Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1413 The Yellow Nest Falls

Chapter 1413 The Yellow Nest Falls
Chapter 1411: The Yellow Nest Falls
"Cough cough cough..."

After listening to Shi Yao's report, Huang Chao couldn't help coughing violently, and even drew blood again.


Shi Yao suddenly turned pale with shock, and hurriedly prepared to go forward to investigate, but Huang Chao waved his hands indifferently, and said calmly: "It's okay, the old injury just relapsed."

"But Your Majesty, you..."

"Don't worry, this king knows it well."

Of course Huang Chao knew it in his heart, if Hua Tuo hadn't continued his life for him, he would have died long ago, and now he is just lingering on his last breath.

It was precisely because Huang Chao might fall at any time that he was so eager to force Zhu Wen to rebel, so as to pave the way for Zhu Tianpeng to ascend to the throne.

In Huang Chao's view, Zhu Tianpeng is straightforward and loyal, and he is also Zhu Yuanzhang's younger brother, and Zhu Yuanzhang is the successor of Zhang Jiao's will. Qi State is handed over to Zhu Tianpeng, and sooner or later he will be transferred to Zhu Yuanzhang after he is borrowed.

In fact, Huang Chao knew from the very beginning that Zhu Tianpeng was sent by Zhu Yuanzhang. The reason why he didn't point it out, but reused Zhu Tianpeng was because he wanted to use Zhu Tianpeng's hand to bring Qi back to Ming Dynasty.

Although Emperor Ming and Zhu Yuanzhang are both Zhang Jiao's successors, Huang Chao obviously agrees with Zhu Yuanzhang more. In his opinion, Emperor Ming only inherited Zhang Jiao's career, and Zhu Yuanzhang is the successor of Zhang Jiao's will, so Huang Chao is more willing to marry Qi. The whole country was entrusted to Zhu Yuanzhang.

Huang Chao had calculated everything, and now that Zhu Wen had been eliminated, he was just short of the last step, but something happened.

From Shi Yao's mouth, Huang Chao learned that Qin Hao's spy had fled into Zhu Tianpeng's mansion, and searched the whole mansion but still couldn't find it.

This shows what:
1. This is a deliberate frame-up by the secret agents of the Qin Army, in order to arouse their own suspicion and suspicion of Zhu Tianpeng.

2. Zhu Tianpeng is not as pure as he thought. He may be a three-faced spy who secretly has connections with Qin Hao and Zhu Yuanzhang.

Huang Chao thinks that the first option is more likely. Huang Chao has naturally investigated Zhu Tianpeng. Under his honest and honest appearance, although he also hides great wisdom, stupidity and cunning, his nature is still loyal and kind.

However, due to the relatively short time we have been together, Huang Chao is not sure whether this is due to Zhu Tianpeng's nature, or whether he deliberately wants to see this for himself.

If the former is fine, but if it is the latter, then Zhu Tianpeng is really scary, which means that he has been disguising himself from the very beginning.

Huang Chao didn't dare to gamble and was unwilling to gamble, but his body couldn't take it anymore, and he didn't have time to find a new successor to replace Zhu Tianpeng.

"Shi Yao, I have a mission for you." Huang Chao said softly.

"Your Majesty, please tell me that no matter what it is, Shi Yao will definitely complete it." Shi Yao said firmly.

Huang Chao nodded and said: "After the death of this king, Zhu Tianpeng will inherit the position of King Qi, but after this incident, this king can no longer fully trust him, but there is no one who can succeed him other than him." throne.

Therefore, this king hopes that you can supervise him for this king. If he has ambitions and acts of rebellion, you will kill him for this king, and then use the disguise technique to pretend to be Zhu Tianpeng and replace Zhu Tianpeng to general Qi The country was handed over to Zhu Yuanzhang. "

Shi Yao was adopted and taught by Huang Chao since she was a child. She has complex emotions for Huang Chao, both father and brother, and even mixed with love.

Seeing Huang Chao insisting on death, Shi Yao naturally knew that Huang Chao's end was approaching, so he couldn't help saying sadly: "Your Majesty, don't say such unlucky words, if you die, Shi Yao will never live alone."

A gleam of relief flashed in Huang Chao's eyes, he stretched out his hand to caress Shi Yao's cheek, and said with a light smile, "Silly boy, as long as you are human, you are doomed to die, it's just the difference between early death and late death.

