Summoning the Peak of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1428 Dancing in the palm of your hand

Chapter 1428 Dancing in the palm of your hand
Chapter 1426: Dancing in the Palm
[Zhao Feiyan: Charm 105. 】

Looking at this attribute, Qin Hao couldn't help sighing in his heart: Another disaster that will bring disaster to the country and the people.


The palace music sounded, and Zhao Feiyan sang and danced to the vagueness. Her flawless face, captivating eyes, beautiful singing voice, and graceful dancing posture captivated most of the people present at once.

After dancing to the song, Zhao Feiyan led all the dancers to salute, and all the people present showed unfinished expressions.

"Princess Oda, how about my big man's dancer?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

Oda City couldn't help but blushed, he was silent for a while, and said: "The big Han dancer, with superb skills, compared with me in Dongying, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is really difficult to distinguish between the top and bottom. This comparison may be considered a tie."

Hearing this, everyone showed their approval. The dancing skills of Zhao Feiyan and Izumo Aguchi are indeed unique.

Although Zhao Feiyan's appearance is far superior to Izumo Akuni's, this competition is about dancing skills, not a beauty pageant. The dancing skills of both groups have reached the peak of the world and are impeccable. really not easy.

Qin Hao also felt that in this fight, the two sides were indeed brothers, so he said, "If that's the case, then it's a tie..."

"Your Highness, this servant still has a unique skill that has not yet been revealed, and it will surely convince Dongying Dancer Girl." Zhao Feiyan said hastily.


Qin Hao showed surprise. Logically speaking, the two countries should go all out in the fight, but Zhao Feiyan actually had reservations.

"Since this is the case, then I will give you a chance to show it."

Hearing that Qin Hao agreed, Zhao Feiyan also breathed a sigh of relief, a strange color flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she said: "This unique skill of the servant requires the cooperation of one person. The servant hopes that His Royal Highness Qin Gong can cooperate with the servant to complete it."

As soon as this remark came out, all the officials frowned, and Liu Ji even reprimanded directly: "Big..."

But before the words finished, Qin Hao interrupted him.

"Hahaha, you maidservant, you are really bold, that's all, I will grant your wish."

After saying that, Qin Hao jumped down, and in a few dodges, he reached Zhao Feiyan's side.

" fast..."

Kublai Khan and Toyotomi Hideyoshi all looked surprised, obviously they were shocked by Qin Hao's move.

Zhao Feiyan was also taken aback by Qin Hao's sudden appearance, but then Qin Hao's words rang in her ears: "How do we cooperate?"

"You only need to stretch out your palm."


Qin Hao's eyes lit up immediately, and he had vaguely guessed what Zhao Feiyan wanted to perform, so he stretched out his left hand generously.

Under the attention of everyone, Zhao Feiyan slowly took off her shoes and socks, then jumped onto Qin Hao's palm, and began to dance to the beautiful music.

"This, this is... palm dancing?"

After seeing this scene, Cai Yong, Qiao Xuan, Xun Shuang...all showed shock.

Xun Shuang stroked his long beard lightly, and laughed heartily, "I never thought that this old man would still be able to see such a unique skill. It would be nice to live longer."

Among the courtiers and family members, Lu Lingqi asked her aunt curiously: "What is palm dancing?"

Just as Lu Susu was about to answer, Meng Yi on the side said first: "Dancing in the palm is the concubine of Emperor Cheng, Zhao Feiyan's unique skill, only Zhao Feiyan has practiced it for thousands of years, but I don't want it to be reproduced by a little maid now. "

"You talk too much."

Lu Lingqi turned her head away and ignored Meng Yi at all, while Meng Yi looked embarrassed.

Seeing this, Lu Susu scolded with a smile: "Lingqi, don't be rude."


Lu Lingqi snorted coldly, and said with an unhappy face: "What palm dancing, I think she is deliberately seducing Brother Hao."

What Lu Lingqi said was correct, the reason why Zhao Feiyan took the risk was to find Qin Hao alone to cooperate with her, naturally she had the idea of ​​seducing him, as for Qin Hao's power, it was him, probably only Zhao Feiyan knew.

Qin Hao's Overlord's Halberd, which weighs more than a hundred catties, can be moved like an arm, so it is not difficult to support a weak woman with one hand, but at this moment, although he is supporting a living person like Zhao Feiyan, his hand feels as if there is nothing in it. It's not heavy, and I can't help but secretly marvel in my heart.

Looking at the beautiful woman dancing in his palm, Qin Hao suddenly wanted to test her limits, so under the watchful eyes of everyone, he slowly raised his left hand above his head, and then retracted a finger, which also caused a burst of exclamation Voice.

With one finger less space, Zhao Feiyan's range of activities becomes smaller, and the difficulty of dancing naturally becomes greater.

Just when everyone thought that Zhao Feiyan was about to fall, they didn't expect that Zhao Feiyan was still indulgent, and she could still dance beautifully with only four fingers.


Qin Hao also showed surprise, Zhao Feiyan's hand really surprised him, but he still wanted to see where Zhao Feiyan's limit was, and then retracted the second, third, and fourth fingers.

As Qin Hao continued to reduce the number of fingers, Zhao Feiyan, whose activity space was continuously compressed, naturally felt great pressure, and there were faint sweat stains on her forehead, but she was still standing firmly until the last finger. It didn't fall off.


Seeing Zhao Feiyan dancing on Qin Hao's fingertips, everyone present gasped.

If palm dancing is a unique skill rarely seen in a thousand years, then what is this fingertip solo dance?

It has to be said that Zhao Feiyan's palm dance and solo dance with fingertips immediately conquered everyone present, even the people from the Dongpu Mission. Those who saw it were incomparably impressed.

After all, dancing with fingertips alone is much more difficult than dancing with palms. Even Zhao Feiyan, who is 'slender, light and graceful', cannot persist for a long time.

After dancing for a full minute, Zhao Feiyan's physical strength was exhausted, and she couldn't hold on any longer. She jumped down from Qin Hao's fingertips, but was caught by Qin Hao.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Looking at Qin Hao who was close at hand, Zhao Feiyan blushed and said shyly, "No, it's not hard."

Qin Hao helped Zhao Feiyan up, then smiled and said to Oda City: "Your Highness, I don't know if the dancers in Dongying can also dance at the same level?"

Oda City was silent, and everyone in the Japanese Mission was also silent.

After a while, Izumo Ah Guo walked out and said: "Master Zhao has superb dancing skills, and Ah Guo is far inferior. This one is more convincing than Ah Guo."

Izumo Ah Guo took the initiative to admit defeat, so naturally Zhao Feiyan won. She won the first battle for the big man, and she also made a good start.

After leaving the stage, Zhao Feiyan looked at Qin Hao in the distance reluctantly, but found that Qin Hao seemed to be looking towards her, and immediately ran away in a hurry like a frightened rabbit.

"Your Highness, what's the second match?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

A trace of firmness flashed in Oda City's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "Biqin music."

 One update to...

(End of this chapter)

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