Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1427 Jiayan Fighting Dance

Chapter 1427 Jiayan Fighting Dance
Chapter 1425: Jiayan Fighting Dance
Today's great Han people are martial arts, and bow and arrow, as one of the six arts of a gentleman, are naturally more sought after by scholars and warriors, and even become a compulsory subject for all martial arts practitioners.

The number of big men learning bow and arrow has multiplied, and there are too many people who know how to play bow and arrow, so even if they know that Ota Ushiichi's archery level is extremely high, there are still many people who challenge him as an archer.

Most of these challengers' archery level is not too high, not even "Archer General", so naturally it is impossible to be the opponent of Ota Ushiichi who is at the level of "Arrow King".

Of course, a large number of archers were defeated, which made Ota Ushiichi more famous, and gradually attracted some masters to challenge, among them: Huang Xu, the son of Huang Zhong, and Xue Dingshan, the son of Xue Rengui...

The fathers of Huang Xu and Xue Dingshan are both the top archery masters in the Han Dynasty, and under their father's hands-on teaching, they have naturally practiced beautiful arrows.

Compared with Ota Ushiichi, who is at the level of 'Arrow King', Huang Xu, who has just reached the level of 'Arrow General', is far behind in all aspects. Although Xue Dingshan has been in the ranks of 'Arrow General' for a long time, after all Has not yet reached the level of the 'king of arrows'.

In the duel with Ota Niuichi, Huang Xu was the first to lose, leaving only Xue Dingshan gritting his teeth and struggling.

In the end, Xue Dingshan broke through and reached the level of "Arrow King", and then defeated Ota Ushiichi with great difficulty, and Xue Dingshan became a well-known young hero.

Knowing that the person who defeated Ota Niuichi was not Huang Zhong, Xue Rengui and other famous generals, but a young man like Xue Dingshan, everyone in the Dongying mission was stunned.

If the person who defeated Ota Ushiichi was a top archer like Huang Zhongxue Rengui, then everyone in the Japanese Mission would still be able to accept it. After all, the total number of big men who can bow and arrow is there, and the probability of producing a sharp archer is definitely higher than Dongpu is much bigger.

As the top archer in Japan, Ota Ushiichi represented the highest level of archery in Japan, but he lost to an unknown Han boy?

Doesn't this mean that the gap between Japanese archery and that of a big man is the gap between an adult and a child?

This is a bit unacceptable!

No matter how much you quibble, what kind of excuses you make, if you lose, you lose.

The Japanese Mission can also lose. The six items lost in the arena are directly unnecessary to compare, and they all admit defeat. The items of the competition between the two countries have also been reduced to thirty items.

After this result was announced, the people all over the world were in a state of excitement. No one thought that a small country with a lot of sesame seeds and bullets could defend thirty rings under the challenge of many talents from big men.

Although most of the first-class talents and top talents of the Han Dynasty have been divided up by the major princes, and the rest are basically concentrated in hundreds of families, so there are actually very few talents hidden in the folk. They are only second-rate talents, and the real masters are all on the sidelines and watching the show.

But even so, Dongying can hold thirty rings, which is already quite powerful in the eyes of the common people, and they have begun to face up to the small country of Dongying.

Although this country is small, it does have a lot of talent.

On the day of the Grand Competition, all the officials of the Han Dynasty and the major families gathered in the Luoyang Palace to participate in the grand event, and Qin Hao also made his grand finale appearance under the protection of four generals, Xiong Kuohai, Xu Chu, Arthur, and Fan Lihua.

"See Your Majesty."

Qin Hao took the lead in bowing to Liu Xie. As the Duke of the state, he no longer had to bow down, but others had to bow down.

"See Your Majesty."

All the ministers drank together, and the mountain roared and the tsunami was deafening.

Liu Xie, who was already 12 years old, was also faintly excited after seeing this scene, and pretended to be majestic and said: "Everyone is in peace."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

As a hostage, Kublai Khan is naturally qualified to watch the ceremony, and among the crowd watching the ceremony, he couldn't help sighing inwardly after seeing this scene: Yuan Meng wants revenge!

"Cough cough..."

Liu Xie coughed on purpose, and asked Qin Hao, who had already walked beside him, "Mr. Qin, the Dongying Kingdom traveled thousands of miles and came across the sea just to admire the civilization of our great man. My great man is a state of etiquette, so naturally we must Satisfy the wishes of the guests, I wonder if my great talents are ready?"

"Your Majesty, my great man is like a cloud of talents and a rain of outstanding people. Foreigners can see it at any time, so why do they need to make any preparations?" Qin Hao said with a light smile.

"Okay, let's get started, I can't wait to see it."

Qin Hao nodded with a smile, and then said to Oda City: "I am a man of etiquette, and the visitor is a guest, so let the princess choose the competition first."

Looking at Qin Hao's handsome face, the fascination flashed in Oda City's eyes, and after a little thought, he said: "It's only the time of day, it's early in the morning, and martial arts are not good, so why don't you compete with Wendou first?" Bar."

"As long as the princess is happy."

Hearing what Qin Hao said, Oda City nodded happily and said, "The first dance competition."

After all, a graceful and extremely beautiful woman walked out of the Dongying Mission.

"Izumo A country, my slave family, has a dance, and I invite you to appreciate it."

After saying that, a group of dancers walked quickly behind Izumo Akuni, and then the orchestra played Japanese-style music, and Izumo Akuni took the lead and began to dance to the music.

Izumo Akuni is said to be the founder of Kabuki in the East and the most powerful and famous dancer in the East. Anyone who has seen her dance is full of admiration and fascination.

Soon after the song was played, the dance also ended.

Except for Izumo Akuni, all the dancers were sweating profusely from exhaustion, and everyone present showed signs of enjoyment, and applauded involuntarily.

Qin Hao also had a happy face after watching it, and he understood why those aristocratic families like to support dancers. Such a top-level dance feast is indeed a visual enjoyment.

"Qin Gong, how is the dancing skill of our country's dancers?" Toyotomi Hideyoshi asked with a smile.

"not bad."

Although Qin Hao felt in his heart that Izumo Akuni's dance was impeccable, but now that it was a competition between the two countries, he would naturally not show weakness verbally.

"However, I think my big man dancer's dancing posture is more beautiful."

After saying that, a group of Han dancers walked quickly to the center, and when the head girl raised her head, many people present swallowed subconsciously.

"Slave Zhao Feiyan (Zhao Feiyan), leading all the court dancers, is here to dance for the adults."

Zhao Feiyan was not included in Baimei's summoning list. Qin Hao thought she was not among the list of Baimei's birth, but after capturing Luoyang, he found Zhao Feiyan among the many court ladies in Luoyang, and only then did he know that she was one of the hidden characters.

 The third update, please recommend tickets, monthly tickets... I still owe 10 chapters for rewards and updates.

(End of this chapter)

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