In this king's life, the first half of his life was mediocre, and in the second half of his life, he was lucky enough to meet a virtuous teacher, so that there was light in his life, but in the end, this king has failed the virtuous teacher..."

Speaking of this, Huang Chao couldn't help sighing, this is also the pain of his life.

In the original Battle of Kaifeng, if he could defeat Qin Hao, Xiang Yu would not be qualified to compete with him for the successor, and Daming would definitely fall into his hands, and the current situation would not be the same.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs in life.

Huang Chao put his hands on Shi Yao's shoulders, and said seriously: "The world today is an unprecedented chaotic world. After the chaos, there will be great chaos, so you must live on, no matter who will rule the world in the end, you have to go for this king. Look at the new prosperity."

Shi Yao suppressed the sadness in her heart and nodded heavily: "Yes."

Huang Chao smiled: "Okay, I will issue a military order to Zhu Tianpeng for this king, and let him lead the army back. Now that Qi is in chaos, before the civil strife is put down, I don't have the energy to manage Beihai."


Shi Yao took the order to go, but she still stepped out of the gate, but Zhong Xiaokui ran in with a face of panic, and reported: "King Qi, something is wrong. General Zhu Tianpeng was defeated by Li Jing in Erlong Mountain. The [-] army Ten out of ten."


"Cough cough..."

Huang Chao and Shi Yao exclaimed at the same time, and then Huang Chao coughed violently again, and coughed up blood on his hand.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"It's okay, I can hold on."

Huang Chao resisted the dizziness, and said in a deep voice, "Immediately go and find all the battle reports on Erlong Mountain for me. I want to know whether Li Jing is superior or Zhu Tianpeng deliberately released the water."

Huang Chao knew Zhu Tianpeng's leadership ability. Both the army and the navy were superior to himself and Zhu Wen, but he lost to Li Jing so quickly. This made Huang Chao inevitably suspect that he deliberately lost to Li Jing.

"Your Majesty, Shi Yao has already found out, it shouldn't be Zhu Tianpeng who released the water, this Li Jing really deserves his reputation."

With that said, Shi Yao handed the stack of battle reports in his hand to Huang Chao who was lying on the hospital bed, and Huang Chao breathed a sigh of relief after reading it.

Shi Yao's investigation was still very detailed. In the battle of Erlong Mountain, Li Jing had the right time, place and people, but Zhu Tianpeng only had [-] defeated troops left in his hands. No wonder he lost to Li Jing.

Huang Chao didn't care whether Zhu Tianpeng won or lost the battle, what he cared about was whether Zhu Tianpeng lost on purpose, and now it's almost certain that he didn't, which is naturally the best.

"Let Zhu Tianpeng come to see me, I have something to say to him." Huang Chao said weakly.


Zhu Tianpeng walked into Huang Chao's ward with a worried face. He knew that he had failed Huang Chao's expectations, and he didn't know whether Huang Chao would be disappointed in him because of this.

What Zhu Tianpeng didn't expect was that Huang Chao on the sick bed, the first thing he said after seeing him was: "Tianpeng, Zhu Yuanzhang sent you to Qi, right?"

Zhu Tianpeng was stunned. After a long silence, he knelt down and said, "Yes."

"No, you are not."

"Huh? What does His Majesty mean?"

Zhu Tianpeng was a little confused, but Huang Chao said meaningfully: "After the death of the king, you will succeed the king as the king of Qi, so you will never, and you cannot be sent by Zhu Yuanzhang. You have been chosen by the king from the beginning. successor, do you understand what this king means?"

Zhu Tianpeng couldn't help being stunned. After thinking about it for a while, he seemed to understand Huang Chao's meaning, and then nodded.

Huang Chao also smiled, but soon the light in his eyes began to gradually dim.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

Shouts and cries resounded throughout the Qi Palace.

King Qi Huang Chao fell at this point. Since he had no children, under his personal appointment, the position of King Qi was inherited by general Zhu Tianpeng.

Soon after Huang Chao was buried, Zhu Tianpeng became the new king of Qi with the support of all civil and military forces, and Huang Chao became the new king.

 Second update, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a monthly pass...

(End of this chapter)

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