister, is Chang'e. She was ordered by Jia Xu to lurk beside Zhu Tianpeng, and took the opportunity to mediate the conflict between Zhu Tianpeng and Zhu Wen, so as to force Zhu Wen to rebel.

The reason why Chang'e became Zhu Tianpeng's righteous sister was because of her disguised identity at the beginning. In fact, Zhu Tianpeng's childhood playmate happened to be named Chang'e.

Under Jin Yiwei's deliberate layout, Chang'e, who was disguised as Chang'e, turned into a miserable woman who was forcibly bought into a brothel. After escaping from the brothel, she was forcibly taken back, and she "just happened" to meet Zhu Tianpeng who led the soldiers to patrol the streets. .

Zhu Tianpeng has an upright personality, after confirming his identity, he didn't think much about it. He immediately redeemed Chang'e and took good care of her. Later, he even recognized Chang'e as his righteous sister. That's why people in Zhu's residence called her Miss.

Chang'e's ultimate mission to infiltrate Qi was to instigate Zhu Wen to rebel. Unexpectedly, Huang Chao deliberately forced Zhu Wen to rebel, and made all the preparations in advance. This also made all Chang'e's plans come to naught. He also suffered a fatal blow and suffered heavy casualties.

After joining Jinyiwei, Chang'e hid in the dark and stirred up the situation, playing Yang Jian, Yang Jian, Baiguan, and even Li Shimin between the bones and claws, but she did not expect to be defeated by Huang Chao this time.

There are hundreds of spies in the Jinyiwei branch in Qingzhou, and now she is probably the only one who escaped. Even if there are others, Chang'e can't trust them as before.

"Should we retreat immediately? Or continue to lurk?" Chang'e couldn't help hesitating.

 One update, please recommend a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket... Continue to add updates today, there are too many reward chapters owed, and if there are three updates in the future, all the owed chapters can be paid off at the end of the month. This month is really difficult I hope there is nothing else to delay me.

(End of this chapter)

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