Chapter 1444
Chapter 1442: Lieutenant Touching Gold
In the world of great struggle, if you don't take the initiative to fight, you are committing suicide slowly.

If Cao Cao wants not to be annexed by other princes and participate in the next struggle for hegemony, he must let Yanzhou recover as soon as possible, and this requires a large number of talents to govern Yanzhou.

However, the strength of the Yanzhou family is too weak to provide so many talents, so Cao Cao can only rely on the humble family.

Cao Cao was born into a family, so he was naturally afraid of offending the big family, but after discussing with Cheng Yu, Xun You, Chen Gong, and Bigan for a long time, Cao Cao came to another conclusion, that is, Yang Guang started this pioneering work, even if he Cao Cao imitated, and the family would never hate him to the extent that he hated Yang Guang.

As expected by everyone in Cao Wei, although Cao Cao implemented the imperial examination after Yang Guang, its influence was much greater than Yang Guang's imperial examination, but because Yang Guang was in front to attract hatred, the family did not transfer the hatred to him. On the contrary, it also attracted many children from aristocratic families to join him.

Chen Qun, Mao Jie, Lu Qian, Dong Zhao, Jiang Ji, Man Chong, Jiang Gan, Yang Xun, He Kui, Li Tong, Yan Ming, Zheng Hun, Linghu Shao, Kong Xiu, Han Fu, etc., Many civil and military heroes, or aristocratic families, or poor families, all gathered under Cao Cao's command because of the imperial examination.

Among the civil servants, Chen Qun, Mao Jie, Lu Qian, Dong Zhao, Jiang Ji, and Man Chong were the most talented. And the main founder of Cao Wei Law "Wei Law".

As for the military generals who came to vote, there was only Li Tong, a super-first-rate expert, and the rest were either second-rate or first-rate, but for Cao Cao, who was thirsty for talents, having these people was already very good.

Cao Cao gained a large number of talents because of his studies, and he also knew how to use them well. He distributed talented talents to various places, and at the same time started business with Qin Jun.

Yanzhou, under the blossoming of business and politics, has also developed extremely fast because of this, and its vitality has gradually recovered. Of course, it is definitely impossible to fully recover.

After unifying Yanzhou, Cao Cao started the full-scale construction mode, and even gave up fighting for Jianghuai for this reason.

Although Cao Cao coveted the Jianghuai granary very much, but his family background was not strong enough, and he did not have enough confidence to compete with Zhu Yuanzhang.

In addition, Yanzhou is the place of the Four Wars, and there are no princes around to provoke. If it expands its strength so quickly, it will only arouse the vigilance of the princes from all walks of life, and it will only end up being strangled by the joint in the end.

Therefore, since it is destined not to get Jianghuai, Cao Cao might as well look at it and sit and watch Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhao Kuangyin, and Yuan Shu fight among the three princes.

Seeing that Cao Cao did not intervene in the Jianghuai War, and that he was carrying out various constructions in Yanzhou, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately saw that Cao Cao was strong on the outside but on the inside, and wondered whether he should deal with Cao Cao first?
Since Zhu Yuanzhang had already sent troops to Jianghuai, using troops against Cao Cao would be a two-front war. Naturally, it was impossible for him to commit such a military taboo, so he had to wait until he took Jianghuai and then turned his guns.

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang still wanted to join forces with Jizhou Mingting to send troops together. From Jizhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, and Jianghuai, the troops were divided into four groups to attack Yanzhou at the same time. Completely destroyed in one battle.

Cao Cao, who devoted himself to the construction of Yanzhou, did not know that he had been targeted by Zhu Yuanzhang, and if Zhu Yuanzhang's plan could be implemented, even if he had an army of 20 in his hands, without external interference, it would be difficult for him to resist the three forces of the Ming army. Road attack.

Of course, Qin Hao was already preparing to incorporate Ming Ting, so Zhu Yuanzhang's plan was doomed to fail, and Cao Cao also saved his life because of Qin Hao.

Although Cao Cao temporarily gave up the Jianghuai River, he would not give up the opportunity to profit from it. He thought of selling military supplies to Yuan Shu, and getting several times the money and food from Yuan Shu, which would be fed back to the construction of Yanzhou.

Anyway, Yuan Shu is probably so poor now that he only has money and food left. With the strength of Jianghuai, he must not be able to use it up. It is better to use it in exchange for supplies to fight against Zhu Yuanzhang.

However, there are only a handful of people who are willing to support Yuan Shu. After all, he attacked Nanyang and offended Qin Hao to death, and Qin Hao now represents the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty. Yuan Shu has been labeled as a rebel. No prince dared Yuan Shu to provide support.

Although the relationship between Cao Cao and Qin Hao was good, they didn't dare to help Yuan Shu openly, so they could only make deals secretly in exchange for valuable construction resources for Yanzhou.

Although the deal between Cao Cao and Yuan Shu was a robbery, he was the only one who was still willing to help Yuan Shu. Therefore, Yuan Shu had to be the one who took advantage of him whether he wanted to or not.

In order to develop Yanzhou's internal affairs, Cao Cao also took great pains to obtain money and food from Jianghuai Yuan Shu at the risk of offending Qin Hao.

In addition, Cao Cao also did another insane thing, that is, set up Mojin Xiaowei to rob tombs, and exchange the funeral objects of the dead for the money and food needed for development.

In fact, as early as the outbreak of the Yanzhou War, Cao Cao set up Mojin Xiaowei.

At that time, Cao Cao was under the siege of the four princes of Yanzhou and Li Zicheng's five forces, and when he was completely cornered, Cao Cao could even use human flesh as military food, so what else could he do? Can't come out?Things like tomb robbery are considered low-level.

It is said that the first tomb stolen by Cao Cao's Mojin Xiaowei was the tomb of Liang Xiaowang Liu Wu in Mangdang Mountain, Yongcheng.

Liang Xiaowang Liu Wu is the son of Emperor Wen of Han Dynasty and the younger brother of Emperor Jing. With 300 miles of land and mountains, he can be described as rich and invincible. His biggest regret in his life is that he did not win the ninth five-year plan.

Since it is impossible to "realize the dream" in this world, Liu Wu intends to complete it after his death, so he built a huge mausoleum in order to live the emperor's addiction after death.

The reason why Cao Cao was able to shoot and kill Li Zicheng and even unify Yanzhou even when the oil was almost exhausted was largely due to the robbery of Liu Wu's tomb, relying on the rich burial objects in Liu Wu's tomb. I went through the most difficult period of my life.

Of course, once news of the tomb robbery is reported, it will definitely be condemned by the moralists, and even Duke Qin and Qin Hao will be 'alarmed'.

Seeing Qin Hao's envoy come to ask for accountability, Cao Cao also knew that things were getting serious, so he could only temporarily dismiss Captain Mojin, to avoid the limelight first, and wait for the limelight to pass, depending on the situation.

Now that Cao Cao has unified Yanzhou, Qin Hao will definitely not offend him for such things as tomb robbery. After all, there are many tomb robbers in troubled times, and Cao Cao is not the only one who has done this. Many princes have a dedicated tomb robbery. team.

Cao Cao was confident, so he started his old business again. This time he aimed at the tomb of Huainan King Liu An.

 The second update to... This one is for October, and the November update will be counted separately.

(End of this chapter)

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